
World War 4 Report reloaded... at last!

Well, we did it. Just in time for our 11th anniversary next month, World War 4 Report is finally ready to unveil its long-awaited new design. We said when we first launched in the immediate aftermath of 9-11, that we would publish until peace. The world has changed a lot since then—especially in the past year and a half of revolutionary upsurge—but we feel that our mission is as vital as ever. Even if the end of the Bush era represented at least a slight retreat from dystopia, the US remains at war not only in Afghanistan, but in Iraq (yes, still), in Pakistan, in Yemen. The Libya intervention represented a turning point in the Arab Spring, when Great Power politics began to overshadow the initiative of the Arab masses. Syria looks like it could be next. And while the world is paying little attention, Western intervention is looking increasingly inevitable in war-torn MaliWorld War 4 Report is virtually alone in doing the hard work of hashing out an analysis that opposes imperial agendas while loaning no comfort to dictators or jihadis.

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