Anti-Semitism at Gitmo?

The following June 2 article is from the Jewish Telegraphic Agency:

Waxman: Investigate anti-Semitism charges
A Jewish lawmaker asked the U.S. Defense Department to investigate charges of anti-Semitism at the Guantanamo Bay military prison. Rep. Henry Waxman (D-Calif.) on Wednesday asked the Pentagon to investigate allegations that American interrogators made anti-Semitic remarks in order to drive a wedge between detainees and their attorneys.

Two detainees have complained that their interrogators told them their attorneys were Jewish, and warned them not to trust the lawyers, Waxman said in a letter to Defense Department Inspector General Joseph Schmitz. According to one detainee's account, his interrogator warned him of Jews' "historical" betrayal of Muslims and asked him, "Don't you think your lawyers, who are Jews, will betray you?"

Waxman asked Schmitz to investigate the charges and determine whether such practices violate federal law or military regulations.

See our last post on the ongoing scandal over abuse of detainees.