Back Issues

Summer 2022: Russia's Strategy to Destabilize the BalkansRussian Genocide of the Ukrainian Nation: Toward International Recognition 

Spring 2022: Crimea: Legacy of the Deportation: Crimean Tatars Again Being Erased from History in Their HomelandApology to the 'Witches': Why Now?Environmental War Crimes in UkraineEchoes of Syria, as Putin Bombs Hospitals in UkraineThe Crimean Clause of the Ukrainian Question 

Winter 2021-2: Afghanistan: Going Back to ZeroLibya: Worsening Prospects for PeaceUkraine: Kharkov Anarchists SpeakMyanmar: Crises Spiral One Year After CoupStatement from Ukrainian SocialistsOn the Ethiopian Civil War 

Fall 2021: India: Outcry Against 'Special Powers' After Nagaland Masssacre'What Must Be Done for the Planet': The Campaign to Shut Down New England's Last Coal PlantAnti-Asian Persecution in California's Cannabis Country 

Summer 2021: Iran: The Forgotten Tragedy of AhwazAfghan Women Who Are Speaking OutWomen's Rights Activist Confronts a Divided BangladeshMexico: Will Cannabis Decrim De-escalate Drug War?Rohingya Feminist Seeks Inter-Ethnic UnityIran: A New Wave of Mass Protest 

Spring 2021: Sri Lanka's Animal Emblems: How they Exacerbate Ethnic TensionBurma's Genocide—the View from BangladeshAnarchy in Belarus: Anti-authoritarian Voices in Uprising against the DictatorshipUS Militarizing Borders in Central AmericaBiden Must Stop Deporting HaitiansEthnic Minorities and Burma's Democratic Resistance 

Winter 2020-1: Burma: A New Democratic UprisingInvoke Inter-American Charter for USA 

Fall 2020: Journo-Murder Surge in IndiaHibakusha 'Still Cannot Get Over It'Anarchist Commune Manchuria 

Summer 2020: Two Faces of FascismTrump's America No Longer Safe for RefugeesThe Monumental DilemmaHas Pandemic Strengthened Xi Jinping?

Spring 2020: Shadow War on the Borderlands: Guerillas, Smugglers and Militarization on Colombia-Venezuela FrontierWe Are Killing Them: Heavy Toll COVID-19 on Undocumented ImmigrantsWill Newspapers Survive COVD-19? 

Winter 2019-20: Stalin's Caucasus Crimes—That Putin Wants You to ForgetSquat Calabria2019: India Improves Journo-Murder Index

Fall 2019: Idlib Resists: Syrian Resistance Stands Up Again—This Time Against Islamist MilitiaLeft Waiting: Africans Caught in US-Mexico Migration Limbo

Summer 2019: Rome Squatters Face ClampdownHow India Complcated Kashmir DisputeAlgeria: Bouteflexit Complete. Now What?Syria: From Revolution to Quagmire'Russiagate', Syria and the Left

Spring 2019: Critique of Geopolitics and the Left: Interview with Veteran Journalist and Activist Bill WeinbergUS Left Must Not Forget Afghan Women

Winter 2018-9: Anti-Terror Law Could Target Aid Groups—in Palestine and BeyondWeather War: How Iran's Regime Uses Floods and Drought as Tools of Ethnic CleansingTogo Protests Challenge DictatorshipIt's Not About 'Regime Change': A Brief Account of US Intervention in SyriaCuba Surrenders 'Green Scare' Fugitive

Fall 2018: Blasphemy Laws & Human Rights: Ireland's Vote to Remove Blasphemy from Constitution and the Asia Bibi CaseThe Guatemala Genocide Case: Justice Delayed, Justice Denied?No! Idlib is Not a 'Terrorist Enclave'

Summer 2018: First Nations Resist BC Pipeline PlansRed-Brown Politics: Don't Take the Bait!Turkish Kurdistan: Erasure of a CultureMass Protests Sweep Vietnam

Spring 2018: In Defense of Tactical Voting—With No Illusions, and No ApologiesOutcast Lawyers in China: Disbarment, Suspension and HarassmentThe Struggle for a Federal BurmaSyria and the 'Anti-Imperialism' of FoolsIsrael's Greater Jerusalem BillPeople of the Earth: The Mapuche Struggle in Chile

Winter 2017-8: China's Peaceful Rise? The Fate of Lawyer Liu YaoPositively Quilca Street: Anarchist Scene Survives 'Clean-Up' in Lima, PeruSeeking Justice for Gujarat Genocide: Interview with Teesta SetalvadThe Revolution Will not be Disneyfied: But Has Disney Been Revolutionized? The Paradoxical Politics of Black Panther; New Displacement Crisis in Syria: Turkey's Offensive Against Kurds Follows Assad's Offensive in IdlibEurope Sends Afghans Back to Danger

Fall 2017: Violence, Power and Mining in Peru: The Case of Las BambasThe Violence of Extractivism: Mega-Dam Project Now a Site of Heightened Conflict in Post-War ColombiaThe Rise and Fall of Women's Rights in Afghanistan; Syria's Kurdish Contradiction; After Gauri Lankesh: Standing for the Human Rights of Journalists in India

Summer 2017: Panama: Criminalization of the NgäbeCuba Verde Revisited: Will Island's Ecological Solutions Survive Economic Opening?Dismantling Power: Zapatista Presidential Candidate's Vision to Transform Mexico from BelowA Feminist Future for Free Kurdistan: Interview with Houzan MahmoudThe Gaza Siege at Ten: Reaching a Humanitarian and Political Breaking Point

Spring 2017: China's Ivanka Trump SweatshopsMussolini in Lower Manhattan: Against the Red-Brown AllianceI Fought in Libya: Please Don't Call Us TerroristsHigh Crimes and Misdemeanors: Did Trump Commit Them?; Syria's Nonviolent Fighters; Tribal Rights and Federal Obligations from Dakota Access to Keystone XL; Donald Trump: A Fascist by Any Other Name; India: Assamese Muslim Girl Overcomes Diktat

Winter 2016-7: Community Power Against Mega-Mining: The Municipal Resistance in El SalvadorOnly Left Radicalism Can Stop FascismBurma: Scribe's Murder Tests DemocracyAmerican 'Left' Abets Trump-Putin AxisThe Global Land GrabClimate Change & Bolivia's Crisis DroughtNew York City Protests Against Evictions... in Tibet

Fall 2016: Syria: Counter-revolution Crushes AleppoElectors Must Dump TrumpAmerican 'Left' Abets Genocide in SyriaTrumps' Victory and ImmigrationAlgeria: New Staging Post for MigrantsThe KGB Had Nothing on VerizonDanes Who Stand with RefugeesThe Dakota Access Pipeline: A Legal Environmental Justice PerspectiveSaudi Women Push for Full RightsWar in Ukraine: The View from the East Village

