Bill Weinberg to speak in NYC on Iraq's civil resistance

Award-winning journalist and World War 4 Report editor Bill Weinberg will present a video and discussion on the Iraq Freedom Congress (IFC), a new alliance of trade unions, women's organizations, neighborhood assemblies and student groups opposed to both the US occupation and the sectarian militias. The IFC is leading a campaign against the pending law that would privatize Iraq's oil, and has established self-governing zones, which both occupation forces and sectarian militias are barred from accessing, in neighborhoods in Baghdad and Kirkuk. Recently, their leaders have been targeted for attack by US forces. Solidarity efforts and coordinated actions are growing between Iraq's civil resistance and organized labor in the US—but more is needed.

Weinberg is a founder of the New York-based National Organization for the Iraq Freedom Struggles (NO-IFS). He is the author of Homage to Chiapas: The New Indigenous Struggles in Mexico, and co-host of the Moorish Orthodox Radio Crusade on WBAI in NYC.

The event will take place Tuesday May 13, 7 PM, at The Living Theatre, 21 Clinton Street, Manhattan (just south of Houston St) (212-792-8050). Coming from uptown, take the F or V train to "2nd Avenue" (exit front of train on 1st Ave, walk east along Houston and turn right on Clinton) or coming from downtown, take the F, V, M or Z train to "Delancey - Essex" and walk east on Delancey three blocks and turn left on Clinton for 2 and a half blocks.

Everybody is welcome and invited to come and to have their say. There is no set fee for the presentation, but a contribution to aid the LBC is suggested. If you have questions, contact the Libertarian Book Club/Anarchist Forum, 212-475-7180 or e-mail:

roberterler (at)

Bill Weinberg speaks on Iraqi civil resistance at the Left Forum, NYC, March 16