Supreme Court shafts 9-11 widows

Glorify 'em as heroes and martyrs for war propaganda—then screw 'em. It's the American way. From NY1, Jan. 17:

Supreme Court Rules 9/11 Families Cannot Sue Over Faulty Radios
Families of New York City firefighters won't be allowed to sue over the radios the department used during the September 11th terror attacks.

The U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday upheld a lower court's decision which dismissed a lawsuit against the city and the radio manufacturer, Motorola. The suit alleged the radios were faulty and prevented responders from hearing evacuation calls while they were rescuing people from the North Tower.

A panel of the Second Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals said the families had waived their right to sue when they accepted money from the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund.

See our last post on the struggle for the legacy of 9-11 in New York City.