Summer 2016: Another Week Closer to Fascism: Putin Shows What Trump has in Store for AmericaSelf-Organization in the Syrian RevolutionThe Fall of Daraya: From Roses to Evacuation in SyriaClimate Change & Creative RevoltPeru's New Government Wants More ChinaGreen Party, White PrivilegeDefeat Pendejo-Fascism! Bernie's OK — But not 'Or Bust'Oaxaca Teachers Movement: Not Thwarted by State TerrorDemocracy Goddess Comes to ChinatownWhy Mining Corporations Love Trade Deals

Spring 2016: El Niño and Ethiopia's Threatened PastoralistsNigeria's Chibok Girls: Do We Really Care?Adieu to the 'Peace Pentagon'Challenging the Nation State in SyriaA Federal Syria: Kurdish Initiatives on the RiseSyria's Independent Media: A Bold Challenge to ExtremismFair Trade: Threat to Global PoorThe Free Trade Assault on Clean Water: Mining Companies Sue Colombia for 'Right' to PolluteThe Firewall Cafe Controversy: Chinese State Censorchip Reaches Manahttan's Lower East SideDrilling Toward Disaster: Ecuador's Aggressive Amazonian Oil Push; Mozambique's Movement to End Land Grabs

Winter 2015-6: No Way Out: How Syrians are Struggling to Find an ExitWater: Commodity or Human Right?Berber New Year in a Ukrainian Church; Syria: Revolution and Intervention; India: Elusive Justice for Assam Victims; Drought and Disaster for Somali Herders; Iran's 'Moderate' Hangman; Relief for Libya's 'Chinese Camp'?; Ethnic 'Divide and Conquer' in Israel; The Sieges in Syria; Indigenous Communities Win Consulation Law in Guatemala; Syria: Raqqa Civilians on the Line; Independence Hero to Opposition Icon: Hocine Ait Ahmed, Algeria's Voice of Conscience, Passes On

Fall 2015: DIY in Damascus: Rooftop Gardens in Syria's Besieged NeighborhoodsSyrian Refugees Defy Crackdown in Turkey; Climate Change Migrants of BangladeshSuqatter Eviction has Pakistan's Poor on the RunAsylum Seekers on Hunger Strike in TexasRussia's Syria Intervention —and the LeftRefugees Face Backlash —in IndiaRasul Kadaev: From Guantánamo Bay to Putin's Prisons; Epistemologies of Freedom: Interview with a Young Kurdish Revolutionary; Paramilitary Terror in the Philippines; For Solidarity, Against Imperial Narcissism: An Interview with Bill Weinberg; Japan's Constitutional Crisis: Questioning US Support for Tokyo's National Security Moves

Summer 2015: Afghanistan's Paramilitaries: Abuses Rise Along with Pro-Government MilitiasUS Failing Kids Fleeing Central AmericaSo Much for Sanctuary: How an EU Asylum Rule 'Results in Death'Uighurs Caught in the Great GameFour Years After the Arab RevolutionsChicago's Rebel Rabbi: An Interview with Brant RosenYemen: Splintering Out of ControlIraq's Deepening DividesBorder Control: Now a Global Game

Spring 2015: Bangladesh: After the Blogger Murders; US Failing Syrian Refugees; The Nicaragua Canal Plan: Resisting  Dispossession; Against the Imperial 'We': The Fight Against ISIS is My Fight; Asylum Seekers Detained —for Profit; Taiwan: One Year After the Sunflower Movement; Is Tibet a Country?

Winter 2014-5: Why Did UN Abandon Congo Operation?Syria's Kurdish Revolution: The Anarchist Element and the Challenge of Solidarity; Omar Aziz: Syrian AnarchistDeath of Literacy: Digital TotalitarianismWhat's Next for Libya?Neither East Nor West: How a small group of anarchists took on the Soviet Union and won!Nigerian Lives Matter: the Baga Massacre ControversyJihadist Scylla, Imperial CharybdisPeruvian Communities Reject COP 20Central African Republic: Whither Justice?

Fall 2014: Impressions of Rojava: Kurdish Revolution in SyriaImmigration Enforcement: Anti-Labor ToolThe World's Strangest Landgrab: Wandering Amu Darya River Opens Afghanistan Border ConflictMauritania: Crackdown on Land StruggleColombia: Talks with the Other Guerillas?Yemen: Street Patrols and PolarizationLiberians in US Face Ebola StigmaBurkina Faso: A Thousand Sankaras Come of AgeBolivia's CONAMAQ Indigenous MovementBlack versus Yellow: Class Antagonism in the Hong Kong ProtestsKurdistan's Female Fighters: Revolution Kobani-StyleSouth Africa: New Struggle for LandFracking Fight Looms Large in Mexico

Summer 2014: Water vs Profits: Mineral Company Strikes Back at El SalvadorWhy UN Climate Talks Continue to FailStanding Up for Gaza in New York City: Not for the SqueamishSeeing the Women in Revolutionary SyriaThe New PKK: Social Revolution in Kurdistan; Gazans Face Struggle on War Crimes Claims; Understanding Syria's Four-Front War; Practicing Peace in Wartime: Israelis and Palestinians Who Refuse to Be Enemies; Selective Internationalism: Gaza and Syria Reveal an Activist Disorder; Brazil's Defeat: Beyond Football; Archaeology and the Zionist Project; Left Solidarity with Syria: Supporting the Grassroots Movements; Nicaragua: Specter of the Canal; Iraq and ISIS: The Kurdish Factor

Spring 2014: Occupy Fortul: Colombian Poor Reclaim Lands Slated for Military BaseSilvia Rivera Cusicanqui: Indigenous Anarchist Critique of Bolivia's 'Indigenous State'Yuhang Protests Shake Chinese RegimeDid Narendra Modi Abet Mass Murder?Nigeria: Towards a Post-Petroleum Future; Heartland Stands Up to KeystoneUkraine: Revolution and ContradictionFrom Algeria to Syria: Kurdish-Berber SolidarityTaiwan's Alternative Future: Revolutionary Content in the Sunflower Movement; Rebirth of Hope in Colombia: Return of the Patriotic Union; Brazilian Hydro Behind Bolivia's Flooding?; China's Strategic Interests in Post-Withdrawal Afghanistan; Mali: Hopes for Reconciliation

