by Christopher Phillips, Middle East Eye
As the world media has been preoccupied with the Gaza conflict, Syria has just had the bloodiest week of its civil war. Some 1,700 were killed in seven days, with a renewed push from Islamic State (IS) accounting for much of the violence.
Confident after its victories in Iraq and deploying newly looted military hardware, IS's sudden charge and the reaction to it in Syria and outside, has tilted the conflict on its axis, challenging various assumptions and shifting dynamics. Increasingly, we can talk about a war being fought on four overlapping fronts by four groupings of actors: the Assad government, IS, the mainstream rebels and the Kurds.
The first front is between IS and President Bashar al-Assad's government. Assad facilitated IS's rise by cynically releasing jihadists from prison to radicalize the opposition and then deliberately avoiding military confrontation. Its growth has helped him. IS alarmed the West, prompting some to suggest a rapprochement with Damascus as the least bad option; it terrified his own population, reinforcing the government's message that it was their only defense; and it physically attacked his enemies in the mainstream rebels while avoiding his own troops. Any implicit alliance was shattered this month, however, when IS stormed three separate government targets in Homs, Raqqa and Hassakeh, killing hundreds of government troops, then gruesomely videoing their heads on spikes afterwards.
Such heavy losses have rocked Assad's domestic supporters, provoking rare outrage and criticism on social media. Most accept the government's characterization of all the opposition as sectarian jihadists and thousands, especially Alawis, have volunteered to die to defeat them.
IS seem the most brutal of all, especially to another core constituent, Syria's Christians who have been aghast at the recent expulsion of their co-religionists from Mosul. Yet these defeats challenge the government's ability to actually defend its supporters. Assad's forces are actually weaker as a result of the IS attack in Iraq, as many of the Iraqi Shi'ite militia who had fought for him returned to defend their homes. However, he cannot afford to isolate his base, and a more concerted campaign against IS can be expected, stretching his resources thinner. This was seen already when one lost area, the Shaar gas field in Homs, was retaken.
Assad misread Syria's second front, the war between IS and the mainstream rebels. He assumed that IS would finish off the weakened rebels before turning on him. True, IS has recently conquered many rebel territories, pushing Jubhat al-Nusra out of Deir es-Zur and making inroads into the Aleppo countryside, but it is no longer playing Assad's game. As it expands and occupies more land, it requires further troops and an acquiescent local population. While it still seeks military victories over rival rebel groups, it also wants to woo their fighters. Similarly, according to the Delma Institute's Hassan Hassan, it is making more effort to win hearts and minds in the regions it conquers. Turning its guns on Assad achieves both goals: countering any former accusations that it was the government's ally and presenting itself as the best route to its overthrow.
On the other side, the mainstream rebels seem as divided as ever. While they temporarily united to push IS out of the north in January, the various militia and fiefdoms continue to compete for territory and resources. The Washington Post noted how the US's closest ally, Harakat Hazm, clashed with Ahrar as-Sham over control of the Bab al-Hawa border crossing last week. Despite Western attempts to paint these rebels as "moderate," the reality is that most are, more accurately "non-IS Islamists," with Jubhat al-Nusra an al-Qaeda affiliate. Given how fluid allegiance to rebel militia has been, there is a real chance that idealistic young fighters impressed by IS's momentum could peel away.
This is increasingly likely as the rebels face defeat in Syria’s third front, the war between themselves and Assad. By ignoring IS, Assad has focused on recapturing Aleppo. He has replicated the brutal tactics used to recapture Homs in March: depopulating hostile districts with barrel bombs before moving on the rebel fighters remaining.
Retaking Syria's second city would allow Assad to declare the war won, even if much of rural Syria remains out of his control, and would certainly cripple the rebels. This decline and IS's surge has prompted urgency in Washington, and the familiar calls to "arm the rebels" are heard again, with some proposing the rebels could be trained to simultaneously resist Assad and IS.
This is fanciful. IS defeated Iraq's national army within days and there is no reason to suggest an uncoordinated collection of feuding militia could rapidly overcome three years of disunity to do better. Even if they could unite, the resources proposed are too few. President Obama has authorized $500m to train and arm rebels, but this won't appear until 2015 and the covert weaponry delivered so far is restricted to eight small carefully vetted groups, having limited impact.
Moreover, after the MH17 disaster in Ukraine, there is even less appetite from the White House to deliver the anti-aircraft MANPADS that hawks demand. More positively, after three years of backing rival rebel groups, the IS crisis seems to have sobered Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, and stronger coordination may follow. These efforts may prove enough to keep the mainstream rebels in the field, probably around Deraa and Idleb, and may even prevent too many fighters switching to IS. However, it is unlikely they can form a realistic rival to IS and the increased support will probably come too late to prevent Assad's march on Aleppo.
Changes have also come on Syria's fourth and least reported front: the battle between IS and Syria's Kurdish militia. The Kurdish militias, led by the PYD—the PKK's Syrian wing—have used the Syrian civil war to carve out autonomous regions, clashing with IS in the process. July saw intense fighting over the PYD-controlled border town of Ain al-Arab/Kobani, prompting a radical new position from Turkey.
Fearful of Kurdish nationalism, Turkey had previously opposed the PYD, closing its border to prevent any support from the PKK. In contrast it allegedly turned a blind eye to those supporting IS. However, the IS attacks into Iraq prompted a U-turn. With Ankara now realizing the size of the IS threat and fearful that Ain al-Arab would give it a launch pad into Turkey, the border was opened, prompting a stream of 1000 PKK fighters into Syria to help the PYD hold off the advance. While Kurdish-IS clashes will likely continue, the emergence of a united PYD-PKK military force is a new dynamic. Ironically it may provide Turkey with a much-needed IS buffer, but it also increases the likelihood of an autonomous Kurdish Syrian region becoming a reality.
Despite these changing dynamics, none of the four groupings looks likely to win outright. Assad might take Aleppo, but he will face increased public pressure to take on IS, stretching his limited military resources. The mainstream rebels may be facing imminent defeat, but they probably have enough external support to remain in the field.
Syria's Kurds now have PKK support, but that remains subject to Turkish border policy. Even IS, seemingly in the ascendency, must manage the shift from invader to occupier, and win over enough fighters and civilians to continue its march west. IS's recent charge may have shifted, dissolved or solidified the Syrian civil war's fronts and actors, but it seems more likely to entrench the conflict further rather than hurry its end.
Christopher Phillips is Lecturer in the International Relations of the Middle East at Queen Mary, University of London and Associate Fellow of the Middle East and North Africa Programme at Chatham House.
This story first appeared Aug. 5 on Middle East Eye. The views expressed in this article belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect the editorial policy of Middle East Eye.
Photo of ISIS fighter in Syria via NATO Council of Canada
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