Civil Resistance in Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria
Iraq's Civil Resistance: Resource page
Iraq Freedom Congress statement on fifth anniversary of occupation, April 9, 2008
Resistance or retrogression? The battle of ideas over Iraq
by Peter Hudis, The International Marxist-Humanist, November 2004
Statement on the seventh anniversary of the US invasion of Afghanistan
Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA), Oct. 7, 2008
NYC Syria Peace Vigil Group statement
Samir Adil, president of the Iraqi Freedom Congress, June 2006
Houzan Mahmoud of the Iraqi Women's Rights Coalition, June 2006
Yanar Mohammed of the Organization of Women's Freedom in Iraq, August 2004
Khayal Ibrahim of the Organization of Women's Freedom in Iraq and Samir Noory of the Worker Communist Party of Iraq, May 2004
Interview with Issam Shukri of the Union of Unemployed in Iraq, May 2004
Palestine and Jewish solidarity
Resources on "transfer"/ethnic cleansing in Israel/Palestine
compiled by David Bloom
Palestine Solidarity Activists: Driving a Wedge in Consensus Reality—an interview with members of Jews Against the Occupation (JATO) and Stop US Tax-funded Aid to Israel Now (SUSTAIN)
Politics of the Anti-War Movement
The Politics of the Anti-War Movement
And the Intractable Dilemma of International ANSWER
by Bill Weinberg, December 2005
How the Anti-War Movement is Blowing It
by Bill Weinberg, September 2003
Beware Bush's Boomerang
The Anti-War Movement's Work Has Just Begun--But it Needs Historical Context
by Bill Weinberg, April 2003
The Mysterious Ramsey Clark: Stalinist Dupe or Ruling Class Spook?
by Manny Goldstein in The Shadow
(Also posted at World War 4 Report)
Al-Qaeda statements on 9-11
Osama bin Laden denial, Sept. 17, 2001
Sulaiman Abu Ghaith, Oct. 9, 2001
Osama bin Laden, Oct. 29, 2004
Historical Outlines
The Dispossession of the Palestinians: An Historical Outline
by Bill Weinberg
Historical Outline of Afghanistan
from the Moorish Orthodox Radio Crusade
Historical Outline of Egyptian Dynasties
from the Moorish Orthodox Radio Crusade
War at the Crossroads: An Historical Guide Through the Balkan Labyrinth
by Bill Weinberg and Dorie Wilsnack
Bill Weinberg's 2003 reports from South America
Indigenous Opposition to Puebla-Panama Plan Faces Repression
Barrancabermeja: Paramilitary Terror and the Struggle for Colombia's Oil
Cimitarra Valley: Between Glyphosate and the AUC
State of Siege in Arauca: Indigenous Peoples, Civil Society Under Attack in Colombia's Oil Zone
African Renaissance in a Colombian War Zone
Indigenous Ecuador Meets the New Boss
Plan Colombia Militarizes Peruvian Amazon
Pipeline Protests Rock Peruvian Amazon
Bolivia: In the Wake of "Black October"
Amazonia: Planning the Final Destruction
(from Native Americas: Hemispheric Journal of Indigenous Issues, Fall/Winter 2001, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY)
Listen to "Free Trade, Ecological Struggle, and the War on Terrorism in Latin America," an Aug. 16, 2002 talk by Bill Weinberg at the Reclaiming the Anarchist Tradition conference, Plainfield, VT.
"The Renegade Jew": Official CounterVortex Fight Song
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