Winter 2013-14: Yassin al-Haj Saleh: Interview with the Conscience of SyriaSyria: Between Iraq and a Hard PlaceThe Far Right in Ukraine: A New Order?COINTELPRO and Divisive HateWar and Women's Rights in AfghanistanMega-Mining in UruguayNigeria: Slippery Justice for Oil Spill VictimsEmpires of Gold: Colombian Extractivism TodayThe Battle Over Sustainable Development in Ecuador's Intag ValleyThe Return of Black Mesa: Restoring Navajo CountryPeru: Police in the Pay of Mining CompaniesSyria: Genocide by International ConsensusThe Veil: Flag of the Muslim Far Right

Fall 2013: Nagasaki Call for Nuclear AbolitionCOP 19: True Crime; China's Third Plenum: More Market, More DictatorshipUranium Mining and Native ResistanceSyria: The Struggle Continues; Bolivia: The Politics of Extractivism; Burma: Open for Business of Genocide; Global Warming and the End of GrowthIndigenous Language Recovery in PeruTrans-Pacific Partnership: Strict SecrecyGlobal Warming's Arctic Feedback Loop

Summer 2013: Guantánamo Justice: No Justice At AllSyria: It's Still a RevolutionSolidarity Betrayed: How the Left Came to Abandon SyriaRevolutionary Egypt: The Best of Times, the Worst of TimesHistory Rewritten: Egypt's Battle Over NarrativesMilitary Seeks Egyptian Thermidor; Road Wars of Colombian AmazoniaMexico's Drug War Prison BoomEgypt: Revolutionaries Push Out IslamistsEgypt: A People's Revolution, Not a Crisis or a CoupMonsanto Faces Opposition in Puerto RicoAnarchism in Egypt: An Interview from Tahrir SquareBrazil: Private Transit, Public ProtestsIs Mexico Failing to Protect Journalists?

Spring 2013: Guatemala's Long Road to JusticePeru Backslides on Indigenous RightsTurkish Hopes for a New BeginningWhither Iran's Democratic Opposition?Mexico: Violence and Impunity in XalapaUS Still Supports Honduran Death SquadsLakota Elders: "Going Extinct is Genocide"Why Russell "Maroon" Shoatz Must Be Freed from Solitary ConfinementLooking for Gandhis in MexicoCurvarado Humanitarian Zone: Afro-Colombian Communities Reclaim the LandPalestinians and the Syrian RevolutionVenezuela's Debt to Indigenous PeoplesTrans-Atlantic Partnership Trade Pact

Winter 2012-13: Planet Earth: Nuclear-Free ZoneAnarchism and the Arab UprisingsMarx and Extractivism in Latin AmericaCan Vigilante Justice Save Mexico?Tunisia on Razor's EdgeStruggle for Land and Water in the AndesUS Marines and the Drug War in GuatemalaIraq: No Future for al-Qaeda's ChildrenThe Sandstorm of War in Northern MaliWikiLeaks, Ecuador, and the Belarus ConnectionGlobal Warming and Bolivia's Kallawaya HealersIndia: Tibetans March for Human RightsIf You're Reading This, the World Hasn't Ended —Yet

Fall 2012: Guatemala's "Little School of the Americas"Ethiopia's Anuak Confront World Bank over Ethnic CleansingHonduras: Drug War as Counterinsurgency?Military Intervention in MaliThe Descent of the Colombian ArmyHaiti: Hidden Costs of the Industrial Zone; Peru's Sendero Luminoso Back —and the 'Dirty War'?The Trans-Pacific Partnership Trade Pact: More Draconian Than NAFTABehind the Chicago Connection: The DEA and Sinaloa CartelPeruvians Stand Up to Newmont MiningGuantánamo Detainees: The "Other" Victims of 9-11; Year Two of the Arab Revolution; Mexican Peace Caravan Occupies Wall Street; Goldcorp on Trial in Guatemala; The Babar Ahmad Case: Do US Prisons Violate European Human Rights Law?; Bolivia's Aymara Dissidents; Indigenous Nasa Resist Militarization in Cauca, Colombia; The Wal-Mart Corruption Case: Innocents Abroad?; Tibet & Assam: Pawns in India-China Game; Guatemala: Divide and Rule in the Land of Gold; The Dark Side of WikiLeaks: Revisited; Syria: The Myth of Palestinian Neutrality; Israel and Iran: Protesters Unite for Peace; Bolivia Pushes Back Against Glencore; Quebec Innu Protest Plan Nord

WW4R #178, Summer 2012: REDD: Peruvian Rainforest Dwellers Charge Privatization Scheme; Argentina's Oil: Will Privatization Make a Difference?; Occupy Guatemala!; Mesoamerica Project Replaces Plan Puebla-Panama; Mexican High-Tech Workers Demand Justice; India: Passive Resistance to Mega-Hydro in Assam

Special Feature: Left-Libertarians: The Last of an Ancient Breed

WW4R #177, December 2011: Will the World Betray Burma's Pro-Democracy Movement?; Occupy Juárez Defies Repression; Land Theft as Legacy of Genocide in Guatemala; Brazil: Guarani Leader Slain in Land Occupation; iDidn't Mourn Steve Jobs

WW4R #176, November 2011: Occupy Tijuana Tests Civil Rights; The Bolivia Genocide Case: US Shelters Top Fugitive; India-Burma Anti-Terror Alignment Betrays Pro-Democracy Movement; Israelis & Palestinians: Co-resistance vs. Co-existence; The Algerian Mosque that Sheltered Jews in Nazi-Occupied Paris

WW4R #175, July 2011: Chile: The Mapuche Struggle in Pinochet's Shadow; Love, Memory & Struggle in Ciudad Juárez; Feminist Solidarity with Iran; Labor Roots of Egypt's Revolution; China's Growing Presence in Latin America; Haiti 1994: Lessons for Libya; Secrets of Gaza: Izzeldin Abuelaish's Quest for Peace

WW4R #174, May 2011: Libya's Two Wars: Revolutionary Struggle and NATO Intervention; Syria's Downward Spiral; Wirikuta: Sacred Indigenous Site in Mexico Threatened by Canadian Mining Company; Trotskygrad on the Altiplano: Bolivia's "Permanent Revolution"

WW4R #173, March 2011: Anti-Imperialism and the Libyan Revolution; Latin America and the Arab Revolts; Washington's North Africa Dilemma: How Will the Empire React?; Revolution in the Age of Facebook

WW4R #172, January 2011: Bolivia's New Water Wars; Cancún Pact: No Victory for Climate Justice; The Dark Side of WikiLeaks; Turning Point for Chihuahua Drug War; Europe's Year of Intolerance

WW4R #171, September 2010: 9-11 at Nine: The Conspiracy Industry and the Lure of Fascism; The Mosque Controversy —In China; West Bank Bedouin: Worse Off than Gazans; US Attacks Iraqi Labor; Extreme Weather and Global Warming

