Sectarian war rocks Yemen

Fighting between the government and Sh'i'te insurgents in Yemen's northern mountains has killed 25 soldiers and 20 guerillas over the last five days. The government has set up camps to shelter about 10,000 people displaced by the violence. Sporadic clashes are still taking place in the town of Dhahian. Ali Abdullah Saleh, Yemen's president, ordered the army to crack down on (Abdul-Malik) al-Houthi and his fighters, based in northern Saada province, in January. About 315 Shi'ite fighters and 157 Yemeni soldiers have been killed in clashes since then, although al-Houthi's followers say the government's estimates of the number of insurgents killed are too high. (AlJazeera, April 9)

See our feature report on the Shi'ite insurgency in Yemen.