Over 1,000 detained in Egypt amid widespread protests

More than 1,000 protesters have been detained in Egypt as demonstrations against the 30-year reign of President Hosni Mubarak entered their third day on Jan. 27. Protests were held Cairo, as well as the port city of Suez, and are reportedly spreading across the country. In Suez, police resorted the use of rubber-coated bullets, water cannons and teargas, after protesters burnt down a police post. On Jan. 25, Egypt's Ministry of Interior announced it would no longer tolerate the protests, which have resulted in several deaths. Meanwhile, Nobel Peace Prize winner and Egyptian opposition leader Mohamed ElBaradei has expressed his willingness to lead a transitional government. Elbaradei, who previously led the UN's International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), said he is planning to return to Egypt to join the protests.

Controversy marred parliamentary elections that were held in Egypt this past November, as violence accompanied accusations of corruption, fraud and silencing the opposition. Reports surfaced of vote buying and the ejection of independent vote monitors from polling locations.

From Jurist, Jan. 27. Used with permission.

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