Summer 2022: Ukraine: Debunking Russia's War Propaganda [1]; Russia's Strategy to Destabilize the Balkans [2]; Russian Genocide of the Ukrainian Nation: Toward International Recognition [3]
Spring 2022: Crimea: Legacy of the Deportation: Crimean Tatars Again Being Erased from History in Their Homeland [4]; Apology to the 'Witches': Why Now? [5]; Environmental War Crimes in Ukraine [6]; Echoes of Syria, as Putin Bombs Hospitals in Ukraine [7]; The Crimean Clause of the Ukrainian Question [8]
Winter 2021-2: Afghanistan: Going Back to Zero [9]; Libya: Worsening Prospects for Peace [10]; Ukraine: Kharkov Anarchists Speak [11]; Myanmar: Crises Spiral One Year After Coup [12]; Statement from Ukrainian Socialists [13]; On the Ethiopian Civil War [14]
Fall 2021: India: Outcry Against 'Special Powers' After Nagaland Masssacre [15]; 'What Must Be Done for the Planet': The Campaign to Shut Down New England's Last Coal Plant [16]; Anti-Asian Persecution in California's Cannabis Country [17]
Summer 2021: Iran: The Forgotten Tragedy of Ahwaz [18]; Afghan Women Who Are Speaking Out [19]; Women's Rights Activist Confronts a Divided Bangladesh [20]; Mexico: Will Cannabis Decrim De-escalate Drug War? [21]; Rohingya Feminist Seeks Inter-Ethnic Unity [22]; Iran: A New Wave of Mass Protest [23]
Spring 2021: Sri Lanka's Animal Emblems: How they Exacerbate Ethnic Tension [24]; Burma's Genocide—the View from Bangladesh [25]; Anarchy in Belarus: Anti-authoritarian Voices in Uprising against the Dictatorship [26]; US Militarizing Borders in Central America [27]; Biden Must Stop Deporting Haitians [28]; Ethnic Minorities and Burma's Democratic Resistance [29]
Winter 2020-1: Burma: A New Democratic Uprising [30]; Invoke Inter-American Charter for USA [31]
Fall 2020: Journo-Murder Surge in India [32]; Hibakusha 'Still Cannot Get Over It' [33]; Anarchist Commune Manchuria [34]
Summer 2020: Two Faces of Fascism [35]; Trump's America No Longer Safe for Refugees [36]; The Monumental Dilemma [37]; Has Pandemic Strengthened Xi Jinping? [38]
Spring 2020: Shadow War on the Borderlands: Guerillas, Smugglers and Militarization on Colombia-Venezuela Frontier [39]; We Are Killing Them: Heavy Toll COVID-19 on Undocumented Immigrants [40]; Will Newspapers Survive COVD-19? [41]
Winter 2019-20: Stalin's Caucasus Crimes—That Putin Wants You to Forget [42]; Squat Calabria [43]; 2019: India Improves Journo-Murder Index [44]
Fall 2019: Idlib Resists: Syrian Resistance Stands Up Again—This Time Against Islamist Militia [45]; Left Waiting: Africans Caught in US-Mexico Migration Limbo [46]
Summer 2019: Rome Squatters Face Clampdown [47]; How India Complcated Kashmir Dispute [48]; Algeria: Bouteflexit Complete. Now What? [49]; Syria: From Revolution to Quagmire [50]; 'Russiagate', Syria and the Left [51]
Spring 2019: Critique of Geopolitics and the Left: Interview with Veteran Journalist and Activist Bill Weinberg [52]; US Left Must Not Forget Afghan Women [53]
Winter 2018-9: Anti-Terror Law Could Target Aid Groups—in Palestine and Beyond [54]; Weather War: How Iran's Regime Uses Floods and Drought as Tools of Ethnic Cleansing [55]; Togo Protests Challenge Dictatorship [56]; It's Not About 'Regime Change': A Brief Account of US Intervention in Syria [57]; Cuba Surrenders 'Green Scare' Fugitive [58]
Fall 2018: Blasphemy Laws & Human Rights: Ireland's Vote to Remove Blasphemy from Constitution and the Asia Bibi Case [59]; The Guatemala Genocide Case: Justice Delayed, Justice Denied? [60]; No! Idlib is Not a 'Terrorist Enclave' [61]
Summer 2018: First Nations Resist BC Pipeline Plans [62]; Red-Brown Politics: Don't Take the Bait! [63]; Turkish Kurdistan: Erasure of a Culture [64]; Mass Protests Sweep Vietnam [65]
Spring 2018: In Defense of Tactical Voting—With No Illusions, and No Apologies [66]; Outcast Lawyers in China: Disbarment, Suspension and Harassment [67]; The Struggle for a Federal Burma [68]; Syria and the 'Anti-Imperialism' of Fools [69]; Israel's Greater Jerusalem Bill [70]; People of the Earth: The Mapuche Struggle in Chile [71]
Winter 2017-8: China's Peaceful Rise? The Fate of Lawyer Liu Yao [72]; Positively Quilca Street: Anarchist Scene Survives 'Clean-Up' in Lima, Peru [73]; Seeking Justice for Gujarat Genocide: Interview with Teesta Setalvad [74]; The Revolution Will not be Disneyfied: But Has Disney Been Revolutionized? The Paradoxical Politics of Black Panther [75]; New Displacement Crisis in Syria: Turkey's Offensive Against Kurds Follows Assad's Offensive in Idlib [76]; Europe Sends Afghans Back to Danger [77]
Fall 2017: Violence, Power and Mining in Peru: The Case of Las Bambas [78]; The Violence of Extractivism: Mega-Dam Project Now a Site of Heightened Conflict in Post-War Colombia [79]; The Rise and Fall of Women's Rights in Afghanistan [80]; Syria's Kurdish Contradiction [81]; After Gauri Lankesh: Standing for the Human Rights of Journalists in India [82]
Summer 2017: Panama: Criminalization of the Ngäbe [83]; Cuba Verde Revisited: Will Island's Ecological Solutions Survive Economic Opening? [84]; Dismantling Power: Zapatista Presidential Candidate's Vision to Transform Mexico from Below [85]; A Feminist Future for Free Kurdistan: Interview with Houzan Mahmoud [86]; The Gaza Siege at Ten: Reaching a Humanitarian and Political Breaking Point [87]
Spring 2017: China's Ivanka Trump Sweatshops [88]; Mussolini in Lower Manhattan: Against the Red-Brown Alliance [89]; I Fought in Libya: Please Don't Call Us Terrorists [90]; High Crimes and Misdemeanors: Did Trump Commit Them? [91]; Syria's Nonviolent Fighters [92]; Tribal Rights and Federal Obligations from Dakota Access to Keystone XL [93]; Donald Trump: A Fascist by Any Other Name [94]; India: Assamese Muslim Girl Overcomes Diktat [95]
Winter 2016-7: Community Power Against Mega-Mining: The Municipal Resistance in El Salvador [96]; Only Left Radicalism Can Stop Fascism [97]; Burma: Scribe's Murder Tests Democracy [98]; American 'Left' Abets Trump-Putin Axis [99]; The Global Land Grab [100]; Climate Change & Bolivia's Crisis Drought [101]; New York City Protests Against Evictions... in Tibet [102]