WW4R #170, August 2010: BP: The Case for Public Ownership; Blockade! Dockworkers Worldwide Respond to Israel's Flotilla Massacre; Interview: Sheikh Anwar McKeen, King of Nubia; Book Review: Rwanda and the Politics of Denialism

WW4R #169, July 2010: Private Prisons, Public Pain: Systematic Abuse in Texas' For-Profit Archipelago; Wildcat Strikes in China: Towards an Independent Labor Movement?; Colombia Terror: Cinton's Complicity; The Supreme Court, Somalia and Sovereign Immunity: Historic Ruling Means US Is Not a Safe Haven for War Criminals

WW4R #168, June 2010: The Climate Justice Groundswell: From Copenhagen to Cochabamba to Cancún; Venezuela and the Myth of "Eco-Socialism"; Peru: Peasants Protest Irrigation Megaproject; Haiti: Struggle and Solidarity After the Cataclysm; Mexico's Other Disappeared: Demanding Justice for Missing Migrants; Pogroms, Paranoia and Polling in India: A Muslim Woman Confronts Her Fear of Voting—Eight Years After the Gujarat Massacres

WW4R #167, May 2010: Honduras and the Political Uses of the Drug War; Why the Media Ignore Latin America; Mexico: Media Misreadings of the Border Violence; Somalia: Where Fun is Forbidden

WW4R #166, April 2010: "Rebuilding Haiti": The Sweatshop Hoax; Falklands Crisis Redux; AfriCom and the New Scramble for Africa; Afghanistan: Women's Rights Still Trampled; The Traumas of Immigration Law

WW4R #165, March 2010: Bloody Calabria: Criminal Networks Exploit Italy's Anti-Immigrant Backlash; Drug War Drones Over Latin America; Plan Juárez: Echoes of Chiapas on Mexico's Northern Border; Gaza Fishermen Under Fire; The Paradoxical Politics of Avatar: A Hollywood Simulacrum of Indigenous Struggle

WW4R #164, February 2010: Haiti: the Challenge of Solidarity; Haiti and the Jews: Forgotten History; Mexico: Drug War Militarization Continues in 2010; Western Sahara and Aminatou Haidar; Obama's First Year: What Comes Next For the Anti-War Forces?; Venezuela: Voices of Participatory Democracy

WW4R #163, January 2010: Peru's Amazon Uprising: Indigenous Resistance to the Corporate Agenda; Somalia Case Threatens War Criminals Worldwide: US Supreme Court to Rule on Sovereign Immunity; Notes on Obama's Energy Plan: "Everything Must Change So That Everything Can Remain the Same"; Israel & Palestine: Combatants for Peace Speak Out; Holocaust Denial in the Arab World: Why It is On the Rise; A New Deal for Immigrants in 2010?

WW4R #162, December 2009: Obama's European Missile Plan and the Czech Anti-Bases Movement; Afghanistan: No to Fundamentalist Criminals, No to the US Occupation; The Torture of Syed Hashmi: Terror War on Trial in New York City; Women in Black Confront Impunity and Femicide in Ciudad Juárez; Colombia: One Year After the Minga; Corporate Bio-Colonialism Advances in Mexico; Book Review: Of Wobblies and Zapatistas

WW4R #161, November 2009: Iraqi Labor Leaders Speak; Venezuelan Labor Between Chávez and the Golpistas; Indigenous Struggle in Venezuela; Free-Trade Roots of Mexico's Narco Crisis; Coca-Cola Off the Hook for Colombia Terror; Plan Colombia: Exporting the Model; Why Neoliberalism Needs Death Squads in Colombia

WW4R #160, August-September 2009: Otto Reich's Fingerprints on Honduras Coup?; Honduras: the Banana Connection—Again; Politics-as-Usual While the Planet Burns: Climate Bill Offers Pseudo-Solutions; Worldwatch Plays Along: Malthus, Biofuels and Free-Market Environmentalism; A Billion Bucks for Clunkers Ain't Green; The Untold Story of Women's Resistance Behind Bars

WW4R #159, July 2009: Honduras: the Resistance So Far; Austerity, Privatization and Union-Busting in Iran; Sufis and Neocons: the Global War on Terrorism's Strangest of Bedfellows; Czech Republic: Neo-Nazis Exploit Growing Anti-Roma Racism; "Operation Chihuahua Plus": A Textbook Case in Drug War Failure; Teaching Rebellion in in Oaxaca

WW4R #158, June 2009: The "Colombianization" of Chihuahua; Kidnap, No Ransom: Drug Cartel Slave Labor in Northern Mexico?; Mexico's Resurgent Guerillas; Mega-Projects and Militarization in Oaxaca

WW4R #157, May 2009: The Voice of Free Somaliland; AfriCom: Making Peace or Fueling War?; Darfur and the International Criminal Court; Counter-Terrorism Threatens Spanish Democracy; Lost Daughters of the Rio Grande

WW4R #156, April 2009: Ciudad Juárez Militarized; Humanitarian Aid as Crime on the Southwest Border; Amnesty Now: How and Why; Guatemalans Resist Mega-Mines and Hydro-Dams; Mapping Controversy in Oaxaca: Zapotects Protest Pentagon-Funded Cartography Project; Is the Defense Budget A Stimulus Package?; Lessons from Post-Consumerist Cuba

WW4R #155, March 2009: Obama, Kyrgyzstan and the Great Game for Central Asia; Prisons Beyond Guantánamo: Thousands of "Enemy Combatants" Held in Global Gulag; Obama's Biggest Foreign Policy Challenge: Mexico?; Mexico's Southwestern Front: Low-Intensity War in Michoacán and Guerrero; NAFTA and Hemispheric Militarization; Terror in Perijá: Resource Wars on Venezuela's Indigenous Frontier; Biofuels: Promise or Threat?

WW4R #154, February 2009: Afghanistan: Building on Traditions of Peacemaking; Obama's Iraq Withdrawal: Real or Illusion?; Palestine: New Standards on Self-Determination Needed; Lomas de Poleo: Border Land Battle Sizzles; Chiapas: Portrait of the Resistance; Hipster Anti-Semitism

WW4R #153, January 2009: Opus Dei: The Vatican-Pentagon Connection; Czech Republic: Neo-Nazis Prepare Anti-Roma Pogroms; Border Under Siege: US Military Training and Texas Guns Fuel Mexico's Narco Wars; Obama and the Border Wall; The Financial Crisis Hits the Immigration Debate; Colombia: Indigenous Leader Assassinated

WW4R #152, December 2008: New Texas Gas War: Fort Worth Confronts Corporate Colonization; California Town Beats Back the Water Cartel; Colombia: U'wa Fight New Oil Exploration; Chávez Faces Geopolitical Nadir?; Who Is Behind the Assam Terror?; Nationalize the Banks!; Quantum of Anti-Imperialism: James Bond Saves Evo Morales from the CIA!

