Bill Weinberg to speak on Trumpism at Left Forum

CounterVortex editor and chief blogger Bill Weinberg will speak at the Left Forum in New York City on June 2, at the panel "Has 'the Left' Accommodated Trump (and Putin)? A Debate." Tens of millions of Americans and people around the world have regarded Trump and Trumpism as exceptional threats that must be resisted tooth-and-nail. But some voices on the "left" have argued that anti-Trumpism is itself a problem, that concerns about Trumpism are a distraction from struggles against neoliberalism and imperialism, and/or that the left should reach out to Trump's anti-establishment and populist base. Who are the deluded ones here?

Other panelsists include Anne Jaclard of the Marxist-Humanist Initiative; Brendan Cooney of the Kapitalism 101 blog; Chris Cutrone of Platypus; and Daphne Lawless of FightBack, via Skype.

Saturday June 2, 4 PM
John Jay College of Criminal Justice
899 10th Avenue, New York
Room 1.77

Attendees must register with the Left Forum

Video of our panel on Trumpism at Left Forum

The video from the Marxist-Humanist Initiative panel at the Left Forum is now online. My talk, "Syria and Betrayal within the Anti-War Movement," begins at 52 minutes.