An appeal for the release of Susanne Osthoff

Eleven archaeology and cultural-heritage non-governmental organizations from around the world appeal for the release of archaeologist Susanne Osthoff and her escort in Iraq.

New York, December 4, 2005

Press contacts:
Roger Atwood: (202) 518 8630

Micah Garen: (646) 526 4361


We, the undersigned cultural organizations, are deeply concerned about the safety of Susanne Osthoff and her escort, and we appeal for Susanne’s swift release so that she may be reunited with her family.

An archaeologist and humanitarian aid worker, Susanne has worked tirelessly for many years to aid the Iraqi people and to preserve the cultural treasures of Iraq for all Iraqis. She is truly a friend to all the people of Iraq.

We appeal to those holding Susanne for her safe release, and for the safe release of her escort, and trust that you will return them to their families who love them.

World Archaeological Congress
Claire Smith, President

Society for American Archaeology
Kenneth M. Ames, President

Archaeological Institute of America

Archaeologists for Human Rights
Sinje Caren Stoyke, Chairwoman

Register of Professional Archaeologists
Charles M. Niquette, President

Lawyers’ Committee for Cultural Heritage Preservation

Global Heritage Fund
Jeff Morgan, President

Society for Historical Archaeology
Dr. Judy Bense, President

Saving Antiquities for Everyone – SAFE
Cindy Ho, President

ICON – World Monuments Fund
Angela Schuster, Editor-in-Chief

American Academic Research Institute in Iraq
McGuire Gibson, President

See our last post on the Iraq hostage crisis.

The Islamic Center of Washington, DC, appeals to the captors

The Islamic Center of Washington, DC, appeals to the captors of Susan Osthoff for her immediate and unconditional release.

Allah The Almighty prohibited attacking human life as well as taking away human soul with no just cause.

“Kill not anyone whom Allah has forbidden…