WW4R #151, November 2008: Assam in Flames: Jihad and Ethnic Conflict Heat Up India-Bangladesh Borderlands; Darfur and Sudan: Towards Revolution; Bolivia: Congress Approves Constitutional Referendum; Lomas de Poleo: Land Struggle in Ciudad Juárez; Book Review:The World We Wish To See

WW4R #150, October 2008: Behind the Econocataclysm: Globalization, Oil Shock and the Iraq War; Venezuela: the Next Cuban Missile Crisis?; UN Membership for Eurasia's Phantom Republics?; Sami Al-Arian Case Exposes Federal Immigration Gulag; Corporate Power and the Secure Border Initiative

WW4R #149, September 2008: New Orleans Three Years Later: Katrina and Counterinsurgency; Public Housing Defenders Face Terror Charges; Permanent People's Tribunal on Colombia; Indigenous Peoples and Ecuador's New Constitution; Immigration Detention: the Case for Abolition

WW4R #148, August 2008: Colombia's Heart of Darkness in Manhattan—and Washington; McCain's Big Oil Ties—from Iraq to Colombia; Total Recall in Bolivia; General Strike in Peru; Hokkaido: the Anti-Climate Summit

WW4R #147, July 2008: Shake Djibouti: Eritrea Crisis Destabilizes Imperialism's Horn of Africa Beachhead; Will Bolivarian Revolution End Coal Mining in Venezuela?; Obama and the School of the Americas; John Hagee & Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: Fearful Symmetry; Israel & Palestine: Demanding Co-existence

WW4R #146, June 2008: Enough With the Hugo Chávez Hero Worship; Santa Cruz Autonomy Vote Polarizes Bolivia; Landowner's Rebellion & Slavery in Bolivia; Bolivia After the Water Wars; Guatemala Genocide Trial; The Anti-Imperialist Case for Tibetan Freedom; Global Article 9 Conference in Japan

WW4R #145, May 2008: Free Trade and the Global Food Crisis; The New Walls of Baghdad; Israeli Settlers Destroy Palestinian Olive Groves; Mapping the Complicity of Israeli Architecture; Colonization and Resistance in Tibet; Review: Memoirs of a Tibetan Marxist

WW4R #144, April 2008: The US Threat to Mexican National Security: Gringos Arm Narco-Gangs; The North American Union Farce: Right-Wing Paranoia Misses the Real Threat of NAFTA's Militarization; The Audacity of Vagueness: Barack Obama on Latin America; John McCain's Pastors; "MOVE 9" Await Parole

WW4R #143, March 2008: Roma Demand Holocaust Remembrance in Czech Republic; Kosovo’s Independence Reverberates Across Eurasia; Threatened Groves of Galilee: Palestinians Struggle for Land and Dignity—Inside the Green Line; Canada's Secret War in Iraq; Perspectives on Colombia from the US Civil War

WW4R #142, February 2008: Transnationals and the Oil Shock; Global Warming and Global Justice; Marlon Santi: New Voice of Ecuador's Indigenous Movement; Bolivar's Sword: Venezuela and the Colombian Insurgency; Zapatismo in New York City

WW4R #141, January 2008: Iraq's Civil Resistance Stands Up; Pictures from Palestine; Betrayal at Bali: Towards a People's Agenda on Climate; Fear and Loathing in Bolivia; Immigration & the Surveillance State

WW4R #140, December 2007: Interview with Niger's Tuareg Resistance; Iran's Left Opposition Rejects US Aggression; Plan Mexico: Militarization and the "Mérida Initiative"; Constitutional Conflict in Bolivia and Venezuela; "Downwinders" Say No to Revived Nuclear Weapons Program

WW4R #139, November 2007: Iraq: Exposing the Corporate Agenda; Darfur: Not a "Clash of Civilizations"; El Salvador: Struggle for Water Rights; Flathead Flashpoint: the Coming War with Canada; Book Review: Mexican Radical Noir

WW4R #138, October 2007: Israeli High Court Returns Palestinian Lands?; Militarism and Islamist Extremism in Pakistan; Darfur: A New Cold War Over Oil; Paraguay: Laboratory for Latin America's New Militarism; Colombia: Paras, Army Still Killing Peasants; Indigenous Anarchism in Bolivia; Book Review: Pirates of the Mediterranean

WW4R #137, September 2007: The Israel Lobby & Global Hegemony: Revisited; Yemen: The Next Quagmire; Mauritania's New Anti-slavery Law; Bolivia: End of the New Social Pact?; Guatemala: Maya Fight the Mineral Cartel; Quebec: Protests Rock NAFTA Summit; NYC: Toxic Dust at Ground Zero; Against the Carbon Culture

WW4R #136, August 2007: Colombia's Paramilitary Paradox; Iran: The Anti-Imperialist Case Against Nuclear Power; Iran: State Still Stones Women; Roma: "Verging on Genocide" in Czech Republic; Book Review: The Great Syrian Revolt

WW4R #135, July 2007: Iraq: A New Age of Genocide?; Voices of Iraqi Oil Workers; Israel & Palestine: One State or Two?; Free Speech in Venezuela; ILEA in El Salvador; The MOVE Massacre: 22 Years Later; The Gas-Guzzler Lobby

WW4R #134, June 2007: Czech Dissidents Resist the New Euro-Missiles; Algeria: Democracy Crumbling?; Africa's Indigenous Peoples Fight for Inclusion; Hydro-Colonialism in Canada and Mexico; Latin America: ALBA Grows, World Bank Shrinks; Ayaan Hirsi Ali: Ingénue or Provocateur?