Fall 2016: Syria: Counter-revolution Crushes Aleppo [103]; Electors Must Dump Trump [104]; American 'Left' Abets Genocide in Syria [105]; Trumps' Victory and Immigration [106], Algeria: New Staging Post for Migrants [107]; The KGB Had Nothing on Verizon [108]; Danes Who Stand with Refugees [109]; The Dakota Access Pipeline: A Legal Environmental Justice Perspective [110]; Saudi Women Push for Full Rights [111]; War in Ukraine: The View from the East Village [112]
Summer 2016: Another Week Closer to Fascism: Putin Shows What Trump has in Store for America [113]; Self-Organization in the Syrian Revolution [114]; The Fall of Daraya: From Roses to Evacuation in Syria [115]; Climate Change & Creative Revolt [116]; Peru's New Government Wants More China [117]; Green Party, White Privilege [118]; Defeat Pendejo-Fascism! Bernie's OK — But not 'Or Bust' [119]; Oaxaca Teachers Movement: Not Thwarted by State Terror [120]; Democracy Goddess Comes to Chinatown [121]; Why Mining Corporations Love Trade Deals [122]
Spring 2016: El Niño and Ethiopia's Threatened Pastoralists [123]; Nigeria's Chibok Girls: Do We Really Care? [124]; Adieu to the 'Peace Pentagon' [125]; Challenging the Nation State in Syria [126]; A Federal Syria: Kurdish Initiatives on the Rise [127]; Syria's Independent Media: A Bold Challenge to Extremism [128]; Fair Trade: Threat to Global Poor [129]; The Free Trade Assault on Clean Water: Mining Companies Sue Colombia for 'Right' to Pollute [130]; The Firewall Cafe Controversy: Chinese State Censorchip Reaches Manahttan's Lower East Side [131]; Drilling Toward Disaster: Ecuador's Aggressive Amazonian Oil Push [132]; Mozambique's Movement to End Land Grabs [133]
Winter 2015-6: No Way Out: How Syrians are Struggling to Find an Exit [134]; Water: Commodity or Human Right? [135]; Berber New Year in a Ukrainian Church [136]; Syria: Revolution and Intervention [137]; India: Elusive Justice for Assam Victims [138]; Drought and Disaster for Somali Herders [139]; Iran's 'Moderate' Hangman [140]; Relief for Libya's 'Chinese Camp'? [141]; Ethnic 'Divide and Conquer' in Israel [142]; The Sieges in Syria [143]; Indigenous Communities Win Consulation Law in Guatemala [144]; Syria: Raqqa Civilians on the Line [145]; Independence Hero to Opposition Icon: Hocine Ait Ahmed, Algeria's Voice of Conscience, Passes On [146]
Fall 2015: DIY in Damascus: Rooftop Gardens in Syria's Besieged Neighborhoods [147]; Syrian Refugees Defy Crackdown in Turkey [148]; Climate Change Migrants of Bangladesh [149]; Suqatter Eviction has Pakistan's Poor on the Run [150]; Asylum Seekers on Hunger Strike in Texas [151]; Russia's Syria Intervention —and the Left [152]; Refugees Face Backlash —in India [153]; Rasul Kadaev: From Guantánamo Bay to Putin's Prisons [154]; Epistemologies of Freedom: Interview with a Young Kurdish Revolutionary [155]; Paramilitary Terror in the Philippines [156]; For Solidarity, Against Imperial Narcissism: An Interview with Bill Weinberg [157]; Japan's Constitutional Crisis: Questioning US Support for Tokyo's National Security Moves [158]
Summer 2015: Afghanistan's Paramilitaries: Abuses Rise Along with Pro-Government Militias [159]; US Failing Kids Fleeing Central America [160]; So Much for Sanctuary: How an EU Asylum Rule 'Results in Death' [161]; Uighurs Caught in the Great Game [162]; Four Years After the Arab Revolutions [163]; Chicago's Rebel Rabbi: An Interview with Brant Rosen [164]; Yemen: Splintering Out of Control [165]; Iraq's Deepening Divides [166]; Border Control: Now a Global Game [167]
Spring 2015: Bangladesh: After the Blogger Murders [168]; US Failing Syrian Refugees [169]; The Nicaragua Canal Plan: Resisting Dispossession [170]; Against the Imperial 'We': The Fight Against ISIS is My Fight [171]; Asylum Seekers Detained —for Profit [172]; Taiwan: One Year After the Sunflower Movement [173]; Is Tibet a Country? [174]
Winter 2014-5: Why Did UN Abandon Congo Operation? [175]; Syria's Kurdish Revolution: The Anarchist Element and the Challenge of Solidarity [176]; Omar Aziz: Syrian Anarchist [177]; Death of Literacy: Digital Totalitarianism [178]; What's Next for Libya? [179]; Neither East Nor West: How a small group of anarchists took on the Soviet Union and won! [180]; Nigerian Lives Matter: the Baga Massacre Controversy [181]; Jihadist Scylla, Imperial Charybdis [182]; Peruvian Communities Reject COP 20 [183]; Central African Republic: Whither Justice? [184]
Fall 2014: Impressions of Rojava: Kurdish Revolution in Syria [185]; Immigration Enforcement: Anti-Labor Tool [186]; The World's Strangest Landgrab: Wandering Amu Darya River Opens Afghanistan Border Conflict [187]; Mauritania: Crackdown on Land Struggle [188]; Colombia: Talks with the Other Guerillas? [189]; Yemen: Street Patrols and Polarization [190]; Liberians in US Face Ebola Stigma [191]; Burkina Faso: A Thousand Sankaras Come of Age [192]; Bolivia's CONAMAQ Indigenous Movement [193]; Black versus Yellow: Class Antagonism in the Hong Kong Protests [194]; Kurdistan's Female Fighters: Revolution Kobani-Style [195]; South Africa: New Struggle for Land [196]; Fracking Fight Looms Large in Mexico [197]
Summer 2014: Water vs Profits: Mineral Company Strikes Back at El Salvador [198]; Why UN Climate Talks Continue to Fail [199]; Standing Up for Gaza in New York City: Not for the Squeamish [200]; Seeing the Women in Revolutionary Syria [201]; The New PKK: Social Revolution in Kurdistan [202]; Gazans Face Struggle on War Crimes Claims [203]; Understanding Syria's Four-Front War [204]; Practicing Peace in Wartime: Israelis and Palestinians Who Refuse to Be Enemies [205]; Selective Internationalism: Gaza and Syria Reveal an Activist Disorder [206]; Brazil's Defeat: Beyond Football [207]; Archaeology and the Zionist Project [208]; Left Solidarity with Syria: Supporting the Grassroots Movements [209]; Nicaragua: Specter of the Canal [210]; Iraq and ISIS: The Kurdish Factor [211]
