narco wars

Indigenous pastor assassinated in Chiapas

Father Marcelo Pérez, an indigenous Tzotzil Maya priest with the Diocese of San Cristóbal de las Casas, in Mexico's conficted southern state of Chiapas, was assassinated immediately after celebrating Mass Oct. 20. He was returning to his car from the church at the barrio of Cuxtitali in the highland city of San Cristóbal when he was shot by gunmen on a motorcycle. Hundreds of mourners attended his funeral the following day in the village of is birth, San Andrés Larráinzar, chanting "Long live Father Marcelo, priest of the poor." He had received threats for his outspoken opposition to the criminal organizations and paramiitary groups fueling violence in Chiapas. The murder was condemned in a statement by the Mexican Bishops' Conference, which said the act "not only deprives the community of a dedicated pastor but also silences a prophetic voice that tirelessly fought for peace with truth and justice in the region of Chiapas."

UK to transfer sovereignty of Chagos Islands to Mauritius

The UK announced Oct. 3 that it will transfer sovereignty over the Chagos Islands, now ruled as the British Indian Ocean Territory, to Mauritius after more than two centuries of control.

A joint statement issued by UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer and his Mauritian counterpart Pravind Jugnauth hails the accord as an "historic political agreement on the exercise of sovereignty over the Chagos Archipelago," which will mark the end of British control over the islands. The UK-US military base on the archipelago's principal island of Diego Garcia will remain operational for an initial period of 99 years to ensure its continued "vital role in regional and global security." The UK will be "authorised to exercise the sovereign rights of Mauritius" on Diego Garcia. The decision follows two years of negotiations over the future of the islands between the two nations.

Ecuador moves toward return of foreign military bases​

Ecuador's President Daniel Noboa Azin on Sept. 16 announced a decision to introduce a bill amending Article 5 of the constitution, to permit the establishment of foreign military bases in the country. In a post on X (formerly Twitter), the president announced that a "Partial Reform Project to the Constitution" would be presented before the National Assembly. An official statement from the General Secretariat of Communication of the Presidency said that President Noboa would present this bill to "substantially modify Article 5" of the Constitution of Ecuador.

Mexico: jurists strike to oppose constitutional reform

Federal judges voted Aug. 19 to go on strike across Mexico, in protest of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador's pending reform of the country's judicial system. The judges will join thousands of other court employees who similarly announced an indefinite strike earlier that day over the proposed constitutional changes. Under the judicial reform unveiled in February, the number of justices ("ministers") on the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) would be reduced from 11 to nine, and all SCJN ministers as well as all judges and magistrates nationwide would be elected by popular vote. Candidates would be appointed by the three "powers" of the state: executive, judicial, and legislative. The reform would also establish a Judicial Discipline Tribunal to investigate jurists for possible corruption. The monitoring group Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA) criticized the proposed reform as representing a "setback for human rights" that could consolidate power in the executive and "lead to the continuation and deepening of patterns of impunity and abuse against the population."

'Blood avocados' in the news amid Michoacán violence

The US Department of Agriculture on June 17 suspended inspections of avocados and mangoes in the Mexican state of Michoacán due to security concerns, halting the top source of US imports. The move was taken three days after two agents of the USDA's Animal & Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) were accosted during a protest in the town of Paracho, beaten and briefly detained. Michoacán is Mexico's heartland of avocado production, but the trade has been notoriously co-opted by the local warring drug cartels to launder narco-profits, leading to charges of "blood avocados" in the violence-torn state.

Mexico: amnesty decree stirs human rights concerns

Mexico's government added an article to its Amnesty Law in a decree June 14, allowing the head of the Executive Branch to commute sentences and halt criminal proceedings in cases deemed "relevant to the Mexican State," regardless of the severity of the crime. The new Article 9 states the country's president has exclusive authority to grant amnesty directly, without following procedures establlished esewere in the law, in specific cases meeting two conditions. The first is that amnesty is granted to individuals providing verifiable information useful for uncovering the truth in cases relevant to the national nterest; the second is that criminal prosecution has already been initiated against the individual. Amnesties granted under this article extinguish any pending criminal charges.

Honduras implements 'Crime Solution Plan'

The National Defense & Security Council of Honduran President Xiomara Castro announced in a national broadcast June 14 a sweeping plan to crack down on crime and safeguard public security. The Crime Solution Plan calls on the Defense and Security secretaries, the Armed Forces, and the Military Police are to immediately plan and execute interventions in municipalities with the highest incidence of major gang-related crimes, such as assassination, drug trafficking, extortion, kidnapping, drug trafficking, arms trafficking, and money laundering.

Haiti gangs profit from mission delay

The continually delayed deployment of a Kenya-led Multinational Security Support (MSS) mission has raised concerns over how prepared the UN-approved and US-bankrolled force will be to face the security crisis in Haiti. An analysis from Insight Crime suggests the gangs have been using the extra time to "fortify what could be a fierce response." A first contingent of about 200 Kenyan police officers was expected to land in the capital, Port-au-Prince, in late May, but its arrival was postponed after an advance delegation from Kenya identified a shortage of equipment and infrastructure. In an interview with the BBC, Kenyan President William Ruto said the deployment of 2,500 troops, including 1,000 Kenyan police officers, will now start mid-June.

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