
Canada high court allows Métis challenge of mine leases

The Supreme Court of Canada on Feb. 28 allowed an application by the Métis Nation-Saskatchewan (MNS) for judicial review of the Saskatchewan government's approval of mining permits to proceed. The court ruled that the application, launched in 2021, was not an abuse of process because previous proceedings between the parties had not addressed the dispute in the present case. At issue are three uranium exploration permits within territory over which the MNS asserts Aboriginal title and rights.

Mexico launches 'Operativo Frontera Norte'

Mexico has launched a massive deployment of 10,000 troops to cities and towns on the border with the United States. Videos and photos posted on social media by Mexico's Secretariat of National Defense (SEDENA) showed military and National Guard troops lined up boarding transport planes and rows of army trucks rolling out in the predawn darkness Feb. 4 from bases in Mexico City, Tlaxcala and other cities. Large contingents were also mobilized to Mexico's southern border in the Yucatan. The response—dubbed "Operativo Frontera Norte"—is part of an agreement reached the previous day between US President Donald Trump and Mexican President Claudia Sheinbaum postponing trade tariff threats for a month. (El Paso Times, Peninsula360)

Podcast: nullify the election! VI

Mere days before Donald Trump is to be inauguratedBill Weinberg continues to raise the demand for nullification of his election on 14th Amendment grounds. As Congress certified his victory last week, a demonstration calling for this was held in Washington, organized by podcaster (and former Trump campaign worker) Jessica Denson. But the centrist establishment—including Kamala Harris, who presided over the certification—is utterly capitulating to the fascist takeover of the country. In vivid contrast, protesters courageously take to the streets and politicians refuse cooperation to defend democracy from authoritarian power-grabs in South Korea, Georgia, Romania, Slovakia and Mozambique. In Episode 260, the CounterVortex podcast urges a last-ditch line of defense: pressure on Chief Justice John Roberts to refuse to administer the oath of office.

Ontario: bicycle lanes and Canadian Charter rights

Canadian bicycling advocacy group Cycle Toronto along with two individual cyclists, Eva Stranger-Ross and Narada Kiondo, have filed a court challenge Dec. 11 against new provincial legislation granting the Ontario government authority over the installation and removal of municipal bike lanes. The group argues that the law, Ontario Bill 212, infringes on cyclists' rights to life and security under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. It is being represented by the firms Paliare Roland LLP and Ecojustice.

Estonia recognizes Crimean Tatar deportation as genocide

The Estonian parliament, the Riigikogu, on Oct. 16 officially recognized the mass deportation of the Crimean Tatars by the Soviet Union in 1944 as an act of genocide. The statement passed in the 101-seat body with 83 votes in favor and eight abstentions. The decision comes at a time of renewed focus on Russia's ongoing policies in Crimea, which the Riigikogu linked to Soviet-era atrocities. The statement

Podcast: Tolstoy would shit II

The bellicose and authoritarian Russian state's propaganda exploitation of the anarcho-pacifist novelist Leo Tolstoy is an obvious and perverse irony. But a less obvious irony also presents itself. Like all fascist regimes, that of Vladimir Putin is stigmatizing and even criminalizing homosexuality and other sexual "deviance." Following alarming reports of "concentration camps" for gay men in the Russian republic of Chechnya, Moscow began to impose an anti-gay agenda nationwide. A 2020 constitutional reform officially enshrined "traditional marriage," while a "gay propaganda law" imposes penalties on any outward expression of gay identity, resulting in police raids on Moscow gay bars. The "LGBT movement" has been designated a "terrorist organization"; media depictions of same-sex love are banned as "deviant content." Yet the venerable littérateur now glorified as a symbol of Russian nationalism may have himself been gay. In Episode 247 of the CounterVortex podcast, Bill Weinberg interviews Javier Sethness Castro, author of Queer Tolstoy: A Psychobiography (Routledge 2023).

Israeli strikes hit aid convoy in Gaza

An Israeli air-strike hit a convoy carrying fuel and medical supplies to a hospital in Gaza on the night of Aug. 29, reportedly killing several employees of a transportation company associated with the US-based NGO American Near East Refugee Aid (Anera). Israel says it was attacking "armed assailants" who were trying to hijack the truck, but Anera said the only people killed worked for the transport company and they had confirmed their route as part of a "humanitarian deconfliction" program intended to stop hits on aid. The hit on the convoy, which eventually arrived at the Emirates Red Crescent Hospital in Rafah, came days after Israeli soldiers at a checkpoint shot at a vehicle marked as belonging to the World Food Program, which said it was pausing staff operations in Gaza until further notice. WFP head Cindy McCain said, "This is totally unacceptable and the latest in a series of unnecessary security incidents that have endangered the lives of WFP's team in Gaza… The current deconfliction system is failing and this cannot go on any longer." Israel's assault in Gaza has made 2024 the deadliest year on record for humanitarian workers.

First Nations challenge Ontario Mining Act

Six First Nations from northern Ontario announced Aug. 12 the initiation of a lawsuit challenging the provincial Mining Act, arguing that the legislation infringes upon their treaty rights and other guarantees under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The central contention is that the Act enables prospectors and mining companies to stake claims on Crown lands, including traditional Indigenous territories, without prior consultation, due to a digital claim-staking process that was introduced in 2018. This mechanism allows claims to be registered online within minutes, without the knowledge of affected First Nations. 

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