Spring 2014: Occupy Fortul: Colombian Poor Reclaim Lands Slated for Military Base [212]; Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui: Indigenous Anarchist Critique of Bolivia's 'Indigenous State' [213]; Yuhang Protests Shake Chinese Regime [214]; Did Narendra Modi Abet Mass Murder? [215]; Nigeria: Towards a Post-Petroleum Future [216]; Heartland Stands Up to Keystone [217]; Ukraine: Revolution and Contradiction [218]; From Algeria to Syria: Kurdish-Berber Solidarity [219]; Taiwan's Alternative Future: Revolutionary Content in the Sunflower Movement [220]; Rebirth of Hope in Colombia: Return of the Patriotic Union [221]; Brazilian Hydro Behind Bolivia's Flooding? [222]; China's Strategic Interests in Post-Withdrawal Afghanistan [223]; Mali: Hopes for Reconciliation [224]
Winter 2013-14: Yassin al-Haj Saleh: Interview with the Conscience of Syria [225]; Syria: Between Iraq and a Hard Place [226]; The Far Right in Ukraine: A New Order? [227]; COINTELPRO and Divisive Hate [228]; War and Women's Rights in Afghanistan [229]; Mega-Mining in Uruguay [230]; Nigeria: Slippery Justice for Oil Spill Victims [231]; Empires of Gold: Colombian Extractivism Today [232]; The Battle Over Sustainable Development in Ecuador's Intag Valley [233]; The Return of Black Mesa: Restoring Navajo Country [234]; Peru: Police in the Pay of Mining Companies [235]; Syria: Genocide by International Consensus [236]; The Veil: Flag of the Muslim Far Right [237]
Fall 2013: Nagasaki Call for Nuclear Abolition [238]; COP 19: True Crime [239]; China's Third Plenum: More Market, More Dictatorship [240]; Uranium Mining and Native Resistance [241]; Syria: The Struggle Continues [242]; Bolivia: The Politics of Extractivism [243]; Burma: Open for Business of Genocide [244]; Global Warming and the End of Growth [245]; Indigenous Language Recovery in Peru [246]; Trans-Pacific Partnership: Strict Secrecy [247]; Global Warming's Arctic Feedback Loop [248]
Summer 2013: Guantánamo Justice: No Justice At All [249]; Syria: It's Still a Revolution [250]; Solidarity Betrayed: How the Left Came to Abandon Syria [251]; Revolutionary Egypt: The Best of Times, the Worst of Times [252]; History Rewritten: Egypt's Battle Over Narratives [253]; Military Seeks Egyptian Thermidor [254]; Road Wars of Colombian Amazonia [255]; Mexico's Drug War Prison Boom [256]; Egypt: Revolutionaries Push Out Islamists [257]; Egypt: A People's Revolution, Not a Crisis or a Coup [258]; Monsanto Faces Opposition in Puerto Rico [259]; Anarchism in Egypt: An Interview from Tahrir Square [260]; Brazil: Private Transit, Public Protests [261]; Is Mexico Failing to Protect Journalists? [262]
Spring 2013: Guatemala's Long Road to Justice [263]; Peru Backslides on Indigenous Rights [264]; Turkish Hopes for a New Beginning [265]; Whither Iran's Democratic Opposition? [266]; Mexico: Violence and Impunity in Xalapa [267]; US Still Supports Honduran Death Squads [268]; Lakota Elders: "Going Extinct is Genocide" [269]; Why Russell "Maroon" Shoatz Must Be Freed from Solitary Confinement [270]; Looking for Gandhis in Mexico [271]; Curvarado Humanitarian Zone: Afro-Colombian Communities Reclaim the Land [272]; Palestinians and the Syrian Revolution [273]; Venezuela's Debt to Indigenous Peoples [274]; Trans-Atlantic Partnership Trade Pact [275]
Winter 2012-13: Planet Earth: Nuclear-Free Zone [276]; Anarchism and the Arab Uprisings [277]; Marx and Extractivism in Latin America [278]; Can Vigilante Justice Save Mexico? [279]; Tunisia on Razor's Edge [280]; Struggle for Land and Water in the Andes [281]; US Marines and the Drug War in Guatemala [282]; Iraq: No Future for al-Qaeda's Children [283]; The Sandstorm of War in Northern Mali [284]; WikiLeaks, Ecuador, and the Belarus Connection [285]; Global Warming and Bolivia's Kallawaya Healers [286]; India: Tibetans March for Human Rights [287]; If You're Reading This, the World Hasn't Ended —Yet [288]
Fall 2012: Guatemala's "Little School of the Americas" [289]; Ethiopia's Anuak Confront World Bank over Ethnic Cleansing [290]; Honduras: Drug War as Counterinsurgency? [291]; Military Intervention in Mali [292]; The Descent of the Colombian Army [293]; Haiti: Hidden Costs of the Industrial Zone [294]; Peru's Sendero Luminoso Back —and the 'Dirty War'? [295]; The Trans-Pacific Partnership Trade Pact: More Draconian Than NAFTA [296]; Behind the Chicago Connection: The DEA and Sinaloa Cartel [297]; Peruvians Stand Up to Newmont Mining [298]; Guantánamo Detainees: The "Other" Victims of 9-11 [299]; Year Two of the Arab Revolution [300]; Mexican Peace Caravan Occupies Wall Street [301]; Goldcorp on Trial in Guatemala [302]; The Babar Ahmad Case: Do US Prisons Violate European Human Rights Law? [303]; Bolivia's Aymara Dissidents [304]; Indigenous Nasa Resist Militarization in Cauca, Colombia [305]; The Wal-Mart Corruption Case: Innocents Abroad? [306]; Tibet & Assam: Pawns in India-China Game [307]; Guatemala: Divide and Rule in the Land of Gold [308]; The Dark Side of WikiLeaks: Revisited [309]; Syria: The Myth of Palestinian Neutrality [310]; Israel and Iran: Protesters Unite for Peace [311]; Bolivia Pushes Back Against Glencore [312]; Quebec Innu Protest Plan Nord [313]
WW4R #178, Summer 2012 [314]: REDD: Peruvian Rainforest Dwellers Charge Privatization Scheme; Argentina's Oil: Will Privatization Make a Difference?; Occupy Guatemala!; Mesoamerica Project Replaces Plan Puebla-Panama; Mexican High-Tech Workers Demand Justice; India: Passive Resistance to Mega-Hydro in Assam
Special Feature [315]: Left-Libertarians: The Last of an Ancient Breed
WW4R #177, December 2011 [316]: Will the World Betray Burma's Pro-Democracy Movement?; Occupy Juárez Defies Repression; Land Theft as Legacy of Genocide in Guatemala; Brazil: Guarani Leader Slain in Land Occupation; iDidn't Mourn Steve Jobs
WW4R #176, November 2011 [317]: Occupy Tijuana Tests Civil Rights; The Bolivia Genocide Case: US Shelters Top Fugitive; India-Burma Anti-Terror Alignment Betrays Pro-Democracy Movement; Israelis & Palestinians: Co-resistance vs. Co-existence; The Algerian Mosque that Sheltered Jews in Nazi-Occupied Paris
WW4R #175, July 2011 [318]: Chile: The Mapuche Struggle in Pinochet's Shadow; Love, Memory & Struggle in Ciudad Juárez; Feminist Solidarity with Iran; Labor Roots of Egypt's Revolution; China's Growing Presence in Latin America; Haiti 1994: Lessons for Libya; Secrets of Gaza: Izzeldin Abuelaish's Quest for Peace
