David Bloom
Palestinian and Israeli activists discuss Lebanon war on New York's WBAI
Join Moorish Orthodox Radio Crusade host and WW4 REPORT editor Bill Weinberg and a panel of international activists on war crimes, the media blackout, and grassroots responses to the Israeli aggression on Lebanon and the occupied Palestinian territories. Tuesday July 25 at midnight, EST on WBAI 99.5 in New York City. To listen online: http://wbai.org/
Israeli filmakers protest war on Lebanon, Palestine
A letter from Israeli filmmakers to Palestinian and Lebanese filmmakers
Israeli Filmmakers - Friday, 21 July 2006, 15:21
We, the undersigned Israeli filmmakers, greet the Arab filmmakers who have gathered in Paris for the Arab Film Biennial. Through you, we wish to convey a message of camaraderie and solidarity with our Lebanese and Palestinian colleagues who are currently besieged and bombarded by our country’s army.
Israeli refuseniks oppose war on Lebanon
On July 21, Israeli reserve officer Yonatan Shapira, a helicopter pilot and signer of the pilots' letter refusing to perform assassinations in the Israeli-occupied Palestinian territories, spoke out against Israel's attack on Lebanon on Democracy Now! The following quote is part of a debate between Shapira and a member of what Democracy Now! oddly refers to as Israel's "peace party," Meretz. Only one of six members of the Knesset from Meretz has expressed opposition to Israel's attack on Lebanon:
McKinney campaign claims Diebold vote-switching
Press release from Congresswoman Cynthia Mckinney's campaign, July 18:
(Decatur) After one hour of voting, the McKinney campaign has received numerous calls that the voting machines are malfunctioning. Voters casting votes for McKinney are reportedly having their votes switched by the machines for Hank Johnson. This is not a new problem with Diebold machines. Lawyers for the campaign have been alerted and said that If this situation is not corrected, Cynthia McKinney for Congress will be forced to take additional measures.
Lebanese civil society appeals for solidarity
Received by email from Indymedia Beirut:
The Israeli offensive against Lebanon is an act of aggression against the whole Lebanese people. The IDF claims to be attacking an "infrastructure of terror," but the attacks on bridges, roads, airports and ships are cutting the country into pieces, threatening to create a disastrous situation by impeding the transportation of food and medicines, and terrorizing everyone. Besides the hundreds killed and injured, thousands of people are fleeing the country, and thousands of people are fleeing from the areas where the bombing is heaviest into central Beirut. Even here in the "safe" parts of the city we can hear the bombs throughout the day and night, and electrical and water supplies are tenuous.
South Africa considers Israel sanctions
IOL (SA), July 15:
South Africa open to debate on cutting ties with Israel
While the government is not currently entertaining thoughts of cutting diplomatic ties with Israel, it is open to debate on the issue, says Minister in the Presidency Essop Pahad.
Chavez: US support of Israel leading towards "Holocaust"
Ha'aretz, July 7:
Chavez: U.S. support for Israel will end in a 'Holocaust'
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said Friday that U.S. backing of Israel is responsible for flaming tensions in the Middle East and putting the world on course toward another "Holocaust."
Jordanians protest Israeli aggression —but where were the Islamists?
Text of report by Dubai-based news channel Al-Arabiya TV on 14 July, as translated by BBC Monitoring:
At a time when the Jordanian monarch, King Abdallah II, left for Cairo to meet Egyptian President Husni Mubarak in an effort to end the current military escalation, the Jordanian cities witnessed mass demonstrations in solidarity with the Lebanese people and in protest against the Israeli aggression.

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