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by Antonia Juhasz, Oil Change International
Israeli publisher defends paper's use of terms "Jews-only," "apartheid"
Amos Schocken, the publisher of Israel's liberal daily Ha'aretz newspaper, has defended his paper's applying the word "apartheid" to the Israeli- occupied West Bank, as well as the phrase "Jews-only roads." According to journalist and blogger Phillip Weiss, who attended an Oct. 23 conference called "Israel and its Jewish Defamers," by the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA), Schocken's statements came in a result to inquiries from CAMERA, which is led by Andrea Levin:
Israeli "OneVoice" musician played settler Woodstock
The recent controversy over the cancellation of two concerts sponsored by the group OneVoice, to have been held simultaneously on Oct. 18 in Israeli-occupied Jericho and Tel Aviv, has drawn wide recriminations from its New York-based leadership. OneVoice was founded by Daniel Lubetsky, a young Israeli-Mexican-American polyglot businessman. He has called the mostly Palestinian critics of OneVoice "extremists" who are against peace. Ironically, one of the Israeli musicians Lubestky hired for OneVoice's ill-fated Tel Aviv show was the popular Israeli singer Ehud Banai. Banai recently got into some hot water of his own with the Israeli left. We were first tipped off to this controversy by a comment left on OneVoice's blog:
Peace Now chief enforces Jordan Valley apartheid?
From the Alternative Information Center, Oct 16.
The general secretary of Peace Now, Yariv Oppenheimer, did his reserve military duty at a checkpoint in the Jordan Valley, deep in the occupied Palestinian territories, acting just like any other good Israeli soldier.
Veteran NYC labor leaders: boycott Israel
From the NYC civil service paper The Chief-Leader, Oct 19:
Thompson and Israel
To the Editor:
The undersigned trade-union activists disagree with New York City Comptroller William C. Thompson and the Jewish Labor Committee, who have joined the witch-hunt against British unions for boycotting Israel (The Chief, Sept. 7).
Venezuela: Che shattered
From AP, Oct 19:
Glass Monument to Che in Venezuela Shot
CARACAS, Venezuela — A glass monument to revolutionary icon Ernesto "Che" Guevara was shot up and destroyed less than two weeks after it was unveiled by Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez's government.
by Michael Niman, ArtVoice, Buffalo, NY
People living within five miles or so of any major American waterway can hear their psychotic roar on hot summer evenings. They're "dick boats"—long, sleek, overpowered speedboats that can cut a sunset cruise into a deafening four-minute drag race. Their nickname is based on common beliefs that their owners are compensating for anatomical deficiencies.
by Al Huebner, Toward Freedom
In his column of July 19th in the New York Daily News, Juan Gonzalez reported that the polluted air at Ground Zero seems to have claimed two more victims. The story adds to his chronicle of how heroes of events following the attack on the World Trade Center — and just ordinary people — were harmed by those who should have been protecting them.
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