WW4R #174, May 2011 [319]: Libya's Two Wars: Revolutionary Struggle and NATO Intervention; Syria's Downward Spiral; Wirikuta: Sacred Indigenous Site in Mexico Threatened by Canadian Mining Company; Trotskygrad on the Altiplano: Bolivia's "Permanent Revolution"
WW4R #173, March 2011 [320]: Anti-Imperialism and the Libyan Revolution; Latin America and the Arab Revolts; Washington's North Africa Dilemma: How Will the Empire React?; Revolution in the Age of Facebook
WW4R #172, January 2011 [321]: Bolivia's New Water Wars; Cancún Pact: No Victory for Climate Justice; The Dark Side of WikiLeaks; Turning Point for Chihuahua Drug War; Europe's Year of Intolerance
WW4R #171, September 2010 [322]: 9-11 at Nine: The Conspiracy Industry and the Lure of Fascism; The Mosque Controversy —In China; West Bank Bedouin: Worse Off than Gazans; US Attacks Iraqi Labor; Extreme Weather and Global Warming
WW4R #170, August 2010 [323]: BP: The Case for Public Ownership; Blockade! Dockworkers Worldwide Respond to Israel's Flotilla Massacre; Interview: Sheikh Anwar McKeen, King of Nubia; Book Review: Rwanda and the Politics of Denialism
WW4R #169, July 2010 [324]: Private Prisons, Public Pain: Systematic Abuse in Texas' For-Profit Archipelago; Wildcat Strikes in China: Towards an Independent Labor Movement?; Colombia Terror: Cinton's Complicity; The Supreme Court, Somalia and Sovereign Immunity: Historic Ruling Means US Is Not a Safe Haven for War Criminals
WW4R #168, June 2010 [325]: The Climate Justice Groundswell: From Copenhagen to Cochabamba to Cancún; Venezuela and the Myth of "Eco-Socialism"; Peru: Peasants Protest Irrigation Megaproject; Haiti: Struggle and Solidarity After the Cataclysm; Mexico's Other Disappeared: Demanding Justice for Missing Migrants; Pogroms, Paranoia and Polling in India: A Muslim Woman Confronts Her Fear of Voting—Eight Years After the Gujarat Massacres
WW4R #167, May 2010 [326]: Honduras and the Political Uses of the Drug War; Why the Media Ignore Latin America; Mexico: Media Misreadings of the Border Violence; Somalia: Where Fun is Forbidden
WW4R #166, April 2010 [327]: "Rebuilding Haiti": The Sweatshop Hoax; Falklands Crisis Redux; AfriCom and the New Scramble for Africa; Afghanistan: Women's Rights Still Trampled; The Traumas of Immigration Law
WW4R #165, March 2010 [328]: Bloody Calabria: Criminal Networks Exploit Italy's Anti-Immigrant Backlash; Drug War Drones Over Latin America; Plan Juárez: Echoes of Chiapas on Mexico's Northern Border; Gaza Fishermen Under Fire; The Paradoxical Politics of Avatar: A Hollywood Simulacrum of Indigenous Struggle
WW4R #164, February 2010 [329]: Haiti: the Challenge of Solidarity; Haiti and the Jews: Forgotten History; Mexico: Drug War Militarization Continues in 2010; Western Sahara and Aminatou Haidar; Obama's First Year: What Comes Next For the Anti-War Forces?; Venezuela: Voices of Participatory Democracy
WW4R #163, January 2010 [330]: Peru's Amazon Uprising: Indigenous Resistance to the Corporate Agenda; Somalia Case Threatens War Criminals Worldwide: US Supreme Court to Rule on Sovereign Immunity; Notes on Obama's Energy Plan: "Everything Must Change So That Everything Can Remain the Same"; Israel & Palestine: Combatants for Peace Speak Out; Holocaust Denial in the Arab World: Why It is On the Rise; A New Deal for Immigrants in 2010?
WW4R #162, December 2009 [331]: Obama's European Missile Plan and the Czech Anti-Bases Movement; Afghanistan: No to Fundamentalist Criminals, No to the US Occupation; The Torture of Syed Hashmi: Terror War on Trial in New York City; Women in Black Confront Impunity and Femicide in Ciudad Juárez; Colombia: One Year After the Minga; Corporate Bio-Colonialism Advances in Mexico; Book Review: Of Wobblies and Zapatistas
WW4R #161, November 2009 [332]: Iraqi Labor Leaders Speak; Venezuelan Labor Between Chávez and the Golpistas; Indigenous Struggle in Venezuela; Free-Trade Roots of Mexico's Narco Crisis; Coca-Cola Off the Hook for Colombia Terror; Plan Colombia: Exporting the Model; Why Neoliberalism Needs Death Squads in Colombia
WW4R #160, August-September 2009 [333]: Otto Reich's Fingerprints on Honduras Coup?; Honduras: the Banana Connection—Again; Politics-as-Usual While the Planet Burns: Climate Bill Offers Pseudo-Solutions; Worldwatch Plays Along: Malthus, Biofuels and Free-Market Environmentalism; A Billion Bucks for Clunkers Ain't Green; The Untold Story of Women's Resistance Behind Bars
WW4R #159, July 2009 [334]: Honduras: the Resistance So Far; Austerity, Privatization and Union-Busting in Iran; Sufis and Neocons: the Global War on Terrorism's Strangest of Bedfellows; Czech Republic: Neo-Nazis Exploit Growing Anti-Roma Racism; "Operation Chihuahua Plus": A Textbook Case in Drug War Failure; Teaching Rebellion in in Oaxaca
WW4R #158, June 2009 [335]: The "Colombianization" of Chihuahua; Kidnap, No Ransom: Drug Cartel Slave Labor in Northern Mexico?; Mexico's Resurgent Guerillas; Mega-Projects and Militarization in Oaxaca
WW4R #157, May 2009 [336]: The Voice of Free Somaliland; AfriCom: Making Peace or Fueling War?; Darfur and the International Criminal Court; Counter-Terrorism Threatens Spanish Democracy; Lost Daughters of the Rio Grande
WW4R #156, April 2009 [337]: Ciudad Juárez Militarized; Humanitarian Aid as Crime on the Southwest Border; Amnesty Now: How and Why; Guatemalans Resist Mega-Mines and Hydro-Dams; Mapping Controversy in Oaxaca: Zapotects Protest Pentagon-Funded Cartography Project; Is the Defense Budget A Stimulus Package?; Lessons from Post-Consumerist Cuba
WW4R #155, March 2009 [338]: Obama, Kyrgyzstan and the Great Game for Central Asia; Prisons Beyond Guantánamo: Thousands of "Enemy Combatants" Held in Global Gulag; Obama's Biggest Foreign Policy Challenge: Mexico?; Mexico's Southwestern Front: Low-Intensity War in Michoacán and Guerrero; NAFTA and Hemispheric Militarization; Terror in Perijá: Resource Wars on Venezuela's Indigenous Frontier; Biofuels: Promise or Threat?
