Dear WW4 REPORT Readers:
For starters, a couple of apologies.
Yes, our February issue is coming out five days late, and our daily weblog has been inactive for nearly a week. This is because your hard-working editor (yours truly) has been down with the flu. (At first I thought it was an ultra-virulent genetically-modified strain of SARS, but I was just being bionoid.)
We are also aware that for the past few weeks, readers have been unable to post comments on the weblog. We are still trying to work out the bugs from switching to a new server last year, and hope to have the problem fixed soon. Please bear with us.
Meanwhile, our winter fund-raiser is still $1,385 short of our goal of $2,000. The only reason we are asking for $2,000 is because that is what we NEED to be able to continue our work.
To cite just one example of our work that we think is critical: the shocking evictions of Maya peasant settlements by the Guatemalan army on behalf of multinational mineral interests last month was a throwback to the days of the dictatorship. Yet with the escalating horrors in the Middle East, such injustices are now overlooked even by the "alternative" media. The Guatemalan evictions received virtually no other coverage in English. A shorter version of my account appeared in the weekly Indian Country Today. The full version appears only on WW4 REPORT.
The reason we produce WW4 REPORT is because there is simply no market elsewhere for this kind of journalism. While much of the rest of left media descend into obvious and redundant Bush-bashing, we actually do the work of looking beyond the headlines and sound-bites to INVESTIGATE rather than merely moralize, to INFORM rather than to preach.
We urgently appeal to you, our readers, to allow us to continue this work! Please find your category (honestly) on the chart below, and send something TODAY, while you are still thinking about it.
Minors, indigent and prisoners: FREE
Students, fixed-income and unemployed: $5
Working class Jane/Joe: $10
Professionals with health insurance: $25
Professionals who just got a raise: $75
Just closed a big dope deal: $100
SUV owners: $200
Confused Republicans who like us because we're "anti-government": $500
Self-hating CEOs: $1,000 and up
Send checks to:
89 Fifth Ave. #172
Brooklyn NY 11217
Please make checks payable to WORLD WAR 4 REPORT.
Or donate by credit card:
Thank you for your support. We can't do it without you—really.
Bill Weinberg
PS Hopefully, we will be doing another print run of our pamphlet series
this month, so we will have something to send you as a token of our
Feb. 1, 2007
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