Last Chance to Save World War 4 Report's Monthly Edition—Really!
Dear Readers:
World War 4 Report's redesign is (predictably) taking longer than we had anticipated, and (based on lack of reader response) we are leaning towards discontinuing the monthly E-Journal, where we run longer and more in-depth material than the news digest of our Daily Report. Meanwhile, however, we've succumbed to the temptation to put out a May issue, again based on the strength of the material we've received. Also, continue to watch our front page, because we may be adding a new feature piece on Libya which is still embargoed for publication.
Once again: Back in September, we put the question to you the readers, pledging that if we could raise $500 before the format change, we would keep the monthly edition going. One reader in Japan immediately contributed $100 towards that goal. After that, we received little response. So that still means nearly $400 to go.
It's up to you, readers. If the monthly edition means something to you, please vote with your credit card or checkbook. If we reach the $5oo goal, we commit to maintaining the E-Journal. And even if we do not meet our goal, your contribution will help us continue our Daily Report.
Thank you, arigato, shukran and gracias,
Bill Weinberg
Send checks payable to World War 4 Report to:
World War 4 Report
121 Fifth Ave. #172
Brooklyn, NY 11217
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