WW4R #154, February 2009 [339]: Afghanistan: Building on Traditions of Peacemaking; Obama's Iraq Withdrawal: Real or Illusion?; Palestine: New Standards on Self-Determination Needed; Lomas de Poleo: Border Land Battle Sizzles; Chiapas: Portrait of the Resistance; Hipster Anti-Semitism
WW4R #153, January 2009 [340]: Opus Dei: The Vatican-Pentagon Connection; Czech Republic: Neo-Nazis Prepare Anti-Roma Pogroms; Border Under Siege: US Military Training and Texas Guns Fuel Mexico's Narco Wars; Obama and the Border Wall; The Financial Crisis Hits the Immigration Debate; Colombia: Indigenous Leader Assassinated
WW4R #152, December 2008 [341]: New Texas Gas War: Fort Worth Confronts Corporate Colonization; California Town Beats Back the Water Cartel; Colombia: U'wa Fight New Oil Exploration; Chávez Faces Geopolitical Nadir?; Who Is Behind the Assam Terror?; Nationalize the Banks!; Quantum of Anti-Imperialism: James Bond Saves Evo Morales from the CIA!
WW4R #151, November 2008 [342]: Assam in Flames: Jihad and Ethnic Conflict Heat Up India-Bangladesh Borderlands; Darfur and Sudan: Towards Revolution; Bolivia: Congress Approves Constitutional Referendum; Lomas de Poleo: Land Struggle in Ciudad Juárez; Book Review:The World We Wish To See
WW4R #150, October 2008 [343]: Behind the Econocataclysm: Globalization, Oil Shock and the Iraq War; Venezuela: the Next Cuban Missile Crisis?; UN Membership for Eurasia's Phantom Republics?; Sami Al-Arian Case Exposes Federal Immigration Gulag; Corporate Power and the Secure Border Initiative
WW4R #149, September 2008 [344]: New Orleans Three Years Later: Katrina and Counterinsurgency; Public Housing Defenders Face Terror Charges; Permanent People's Tribunal on Colombia; Indigenous Peoples and Ecuador's New Constitution; Immigration Detention: the Case for Abolition
WW4R #148, August 2008 [345]: Colombia's Heart of Darkness in Manhattan—and Washington; McCain's Big Oil Ties—from Iraq to Colombia; Total Recall in Bolivia; General Strike in Peru; Hokkaido: the Anti-Climate Summit
WW4R #147, July 2008 [346]: Shake Djibouti: Eritrea Crisis Destabilizes Imperialism's Horn of Africa Beachhead; Will Bolivarian Revolution End Coal Mining in Venezuela?; Obama and the School of the Americas; John Hagee & Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: Fearful Symmetry; Israel & Palestine: Demanding Co-existence
WW4R #146, June 2008 [347]: Enough With the Hugo Chávez Hero Worship; Santa Cruz Autonomy Vote Polarizes Bolivia; Landowner's Rebellion & Slavery in Bolivia; Bolivia After the Water Wars; Guatemala Genocide Trial; The Anti-Imperialist Case for Tibetan Freedom; Global Article 9 Conference in Japan
WW4R #145, May 2008 [348]: Free Trade and the Global Food Crisis; The New Walls of Baghdad; Israeli Settlers Destroy Palestinian Olive Groves; Mapping the Complicity of Israeli Architecture; Colonization and Resistance in Tibet; Review: Memoirs of a Tibetan Marxist
WW4R #144, April 2008 [349]: The US Threat to Mexican National Security: Gringos Arm Narco-Gangs; The North American Union Farce: Right-Wing Paranoia Misses the Real Threat of NAFTA's Militarization; The Audacity of Vagueness: Barack Obama on Latin America; John McCain's Pastors; "MOVE 9" Await Parole
WW4R #143, March 2008 [350]: Roma Demand Holocaust Remembrance in Czech Republic; Kosovo’s Independence Reverberates Across Eurasia; Threatened Groves of Galilee: Palestinians Struggle for Land and Dignity—Inside the Green Line; Canada's Secret War in Iraq; Perspectives on Colombia from the US Civil War
WW4R #142, February 2008 [351]: Transnationals and the Oil Shock; Global Warming and Global Justice; Marlon Santi: New Voice of Ecuador's Indigenous Movement; Bolivar's Sword: Venezuela and the Colombian Insurgency; Zapatismo in New York City
WW4R #141, January 2008 [352]: Iraq's Civil Resistance Stands Up; Pictures from Palestine; Betrayal at Bali: Towards a People's Agenda on Climate; Fear and Loathing in Bolivia; Immigration & the Surveillance State
WW4R #140, December 2007 [353]: Interview with Niger's Tuareg Resistance; Iran's Left Opposition Rejects US Aggression; Plan Mexico: Militarization and the "Mérida Initiative"; Constitutional Conflict in Bolivia and Venezuela; "Downwinders" Say No to Revived Nuclear Weapons Program
WW4R #139, November 2007 [354]: Iraq: Exposing the Corporate Agenda; Darfur: Not a "Clash of Civilizations"; El Salvador: Struggle for Water Rights; Flathead Flashpoint: the Coming War with Canada; Book Review: Mexican Radical Noir
WW4R #138, October 2007 [355]: Israeli High Court Returns Palestinian Lands?; Militarism and Islamist Extremism in Pakistan; Darfur: A New Cold War Over Oil; Paraguay: Laboratory for Latin America's New Militarism; Colombia: Paras, Army Still Killing Peasants; Indigenous Anarchism in Bolivia; Book Review: Pirates of the Mediterranean
WW4R #137, September 2007 [356]: The Israel Lobby & Global Hegemony: Revisited; Yemen: The Next Quagmire; Mauritania's New Anti-slavery Law; Bolivia: End of the New Social Pact?; Guatemala: Maya Fight the Mineral Cartel; Quebec: Protests Rock NAFTA Summit; NYC: Toxic Dust at Ground Zero; Against the Carbon Culture
WW4R #136, August 2007 [357]: Colombia's Paramilitary Paradox; Iran: The Anti-Imperialist Case Against Nuclear Power; Iran: State Still Stones Women; Roma: "Verging on Genocide" in Czech Republic; Book Review: The Great Syrian Revolt
WW4R #135, July 2007 [358]: Iraq: A New Age of Genocide?; Voices of Iraqi Oil Workers; Israel & Palestine: One State or Two?; Free Speech in Venezuela; ILEA in El Salvador; The MOVE Massacre: 22 Years Later; The Gas-Guzzler Lobby
WW4R #134, June 2007 [359]: Czech Dissidents Resist the New Euro-Missiles; Algeria: Democracy Crumbling?; Africa's Indigenous Peoples Fight for Inclusion; Hydro-Colonialism in Canada and Mexico; Latin America: ALBA Grows, World Bank Shrinks; Ayaan Hirsi Ali: Ingénue or Provocateur?