WW4R #133, May 2007: Return of Plan Puebla-Panama; Indigenous Summit in Guatemala; Mining & Violence in Mexico: the Canadian Connection; China in Africa: the New Debate; India: Human Rights & the Naxalite War; Costa Rica to Vote on CAFTA; Nicaragua: Sandinista Redux

WW4R #132, April 2007: Yemen on the Brink of Sectarian War; Somalia: the New Resistance; Gaza Strip: Still Under Seige; Rape & Reform in Pakistan; Bionoia Pt. 6; Tom Forçade: Unsung Hero of the Counter-culture

WW4R #131, March 2007: Iran: the Left Opposition Speaks; Sufism under attack in North Africa; FARC on Trial, Pt. 2; Bolivia: Street Heat for Nationalization; the Vietnam GI Movement & Iraq

WW4R #130, February 2007: The Shi'ite "Cult" Militia and Iraq's Apocalypse; Guatemala: Mineral Cartel Evicts Maya Peasants; Africa: Presidents in the Dock; Russia: Conscientious Objection & Chechnya; Review: Overthrow: America's Century of Regime Change

WW4R #129, January 2007: Niger Delta Militias: Behind the Mask; Colombia: the Paras and the Oil Cartel; Land & Power in Bolivia; Peru: Elite Face the Heat; Review: Apocalypto

WW4R #128, December 2006: Chiapas: Struggle for the Lacandon Selva; Rafael Correa: Ecuador's Chavez?; Venezuela: Zulia Separatism & the Oil Cartel; Indigenous Border Summit; Betrayal of Western Sahara; Nuclear-Free Central Asia; Real Scoop on Biofuels

WW4R #127, November 2006: The Israel Lobby & Global Hegemony; Bush Moves Towards Martial Law; FARC on Trial; Demilitarizing Latin America; Bolivia: gas & coca updates; Trade Protests Rock Costa Rica; Review: Endgame in Western Sahara

WW4R #126, October 2006: Save Darfur: Zionist Conspiracy?; Slavery in Sudan & Mauritania; Mexico's Two Presidents; Ecuador: Luis Maca interveiw; El Salvador: water privatization update; Review: Understanding Iraq

WW4R #125, September 2006: 9-11 Conspiracy Theory Deconstructed; Lebanon: After the 33-Day War; Agrarian Reform in Bolivia; Mexico: the Labor Crisis Behind the Electoral Crisis; Bionoia Pt. 5; Review: The Big Wedding: 9-11, The Whistle Blowers and the Cover-Up

WW4R #124, August 2006: Lebanon: Endgame of the Neo-cons; Somalia: Washington's Warlords Lose Out; Constitutional Reform Bolivia; Politics of the Queens Blackout; The "Si Se Puede" Insurrection: A Class Analysis

WW4R #123, July 2006: Sufism & the Struggle within Islam; Bionoia Pt. 4; South America: IIRSA & the FTAA; Cuba and North Korea: Peak Oil Preview; Review: Insurgent Iraq

WW4R #122, June 2006: Iraq's Civil Resistance: Samir Adil Interview; Anatomy of the West Bank "Realignment"; 9-11's Hidden Victims; Politics of the FARC Indictments; Bolivia: Evo Seizes the Gas; Review: The Da Vinci Code—decoding the hype

WW4R #121, May 2006: Bird Flu hype deconstructed; Bionoia Pt. 3; Elections in Palestine & Haiti: This is What Democracy Looks Like!; Colombia Quagmire Deepens; Latin America's Battle of Ideas

WW4R #120, April 2006: Iraq's Civil Resistance: Houzan Mahmoud Interview; Blaming "The Lobby"; Nagorno-Karabakh & the Caucasus Pipeline; Anti-CAFTA protests in El Salvador; Review: V for Vendetta

WW4R #119, March 2006: From Baghdad to Tokyo: Japanese Anti-War Movement Hosts Iraq's Civil Resistance; Operation "Green Colombia": chemical warfare continues; CAFTA update; Water Privatization in El Salvador; Bolivia's Radical Cabinet; Review: We Are Iran—Blogging in Farsi

WW4R #118, February 2006: South America Pipeline Wars; Bolivia's Trial by Fire; Jordan Valley Apartheid; Bionoia Pt. 2; Review: Three Cities Against the Wall

WW4R #117, January 2006: Gilbert Achcar Interview; Media Under Fire in Iraq, Pt. 3; Bolivia: struggles for land and hydrocarbons; Review: Syriana

WW4R #116, December 2005: Politics of the Anti-War Movement; War on Truth at Guantanamo; Paraguay: Pentagon Beachhead; the Bird Flu scare & Avian Fascism; Bionoia Pt. 1; Review: Foucault & the Iranian Revolution

WW4R #115, November 2005: Ojeda Rios: State Terror in Puerto Rico; Algeria's amnesty vote; Eastern Anatolia: Iraq's Next Domino?; Review: Imperial Overstretch

WW4R #114, October 2005: Peru: Camisea pipeline advances; Guatemala: Maya resist mineral cartel; Amjad Aljawhary: Iraq labor leader speaks; Eco-warfare in Palestine; Review:Globalizing Liberation

WW4R #113, September 2005: Mauritania: Anti-Slavery Resistance Speaks; Oil & Occupation in Western Sahara; Darfur: Janjaweed Out of Control?; Iraq's Unionists Defy Assassination and Occupation; "Peak Oil" Deconstructed; Review: Inside the Kingdom

WW4R #112, August 2005: The UN's Congo War; Media Under Fire in Iraq, Pt. 2; Srebrenica Ten Years Later: Against Bosnia Revisionism; Hunger in Africa: Critque of "Live 8"; Review:The Long Emergency

WW4R #111, July 2005: The Re-Occupation of Haiti; the New Resistance in Argentina; Lebanon at the Crossroads; Battleground Brooklyn: Muslim immigrants still targeted. Review: A Berber Exile's Paranoia on Route 66

WW4R #110, June 2005: Plan Colombia's Secret Air Force Program in Peru; Chemical Warfare in Colombia; Indonesia Tsunami Fallout: Remilitarization; Review: Is George Bush a Sith Lord?

WW4R #109, May 2005: Darfur: NATO Intervention?; Iraq: the Provocateur State?; New Nuclear Disarmament Campaign; Review: Kingdom of Heaven

WW4R #108, April 2005: John Negroponte exposé; Colombia v. Venezuela: the next oil war?; Colombia Peace Community update; Chechnya: Farewell, Alsan Mashkadov; NYC: 9-11's Toxic Menace; The Anti-war Movement: Two Years Later; Review: The Librarian of Basra

WW4R #107, March 2005: Colombian Peace Community massacre; Is there a "Third Alternative" in Iraq?; Media Under Fire in Iraq; Nuclear Agenda 20005; Islam Karimov: Uzbek Dictator, US Ally; In Defense of Judi Bari; Lynne Stewart Convicted

WW4R #106, January-February 2005: Welcome to World War 4; Tsunami's hidden toll on India's indigenous peoples; Pipeline Politics in Ukraine; Iraq & Colombia: the Halliburton connection; War's Toll at Home; Farewell, Gary Webb

WW4R #105, December 2004: Congo: Rwanda's Secret War; Towards a Petroleum Commons; US Attacks Iraqi Agriculture; War Crimes charges for Donald Rumsfeld; Free Vermont?! Review: Refusenik!

