
Four Gitmo detainees transferred to Albania, Spain

Four Guantánamo Bay detainees have been transferred to Albania and Spain, the US Department of Justice announced Feb. 24. Three detainees, Tunisia native Aleh Bin Hadi Asasi, Egypt native Sharif Fati Ali al Mishad, and Libya native Abdul Rauf Omar Mohammad Abu al Qusin, were transferred to Albania; the fourth, an unidentified detainee from the Palestinian territories, was transferred to Spain. The transfers, approved with unanimous consent by the Guantanamo Bay Task Force, add to the more than 580 Guantánamo detainees transferred to other nations since 2002. There are still 188 remaining at the Guantánamo facility in Cuba.

Federal judge upholds detention of Yemeni Gitmo detainees

A judge for the US District Court for the District of Columbia ruled Feb. 24 that the government can continue to hold indefinitely two Yemeni Guantánamo Bay detainees, even though the men had been cleared for release by the Bush administration two years ago. Judge Gladys Kessler denied the petitions for habeas corpus filed by Fahmi Salem Al-Assani and Suleiman Awadh Bin Agil Al-Nahdi. The men had been notified of their release in 2008, but the decision was suspended when President Barack Obama took office. Full text of the opinions explaining Kessler's reasoning will be made public after passing a security clearance. Nearly half the 188 prisoners remaining at Guantánamo are from Yemen.

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