WW4R #133, May 2007 [360]: Return of Plan Puebla-Panama; Indigenous Summit in Guatemala; Mining & Violence in Mexico: the Canadian Connection; China in Africa: the New Debate; India: Human Rights & the Naxalite War; Costa Rica to Vote on CAFTA; Nicaragua: Sandinista Redux
WW4R #132, April 2007 [361]: Yemen on the Brink of Sectarian War; Somalia: the New Resistance; Gaza Strip: Still Under Seige; Rape & Reform in Pakistan; Bionoia Pt. 6; Tom Forçade: Unsung Hero of the Counter-culture
WW4R #131, March 2007 [362]: Iran: the Left Opposition Speaks; Sufism under attack in North Africa; FARC on Trial, Pt. 2; Bolivia: Street Heat for Nationalization; the Vietnam GI Movement & Iraq
WW4R #130, February 2007 [363]: The Shi'ite "Cult" Militia and Iraq's Apocalypse; Guatemala: Mineral Cartel Evicts Maya Peasants; Africa: Presidents in the Dock; Russia: Conscientious Objection & Chechnya; Review: Overthrow: America's Century of Regime Change
WW4R #129, January 2007 [364]: Niger Delta Militias: Behind the Mask; Colombia: the Paras and the Oil Cartel; Land & Power in Bolivia; Peru: Elite Face the Heat; Review: Apocalypto
WW4R #128, December 2006 [365]: Chiapas: Struggle for the Lacandon Selva; Rafael Correa: Ecuador's Chavez?; Venezuela: Zulia Separatism & the Oil Cartel; Indigenous Border Summit; Betrayal of Western Sahara; Nuclear-Free Central Asia; Real Scoop on Biofuels
WW4R #127, November 2006 [366]: The Israel Lobby & Global Hegemony; Bush Moves Towards Martial Law; FARC on Trial; Demilitarizing Latin America; Bolivia: gas & coca updates; Trade Protests Rock Costa Rica; Review: Endgame in Western Sahara
WW4R #126, October 2006 [367]: Save Darfur: Zionist Conspiracy?; Slavery in Sudan & Mauritania; Mexico's Two Presidents; Ecuador: Luis Maca interveiw; El Salvador: water privatization update; Review: Understanding Iraq
WW4R #125, September 2006 [368]: 9-11 Conspiracy Theory Deconstructed; Lebanon: After the 33-Day War; Agrarian Reform in Bolivia; Mexico: the Labor Crisis Behind the Electoral Crisis; Bionoia Pt. 5; Review: The Big Wedding: 9-11, The Whistle Blowers and the Cover-Up
WW4R #124, August 2006 [369]: Lebanon: Endgame of the Neo-cons; Somalia: Washington's Warlords Lose Out; Constitutional Reform Bolivia; Politics of the Queens Blackout; The "Si Se Puede" Insurrection: A Class Analysis
WW4R #123, July 2006 [370]: Sufism & the Struggle within Islam; Bionoia Pt. 4; South America: IIRSA & the FTAA; Cuba and North Korea: Peak Oil Preview; Review: Insurgent Iraq
WW4R #122, June 2006 [371]: Iraq's Civil Resistance: Samir Adil Interview; Anatomy of the West Bank "Realignment"; 9-11's Hidden Victims; Politics of the FARC Indictments; Bolivia: Evo Seizes the Gas; Review: The Da Vinci Code—decoding the hype
WW4R #121, May 2006 [372]: Bird Flu hype deconstructed; Bionoia Pt. 3; Elections in Palestine & Haiti: This is What Democracy Looks Like!; Colombia Quagmire Deepens; Latin America's Battle of Ideas
WW4R #120, April 2006 [373]: Iraq's Civil Resistance: Houzan Mahmoud Interview; Blaming "The Lobby"; Nagorno-Karabakh & the Caucasus Pipeline; Anti-CAFTA protests in El Salvador; Review: V for Vendetta
WW4R #119, March 2006 [374]: From Baghdad to Tokyo: Japanese Anti-War Movement Hosts Iraq's Civil Resistance; Operation "Green Colombia": chemical warfare continues; CAFTA update; Water Privatization in El Salvador; Bolivia's Radical Cabinet; Review: We Are Iran—Blogging in Farsi
WW4R #118, February 2006 [375]: South America Pipeline Wars; Bolivia's Trial by Fire; Jordan Valley Apartheid; Bionoia Pt. 2; Review: Three Cities Against the Wall
WW4R #117, January 2006 [376]: Gilbert Achcar Interview; Media Under Fire in Iraq, Pt. 3; Bolivia: struggles for land and hydrocarbons; Review: Syriana
WW4R #116, December 2005 [377]: Politics of the Anti-War Movement; War on Truth at Guantanamo; Paraguay: Pentagon Beachhead; the Bird Flu scare & Avian Fascism; Bionoia Pt. 1; Review: Foucault & the Iranian Revolution
WW4R #115, November 2005 [378]: Ojeda Rios: State Terror in Puerto Rico; Algeria's amnesty vote; Eastern Anatolia: Iraq's Next Domino?; Review: Imperial Overstretch
WW4R #114, October 2005 [379]: Peru: Camisea pipeline advances; Guatemala: Maya resist mineral cartel; Amjad Aljawhary: Iraq labor leader speaks; Eco-warfare in Palestine; Review:Globalizing Liberation
WW4R #113, September 2005 [380]: Mauritania: Anti-Slavery Resistance Speaks; Oil & Occupation in Western Sahara; Darfur: Janjaweed Out of Control?; Iraq's Unionists Defy Assassination and Occupation; "Peak Oil" Deconstructed; Review: Inside the Kingdom
WW4R #112, August 2005 [381]: The UN's Congo War; Media Under Fire in Iraq, Pt. 2; Srebrenica Ten Years Later: Against Bosnia Revisionism; Hunger in Africa: Critque of "Live 8"; Review:The Long Emergency
WW4R #111, July 2005 [382]: The Re-Occupation of Haiti; the New Resistance in Argentina; Lebanon at the Crossroads; Battleground Brooklyn: Muslim immigrants still targeted. Review: A Berber Exile's Paranoia on Route 66
WW4R #110, June 2005 [383]: Plan Colombia's Secret Air Force Program in Peru; Chemical Warfare in Colombia; Indonesia Tsunami Fallout: Remilitarization; Review: Is George Bush a Sith Lord?
WW4R #109, May 2005 [384]: Darfur: NATO Intervention?; Iraq: the Provocateur State?; New Nuclear Disarmament Campaign; Review: Kingdom of Heaven
WW4R #108, April 2005 [385]: John Negroponte exposé; Colombia v. Venezuela: the next oil war?; Colombia Peace Community update; Chechnya: Farewell, Alsan Mashkadov; NYC: 9-11's Toxic Menace; The Anti-war Movement: Two Years Later; Review: The Librarian of Basra
WW4R #107, March 2005 [386]: Colombian Peace Community massacre; Is there a "Third Alternative" in Iraq?; Media Under Fire in Iraq; Nuclear Agenda 20005; Islam Karimov: Uzbek Dictator, US Ally; In Defense of Judi Bari; Lynne Stewart Convicted
WW4R #106, January-February 2005 [387]: Welcome to World War 4; Tsunami's hidden toll on India's indigenous peoples; Pipeline Politics in Ukraine; Iraq & Colombia: the Halliburton connection; War's Toll at Home; Farewell, Gary Webb
WW4R #105, December 2004 [388]: Congo: Rwanda's Secret War; Towards a Petroleum Commons; US Attacks Iraqi Agriculture; War Crimes charges for Donald Rumsfeld; Free Vermont?! Review: Refusenik!
