World War 4 Report 2014 new year reader survey

This year marks the twelfth since World War 4 Report was launched in the immediate aftermath of 9-11 to monitor global conflicts; support anti-militarist movements and autonomy struggles; and give voice to dissident-left perspectives from the Middle East, Latin America and around the world. We continue to have a dedicated following, but an admittedly select one. We continue to wonder how many readers "get" what we do, and how valuable it is to you. We would appreciate any response, either by e-mail or commentary on the website, to this brief reader survey...

1. Would you say that you visit the World War 4 Report website at least once a week?

2. Do you frequently get stories from World War 4 Report that you have not seen elsewhere? What percentage of our stories are new for you? More than half?

3. Do you have a particular area that you follow most closely (Middle East, Palestine, Andes, Mexico, etc.), or do you appreciate our global perspective?

4. Do you appreciate our dissident "neither/nor" perspective on questions such as Syria and Libya, and our criticisms of the dominant left-wing positions on these matters? Or do you consider us splitters and cranks? (You can be honest.)

5. Do you often forward links from our website, or share them on social media?

6. Do you sometimes visit our sibling website Global Ganja Report? Do you view prohibition of cannabis (and other drugs) as a serious political issue? Or do you consider concern with such to be a decadent, bourgeois indulgence?

7. Do you sometimes visit our sibling website New Jewish Resistance? Do you share our frustration with the paucity of voices that seriously oppose both Zionism and resurgent anti-Semitism? Or do you consider anti-Zionism to be inherently anti-Semitic—or concern with anti-Semitism to be objectively pro-Zionist?

8. Do you wish to receive (or continue receiving) our weekly mailing of headlines? We send only one e-mail per week, and your address will under no circumstances be shared with any third parties. You can sign up, or unsubscribe, or respond to this survey, by sending e-mail to: 

feedback (at) ww4report (dot) com

You can also respond by leaving a comment below...