WW4R #104, November 2004: Updates: genocide in Sudan, Ethiopia; US doubles Colombia troop presence; Iraq's Marsh Arabs; Global Oil Squeeze: Deconstructing the Propaganda

WW4R #103, October 2004: Indigenous march in Colombia; "Peak Oil" Shock; US-India Terror Summit; Attack on Palestine Cave-Dwellers; Cocaleros Revolt in Peru & Bolivia; Haiti: Armed Gangs Deepen Post-Hurricane Agony

WW4R #102, September 2004: RNC protests in NYC; Secret Oil Wars in Northeast India; Venezuela: Oil Politics & the Recall Vote; Colombia: Uribe Fingered as Nacro Lord; Israel: Civil War Next?

WW4R #101, August 2004: Iraq's Civil Resistance: Yanar Mohammed Speaks; Israel to UN: Drop Dead!; Darfur: Military Intervention?; Bolivia's Muddled Gas Nationalization; Farewell, Farouk Abdel-Muhti

WW4R #100, July 2004: Proxy Wars in Congo; Ingushetya: Next Caucasian Domino?: Iraq Meets the New Boss

WW4R #99, June 2004: Hakim Bey on the New Jihad; Darfur: Rwanda Revisited?; US troops fight in Colombia?

WW4R #98, May 2004: Iraq: Interview with Civil Resistance leaders; Israel's Oppressed Jews; Tear Gas on the West Bank; Harsh Hand for NYC Palestine Protesters; Farouk Free at Last

WW4R #97, April 2004: Special Reports: Genocide in Ethiopia; Hell in Chechnya; Terror in Colombia; Sahel Terror War Front Opens; Anti-War Re-mobilization

WW4R #96, March 2004: Destabilization in Haiti; ethnic cleansing in Sudan; power play in anti-war movement

WW4R #95, February 2004: US imperialism targets Mars; Bruce Ratner targets Brooklyn; land-grab and industrial conspiracy on the West Bank; Anuaks face genocide in Ethiopia

WW4R #94, January 2004: Who really captured Saddam? IDF shoots Israeli activist; secret wars for the Nile; Chiapas: the Acteal massacre six years later; indigenous feminism in India; update on political struggle Antarctica

WW4R #93, December 2003: Palestine faces robo-occupation; Justice Department threatens World War 4 Report

WW4R #92, September-October 2003: Cancun WTO protests; Haitian refugees: forgotten terror war victims; eye-witness reports from Colombia, Ecuador, Peru

WW4R #91, August 2003: West Bank: Jayyous under siege; Plan-Puebla Panama resistance in Honduras; eye-witness reports from Colombia's war zones

WW4R #90, July 2003: The New Scramble for Africa; Iraq archeological plunder; Which World War is This?

WW4R #89, June 9, 2003: Impeachment for Bush? Andes aflame; Congo genocide
WW4R #88, June 2, 2003: NATO split: almost official; Blair to The Hague?; US to Africa: eat shit or die

WW4R #87, May 26, 2003: Indonesia unleashes Aceh bloodbath; Israel represses nonviolence movement
WW4R #86, May 19, 2003: Iraq's independent press stands up; secret wars in Africa; "Palestinization" of Chechnya
WW4R #85, May 12, 2003: Anti-US protests in Baghdad and Kabul; Benny Elon: Fear of a Muslim Planet
WW4R #84, May 5, 2003: Bechtel back in Iraq; Oxy funds terror in Colombia; Islamic terrorists in Venezuela?

WW4R #83, April 28, 2003: Shi'ites boogie in Karbala; oily politics of occupation; real raiders of the Lost Ark
WW4R #82, April 21, 2003: Anti-US protests in Baghdad, Mosul; Garner and Bechtel chart occupation
WW4R #81, April 14, 2003: Baghdad occupied; war grinds on in Afghanistan, Palestine, Colombia
WW4R #80, April 7, 2003: Baghdad besieged; Karbala under bombardment; West Bank: forced expulsions in Tul Karm

WW4R #79, March 31, 2003: Bloody road to Baghdad; civilian casualties mount; corporate vultures circle in
WW4R #78, March 24, 2003: Bush launches Iraq invasion; new offensive in Afghanistan; Chiapas jungle burns
WW4R #77, March 17, 2003: Rachel Corrie: US activist killed in Gaza Strip; Israeli military in Chiapas rainforest?
WW4R #76, March 10, 2003: Israeli chem-war on Bedouin; "Stealth" Colombia aid; NYC: fear on Atlantic Ave.
WW34R #75, March 3, 2003: Deconstructing Israel's "Apartheid Wall"; 1993 WTC blast retrospective; redevelopment battle for Ground Zero

WW4R #74, Feb. 24, 2003: US troops to fight in Philippines, Colombia? Bangladesh on the brink
WW4R #73, Feb. 18, 2003: Anti-war movement re-emerges; millions march worldwide on Feb. 15
WW4R #72, Feb. 10, 2003: Imperialist carve-up of Iraq planned; Kurds screwed yet again; France next?
WW4R #71, Feb. 3, 2003: Iraqi Kurdistan: staging ground for war; US plans bio-war in Colombia

WW4R #70, Jan. 27, 2003: Election-eve ethnic cleansing on the West Bank; political struggle in Antarctica
WW4R #69, Jan. 20, 2003: Special Report: Land Grabs and Evictions on the West Bank
WW4R #68, Jan. 13, 2003: The case for impeachment; Pentagon mad scientists; Is Saddam the New Churchill?
WW4R #67, Jan. 6, 2003: Is there a draft in your future? Basra gets bombed for New Year's; Kurdistan: the next Bosnia?

WW4R #66, Dec. 30, 2002: Special Holiday Nuclear Paranoia Issue; Korea back to the brink—Iran next?
WW4R #65, Dec. 23, 2002: Sweeps of Muslims in California; secret Iraq arms deals; Enron screws Palestine
WW4R #64, Dec. 16, 2002: Bush on Iraq: Nuke 'Em!; chemical warfare on West Bank?; guerillas in Mexico
WW4R #63, Dec. 9, 2002: New imperialist carve-up of Middle East planned; Canada: the Forgotten Front
WW4R #62, Dec. 2, 2002: Reservists desert in Israel, US; Enron, Bechtel and Halliburton invade the Andes

WW4R #61, Nov. 25, 2002: Homeland Security Act passes; Poindexter leads Pentagon cyber-snoop agency
WW34R #60, Nov. 18, 2002: State terror in Palestine, Gujarat, Chiapas
WW4R #59, Nov. 11, 2002: UN passes Iraq resolution; Jordan destabilization; Latin America's "Axis of Evil"
WW4R #58, Nov. 4, 2002: Israel-Lebanon water wars; Afghan opium wars; Persian Gulf oil wars