WW4R #104, November 2004 [389]: Updates: genocide in Sudan, Ethiopia; US doubles Colombia troop presence; Iraq's Marsh Arabs; Global Oil Squeeze: Deconstructing the Propaganda
WW4R #103, October 2004 [390]: Indigenous march in Colombia; "Peak Oil" Shock; US-India Terror Summit; Attack on Palestine Cave-Dwellers; Cocaleros Revolt in Peru & Bolivia; Haiti: Armed Gangs Deepen Post-Hurricane Agony
WW4R #102, September 2004 [391]: RNC protests in NYC; Secret Oil Wars in Northeast India; Venezuela: Oil Politics & the Recall Vote; Colombia: Uribe Fingered as Nacro Lord; Israel: Civil War Next?
WW4R #101, August 2004 [392]: Iraq's Civil Resistance: Yanar Mohammed Speaks; Israel to UN: Drop Dead!; Darfur: Military Intervention?; Bolivia's Muddled Gas Nationalization; Farewell, Farouk Abdel-Muhti
WW4R #100, July 2004 [393]: Proxy Wars in Congo; Ingushetya: Next Caucasian Domino?: Iraq Meets the New Boss
WW4R #99, June 2004 [394]: Hakim Bey on the New Jihad; Darfur: Rwanda Revisited?; US troops fight in Colombia?
WW4R #98, May 2004 [395]: Iraq: Interview with Civil Resistance leaders; Israel's Oppressed Jews; Tear Gas on the West Bank; Harsh Hand for NYC Palestine Protesters; Farouk Free at Last
WW4R #97, April 2004 [396]: Special Reports: Genocide in Ethiopia; Hell in Chechnya; Terror in Colombia; Sahel Terror War Front Opens; Anti-War Re-mobilization
WW4R #96, March 2004 [397]: Destabilization in Haiti; ethnic cleansing in Sudan; power play in anti-war movement
WW4R #95, February 2004 [398]: US imperialism targets Mars; Bruce Ratner targets Brooklyn; land-grab and industrial conspiracy on the West Bank; Anuaks face genocide in Ethiopia
WW4R #94, January 2004 [399]: Who really captured Saddam? IDF shoots Israeli activist; secret wars for the Nile; Chiapas: the Acteal massacre six years later; indigenous feminism in India; update on political struggle Antarctica
WW4R #93, December 2003 [400]: Palestine faces robo-occupation; Justice Department threatens World War 4 Report
WW4R #92, September-October 2003 [401]: Cancun WTO protests; Haitian refugees: forgotten terror war victims; eye-witness reports from Colombia, Ecuador, Peru
WW4R #91, August 2003 [402]: West Bank: Jayyous under siege; Plan-Puebla Panama resistance in Honduras; eye-witness reports from Colombia's war zones
WW4R #90, July 2003 [403]: The New Scramble for Africa; Iraq archeological plunder; Which World War is This?
WW4R #89, June 9, 2003 [404]: Impeachment for Bush? Andes aflame; Congo genocide
WW4R #88, June 2, 2003 [405]: NATO split: almost official; Blair to The Hague?; US to Africa: eat shit or die
WW4R #87, May 26, 2003 [406]: Indonesia unleashes Aceh bloodbath; Israel represses nonviolence movement
WW4R #86, May 19, 2003 [407]: Iraq's independent press stands up; secret wars in Africa; "Palestinization" of Chechnya
WW4R #85, May 12, 2003 [408]: Anti-US protests in Baghdad and Kabul; Benny Elon: Fear of a Muslim Planet
WW4R #84, May 5, 2003 [409]: Bechtel back in Iraq; Oxy funds terror in Colombia; Islamic terrorists in Venezuela?
WW4R #83, April 28, 2003 [410]: Shi'ites boogie in Karbala; oily politics of occupation; real raiders of the Lost Ark
WW4R #82, April 21, 2003 [411]: Anti-US protests in Baghdad, Mosul; Garner and Bechtel chart occupation
WW4R #81, April 14, 2003 [412]: Baghdad occupied; war grinds on in Afghanistan, Palestine, Colombia
WW4R #80, April 7, 2003 [413]: Baghdad besieged; Karbala under bombardment; West Bank: forced expulsions in Tul Karm
WW4R #79, March 31, 2003 [414]: Bloody road to Baghdad; civilian casualties mount; corporate vultures circle in
WW4R #78, March 24, 2003 [415]: Bush launches Iraq invasion; new offensive in Afghanistan; Chiapas jungle burns
WW4R #77, March 17, 2003 [416]: Rachel Corrie: US activist killed in Gaza Strip; Israeli military in Chiapas rainforest?
WW4R #76, March 10, 2003 [417]: Israeli chem-war on Bedouin; "Stealth" Colombia aid; NYC: fear on Atlantic Ave.
WW34R #75, March 3, 2003 [418]: Deconstructing Israel's "Apartheid Wall"; 1993 WTC blast retrospective; redevelopment battle for Ground Zero
WW4R #74, Feb. 24, 2003 [419]: US troops to fight in Philippines, Colombia? Bangladesh on the brink
WW4R #73, Feb. 18, 2003 [420]: Anti-war movement re-emerges; millions march worldwide on Feb. 15
WW4R #72, Feb. 10, 2003 [421]: Imperialist carve-up of Iraq planned; Kurds screwed yet again; France next?
WW4R #71, Feb. 3, 2003 [422]: Iraqi Kurdistan: staging ground for war; US plans bio-war in Colombia
WW4R #70, Jan. 27, 2003 [423]: Election-eve ethnic cleansing on the West Bank; political struggle in Antarctica
WW4R #69, Jan. 20, 2003 [424]: Special Report: Land Grabs and Evictions on the West Bank
WW4R #68, Jan. 13, 2003 [425]: The case for impeachment; Pentagon mad scientists; Is Saddam the New Churchill?
WW4R #67, Jan. 6, 2003 [426]: Is there a draft in your future? Basra gets bombed for New Year's; Kurdistan: the next Bosnia?
WW4R #66, Dec. 30, 2002 [427]: Special Holiday Nuclear Paranoia Issue; Korea back to the brink—Iran next?
WW4R #65, Dec. 23, 2002 [428]: Sweeps of Muslims in California; secret Iraq arms deals; Enron screws Palestine
WW4R #64, Dec. 16, 2002 [429]: Bush on Iraq: Nuke 'Em!; chemical warfare on West Bank?; guerillas in Mexico
WW4R #63, Dec. 9, 2002 [430]: New imperialist carve-up of Middle East planned; Canada: the Forgotten Front
WW4R #62, Dec. 2, 2002 [431]: Reservists desert in Israel, US; Enron, Bechtel and Halliburton invade the Andes
WW4R #61, Nov. 25, 2002 [432]: Homeland Security Act passes; Poindexter leads Pentagon cyber-snoop agency
WW34R #60, Nov. 18, 2002 [433]: State terror in Palestine, Gujarat, Chiapas
WW4R #59, Nov. 11, 2002 [434]: UN passes Iraq resolution; Jordan destabilization; Latin America's "Axis of Evil"
WW4R #58, Nov. 4, 2002 [435]: Israel-Lebanon water wars; Afghan opium wars; Persian Gulf oil wars
WW4R #57, Oct. 28, 2002 [436]: Sharon prepares ethnic cleansing; Mossad in Kashmir; Wellstone murdered?
