David Bloom
British doctors call for boycott of Israeli Medical Association
Tucked away on the April 21 letters page of the UK Guardian, 130 British doctors are calling to boycott the Israeli Medical Association. Dr. Derek Summerfield, who wrote a scathing report on Israeli war crimes in the Oct 16, 2004 British Medical Journal, makes the call along with colleagues in the form of a letter supporting the UK National Union of Journalists' (NUJ) decision to boycott Israeli goods:
Libya to expel Palestinians?
BBC Monitoring reports on a March 14 story on the website of the London-based Arabic newspaper Al-Hayat, "Libya hints at [possibility of] expelling the Palestinians under the pretext of combating settlement in the diaspora":
The Palestinians have expressed surprise at Libya's remarks of the possibility of expelling thousands of Palestinian residents under the pretext of combating settlement, and called on Col [Mu'ammar] al-Qadhafi to refrain from that [measure].
Israeli troops shoot six children in Hebron district
From the Palestine Solidarity Project (PSP), Feb.9:
Israeli Occupation Forces Shoot 6 Children in Beit Ommar
After prayer today at approximately 11:30, residents of Beit Ommar held a non-violent demonstration against the Israeli construction work that is threatening the structure of the Al-Aqsa Mosque. There were similar demonstrations across the West Bank today in what has become a growing movement protesting Israeli excavation of the holy site. At least three Humvees and four jeeps of the Israeli Occupation Forces invaded the village and attacked the demonstrators without provocation. For six hours, the IOF shot large amounts of teargas, Rubber-coated steel bullets, and live ammunition at youth.They stopped Palestinians in their cars in the street and used the cars, with Palestinians trapped inside, as shields while shooting. Six children between the ages of 9 and 16 were shot with live ammunition, including one straight through the thigh and another in the head. Both of them are in critical condition. A Palestinian member of PSP was shot in the leg with a rubber-coated steel bullet from close range while helping Eyad Sabarneh, age 12, who had been shot through the thigh.
Florida Jewish weekly: Israel's occupation worse than apartheid
J. Zel Lurie writes the following for the South Florida Jewish Journal (via Kibush), Feb. 15 edition:
Military rule of West Bank surpasses South Africa's apartheid
Abe Foxman, the ADL chieftain should stop crying gevalt over Jimmy Carter's best-seller Palestine: Peace or Apartheid and start discussing the apartheid issues imposed for almost forty years on the West Bank Palestinians by their military rulers, the Israel army.
Israeli pol: yes, it's apartheid
Shulamit Aloni writes for Ynet (English translation via Kibush), Jan. 4:
Indeed there is Apartheid in Israel
A new order issued by the GOC Central command bans the conveyance of Palestinians in Israeli vehicles. Such a blatant violation of the right to travel joins the long list of humans rights violations carried out by Israel in the [Occupied] Territories.
Israeli army directive lashed as "crime of apartheid"
Zachary Goelman writes for the Jerusalem Report, Dec. 22:
Army Directive lashed as "crime of apartheid"
Israeli human rights organization has charged that an army ban on Israel drivers carrying Palestinian passengers in the west bank falls into the category of the "crime of apartheid", as defined by international law.
Rachel Corrie play: censored in Toronto
The lobby prevents Rachel Corrie's voice from being heard—again. From Variety, Dec. 22:
'Corrie' canceled in Canada
Play has potential to offend Jewish communityIt's curtains for My Name Is Rachel Corrie in Canada.
CanStage, the country's largest not-for-profit theater, has changed its opinion and decided not to present the show as part of its 2007-2008 season.
On Goldberg's review of Carter in Washington Post
This short piece exposes an interesting phenomenon at the Washington Post: citizen-soldier-book reviewers. Received via e-mail from our correspondent Brian Hennessey, Dec. 11:
To review Jimmy Carter's book, Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid, the Washington Post [Dec. 10] chose a Jewish Israeli citizen who willingly moved from his American birthplace to volunteer to become a soldier in Israel, working as a prison guard at one of Israel's worst prisons, where International and Israeli human rights organizations have documented a lack of process, inhumane conditions and torture for the hundreds of Palestinians (many women and children) who are held there indefinitely and without charge.

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