WW4R #57, Oct. 28, 2002: Sharon prepares ethnic cleansing; Mossad in Kashmir; Wellstone murdered?
WW4R #56, Oct. 21, 2002: Bali blast backlash in Australia; Farouk Abdel-Muhti and the fight for habeas corpus
WW4R #55, Oct. 14, 2002: Al-Qaeda back?—in Yemen, Kuwait and Bali
WW4R #54, Oct. 7, 2002: Olive harvesters attacked in Palestine; EPA snow-job in Colombia coca eradication

WW4R #53, Sept. 30, 2002: Halliburton, Carlyle smell porkfest in Iraq; Israel to step up "black ops"?
WW4R #52, Sept. 23, 2002: US sells out Georgia, Uighurstan to win Russian, Chinese support on Iraq invasion
WW4R #51, Sept. 16, 2002: Saddam's mistress tells all; updates on Georgia, Philippines, Ground Zero
WW4R #50, Sept. 9, 2002: New York City: One Year Later
WW4R #49, Sept. 1, 2002: US schmoozes Turkmenbashi for pipeline; Fascist legacy behind Gujarat massacre

WW4R #48, Aug. 26, 2002: Ethnic war looms in Iraq; IDF shuts down peaceniks; Russia to re-take Georgia?
WW4R #47, Aug. 18, 2002: Israel prepares for nuke war; White House woos Kurds; al-Qaeda in Oklahoma?
WW4R #46, Aug. 12, 2002: Nuclear strikes on Iraq planned; Russia signs trans-Afghan pipeline deal
WW4R #45, Aug. 5, 2002: Special Hiroshima Day Nuclear Paranoia Issue! Also: New Persian Gulf crisis

WW4R #44, July 28, 2002: Special Issue on the Secret Oil Wars: Burma, Aceh, Xinjiang, Bolivia
WW4R #43, July 21, 2002: Special Issue on Bush, Cheney & Croporate Sleaze
WW4R #42, July 14, 2002: Latin America update; crackdown on Islamic militants in Chiapas
WW4R #41, July 7, 2002: First post-9-11 July 4th: grateful throngs pledge allegiance to police state

WW4R #40, June 30, 2002: Lynne Stewart interview; 4th of July nuclear paranoia report
WW4R #39, June 23, 2002: US plans military action against Iraq, Canada, Netherlands
WW4R #38, June 16, 2002: "Dirty Bomb"? Don't believe the hype! Also: Victory in Judi Bari case
WW4R #37, June 9, 2002: Special Report continues: The 9-11 Cover-Up and the New Federal Police State
WW4R #36, June 2, 2002: Special Report on the 9-11 Cover-Up

WW4R #35, May 26, 2002: Special Report: Xenophobia & Reaction in Europe
WW4R #34, May 19, 2002: Botched raids in Afghanistan kill more civilians; Cuba new Terror War target?
WW4R #33, May 12, 2002: Special Report: ANWR & the Global Energy Wars
WW4R #32, May 5, 2002: : Special Report: Iraq, the Sanctions & Weapons of Mass Destruction

WW4R #31, April 28, 2002: Special Report on Europe & the Balkans
WW4R #30, April 21, 2002: Special Report: Venezuela & the Global Energy Wars
WW4R #29, April 14, 2002: What heppened in Jenin?; Afghan opium war; activist attorney Lynne Stewart busted
WW4R #28, April 7, 2002: Israel re-occupies West Bank, journalists and activists defy ban to bear witness

WW4R #27, March 31, 2002 : Latin America: "Operation Thanatos" in Colombia; Islamic militants in Chiapas?
WW4R #26, March 24, 2002: Special Report: Israeli Espionage in the USA; Also: Philippines' Insurgency Anatomy
WW4R #25, March 17, 2002 : UN endorses Palestine; Israel pulls back in West Bank—world chilling out?
WW4R #24, March 10, 2002 : Special Nuclear Paranoia Issue—It's Official: Bush Prepares for N-war!
WW4R #23, March 3, 2002: Conspiracy industry exploits 9-11; "Ministry of Truth" update

WW4R #22, Feb. 24, 2002: Pentagon "Ministry of Truth" unveiled; more hot Enron gossip; anthrax update
WW4R #21, Feb. 17, 2002: Carlyle Group: The "Next Enron"?
WW4R #20, Feb. 9, 2002: Special Report on NYC WEF protests
WW4R #19, Feb. 2, 2002: Special Issue on Enron & Energy

WW4R #18, Jan. 26, 2002: Did Hamid Karzai work for Unocal? Ecological impacts of Afghan bombardment
WW4R #17, Jan. 19, 2002: The New Great Game; US militarizes Kyrgyzstan; Bedouin land struggle in Israel
WW4R #16, Jan. 12, 2002: Bombing continues; Afghan puppet regime approves; US protects terrorists
WW4R #15, Jan. 5, 2002: Special Anthrax Paranoia Issue; more villages wiped out in Afghanistan

WW4R #14, Dec. 29, 2001: New regime welcomes US troops; local warlords wary; global nuclear paranoia
WW4R #13, Dec. 22, 2001: Afghan interim regime inaugurated; US bombs dignitaries? The New Great Game
WW4R #12, Dec. 15, 2001: US bombing casualties equal WTC victims; Bush & bin Laden: All in the Family
WW4R #11, Dec. 8, 2001: Afghan peace deal shaky; Osama and Omar still on the loose; NYC Ground Zero update
WW4R #10, Dec. 1, 2001: Mazar-i-Sharif prison massacre; refugee crisis spirals; Philippine front opens

WW4R #9, Nov. 24, 2001: Imperialist carve-up in Afghanistan; Latin America terror alert update
WW4R #8, Nov. 17, 2001: Taliban collapses; local warlords take control
WW4R #7, Nov. 10, 2001: Starvation in Afghanistan; NYC Ground Zero update
WW4R #6, Nov. 3, 2001: PATRIOT Act sweeps through Congress; Good-bye, Posse Comitatus

WW4R #5, Oct. 27, 2001 : Civilian casualties mount in Afghanistan; famine looms; aid agencies protest
WW4R #4, Oct. 20, 2001 : First US casualties in Afghanistan; Is Bush's war illegal? Baghdad next?
WW4R #3, Oct. 13, 2001: Chevron's war? First civilian causalites in Afghanistan; Uzbekistan militarized
WW4R #2, Oct. 6, 2001: Who is Osama bin Laden? Taliban, Northern Alliance: "Flip Side of Same Coin"

WW4R #1, Sept. 30, 2001: War on Terror or War for Oil? Terrorism Paranoia in Latin America

Reprinting permissible with attribution.