Bush signs border fence bill

On Oct. 26 at a White House ceremony, President George W. Bush signed a bill authorizing 700 miles of new fencing along the nearly 2,000-mile US-Mexico border in what was viewed as an effort to boost anti-immigrant Republican candidates just before the Nov. 7 elections. "We have a responsibility to enforce our laws," said Bush. "We have a responsibility to secure our borders. We take this responsibility serious." (AP, Oct. 10)

The House of Representatives passed the Secure Fence Act on Sept. 14 by a vote of 283-138. (NYT, Oct. 27) The Senate approved it on Sept. 29 by a vote of 80-19. (Washington Post, Sept. 30)

The law authorizes the construction of at least two layers of reinforced fencing around the border town of Tecate, California, and across nearly the entire length of Arizona's border with Mexico. Another expanse would cover much of the southern border of New Mexico, and in Texas the fencing would cover the border areas between Del Rio and Eagle Pass, and between Laredo and Brownsville. The entire fence is supposed to be completed by the end of 2008. The law also orders the Department of Homeland Security to install surveillance cameras along the Arizona border by May 30, 2007. The homeland security secretary is to achieve "operational control" of the US border within 18 months using unmanned aerial vehicles, ground-based sensors, satellites, radar and cameras.

The bill includes no money for the fence, although a homeland security spending measure the president signed earlier in October included $1.2 billion toward the border project's cost, including access roads, vehicle barriers, lighting and high-tech equipment. The entire fence project is expected to cost some $6 billion.

T.J. Bonner, president of the National Border Patrol Council, a union representing border agents, said Oct. 25 that Customs and Border Protection statistics for the year ending Sept. 30 show arrests at border crossings down 8% nationally, but up in the San Diego sector--the area of the border with the most fencing. (AP, Oct. 26)

From Immigration News Briefs, Oct. 27

See our last posts on the immigration crackdown and the struggle for the border.

will bush employ innlegals to build the wall and save

I will not be soprised if the companyes that are going to build the wall
will employ illegal immigrants, and make a bigger profit.

Cute observation, but...

leave it to you Jew-hating scum to not even know how to spell simple words like "illegal" or "surprised." Support English-only laws? You might want to consider learning the language yourself...

you stupid jew

you stupid jew,thats all you can say,because you can't argue.

Perhaps not...

...but at least I know how to place commas correctly. Anyway, get your stereotypes straight. Jews aren't stupid, we're sinister puppet-masters who secretly control the world. Blacks and Mexicans are stupid and lazy.

Have a nice day. Thanks for sharing the love.