WW4R #56, Oct. 21, 2002 [437]: Bali blast backlash in Australia; Farouk Abdel-Muhti and the fight for habeas corpus
WW4R #55, Oct. 14, 2002 [438]: Al-Qaeda back?—in Yemen, Kuwait and Bali
WW4R #54, Oct. 7, 2002 [439]: Olive harvesters attacked in Palestine; EPA snow-job in Colombia coca eradication
WW4R #53, Sept. 30, 2002 [440]: Halliburton, Carlyle smell porkfest in Iraq; Israel to step up "black ops"?
WW4R #52, Sept. 23, 2002 [441]: US sells out Georgia, Uighurstan to win Russian, Chinese support on Iraq invasion
WW4R #51, Sept. 16, 2002 [442]: Saddam's mistress tells all; updates on Georgia, Philippines, Ground Zero
WW4R #50, Sept. 9, 2002 [443]: New York City: One Year Later
WW4R #49, Sept. 1, 2002 [444]: US schmoozes Turkmenbashi for pipeline; Fascist legacy behind Gujarat massacre
WW4R #48, Aug. 26, 2002 [445]: Ethnic war looms in Iraq; IDF shuts down peaceniks; Russia to re-take Georgia?
WW4R #47, Aug. 18, 2002 [446]: Israel prepares for nuke war; White House woos Kurds; al-Qaeda in Oklahoma?
WW4R #46, Aug. 12, 2002 [447]: Nuclear strikes on Iraq planned; Russia signs trans-Afghan pipeline deal
WW4R #45, Aug. 5, 2002 [448]: Special Hiroshima Day Nuclear Paranoia Issue! Also: New Persian Gulf crisis
WW4R #44, July 28, 2002 [449]: Special Issue on the Secret Oil Wars: Burma, Aceh, Xinjiang, Bolivia
WW4R #43, July 21, 2002 [450]: Special Issue on Bush, Cheney & Croporate Sleaze
WW4R #42, July 14, 2002 [451]: Latin America update; crackdown on Islamic militants in Chiapas
WW4R #41, July 7, 2002 [452]: First post-9-11 July 4th: grateful throngs pledge allegiance to police state
WW4R #40, June 30, 2002 [453]: Lynne Stewart interview; 4th of July nuclear paranoia report
WW4R #39, June 23, 2002 [454]: US plans military action against Iraq, Canada, Netherlands
WW4R #38, June 16, 2002 [455]: "Dirty Bomb"? Don't believe the hype! Also: Victory in Judi Bari case
WW4R #37, June 9, 2002 [456]: Special Report continues: The 9-11 Cover-Up and the New Federal Police State
WW4R #36, June 2, 2002 [457]: Special Report on the 9-11 Cover-Up
WW4R #35, May 26, 2002 [458]: Special Report: Xenophobia & Reaction in Europe
WW4R #34, May 19, 2002 [459]: Botched raids in Afghanistan kill more civilians; Cuba new Terror War target?
WW4R #33, May 12, 2002 [460]: Special Report: ANWR & the Global Energy Wars
WW4R #32, May 5, 2002 [461]: : Special Report: Iraq, the Sanctions & Weapons of Mass Destruction
WW4R #31, April 28, 2002 [462]: Special Report on Europe & the Balkans
WW4R #30, April 21, 2002 [463]: Special Report: Venezuela & the Global Energy Wars
WW4R #29, April 14, 2002 [464]: What heppened in Jenin?; Afghan opium war; activist attorney Lynne Stewart busted
WW4R #28, April 7, 2002 [465]: Israel re-occupies West Bank, journalists and activists defy ban to bear witness
WW4R #27, March 31, 2002 [466]: Latin America: "Operation Thanatos" in Colombia; Islamic militants in Chiapas?
WW4R #26, March 24, 2002 [467]: Special Report: Israeli Espionage in the USA; Also: Philippines' Insurgency Anatomy
WW4R #25, March 17, 2002 [468]: UN endorses Palestine; Israel pulls back in West Bank—world chilling out?
WW4R #24, March 10, 2002 [469]: Special Nuclear Paranoia Issue—It's Official: Bush Prepares for N-war!
WW4R #23, March 3, 2002 [470]: Conspiracy industry exploits 9-11; "Ministry of Truth" update
WW4R #22, Feb. 24, 2002 [471]: Pentagon "Ministry of Truth" unveiled; more hot Enron gossip; anthrax update
WW4R #21, Feb. 17, 2002 [472]: Carlyle Group: The "Next Enron"?
WW4R #20, Feb. 9, 2002 [473]: Special Report on NYC WEF protests
WW4R #19, Feb. 2, 2002 [474]: Special Issue on Enron & Energy
WW4R #18, Jan. 26, 2002 [475]: Did Hamid Karzai work for Unocal? Ecological impacts of Afghan bombardment
WW4R #17, Jan. 19, 2002 [476]: The New Great Game; US militarizes Kyrgyzstan; Bedouin land struggle in Israel
WW4R #16, Jan. 12, 2002 [477]: Bombing continues; Afghan puppet regime approves; US protects terrorists
WW4R #15, Jan. 5, 2002 [478]: Special Anthrax Paranoia Issue; more villages wiped out in Afghanistan
WW4R #14, Dec. 29, 2001 [479]: New regime welcomes US troops; local warlords wary; global nuclear paranoia
WW4R #13, Dec. 22, 2001 [480]: Afghan interim regime inaugurated; US bombs dignitaries? The New Great Game
WW4R #12, Dec. 15, 2001 [481]: US bombing casualties equal WTC victims; Bush & bin Laden: All in the Family
WW4R #11, Dec. 8, 2001 [482]: Afghan peace deal shaky; Osama and Omar still on the loose; NYC Ground Zero update
WW4R #10, Dec. 1, 2001 [483]: Mazar-i-Sharif prison massacre; refugee crisis spirals; Philippine front opens
WW4R #9, Nov. 24, 2001 [484]: Imperialist carve-up in Afghanistan; Latin America terror alert update
WW4R #8, Nov. 17, 2001 [485]: Taliban collapses; local warlords take control
WW4R #7, Nov. 10, 2001 [486]: Starvation in Afghanistan; NYC Ground Zero update
WW4R #6, Nov. 3, 2001 [487]: PATRIOT Act sweeps through Congress; Good-bye, Posse Comitatus
WW4R #5, Oct. 27, 2001 [488]: Civilian casualties mount in Afghanistan; famine looms; aid agencies protest
WW4R #4, Oct. 20, 2001 [489]: First US casualties in Afghanistan; Is Bush's war illegal? Baghdad next?
WW4R #3, Oct. 13, 2001 [490]: Chevron's war? First civilian causalites in Afghanistan; Uzbekistan militarized
WW4R #2, Oct. 6, 2001 [491]: Who is Osama bin Laden? Taliban, Northern Alliance: "Flip Side of Same Coin"
WW4R #1, Sept. 30, 2001 [492]: War on Terror or War for Oil? Terrorism Paranoia in Latin America
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