UN rights chief concerned over Egypt protest casualties
UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay on Feb. 2 praised the efforts of Egyptian protesters while repeating concerns over casualties, calling on the nation's leaders to give citizens the democratic reform they demand. There are currently unconfirmed reports of 300 casualties and 3,000 injured. Citing Article 21 of the of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Pillay stated that the will of the people should determine the government:
The authorities have a clear responsibility to protect civilians, including their right to life, and to freedom of assembly and freedom of expression. People must not be arbitrarily detained, simply for protesting or for expressing their political opinions—however unwelcome those opinions may be to those in power.
President Hosni Mubarak has announced that he will not seek re-election, although he does not plan on stepping down nor leaving Egypt. Protesters were not mollified by this statement, and protests have increased substantially since his speech. The protesters released their official demands, which include the removal of Mubarak and no transfer of power to his son, Gamal; negotiations only after Murbarak's departure; and free and fair elections for the presidency and parliament.
More than 1,000 protesters have been reported as detained as demonstrations against the 30-year reign of Mubarak continued. Meanwhile, Nobel Peace Prize laureate and Egyptian opposition leader Mohamed ElBaradei expressed his willingness to lead a transitional government.
From Jurist, Feb. 2. Used with permission.
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