Daily Report

Nepal insurgency: Amnesty International rips both sides

America's own homegrown Mickey Maoists, the Revolutionary Communist Party, have found their latest cause celebre in the Maoist insurgency in Nepal (see their special report). Meanwhile, a new Amnesty International report takes both the guerillas and government forces to task for killings, torture and rape of non-combatants. The report notes that the Tharu and Magar ethnic minorities have been especially targeted for government reprisals. Currently, India and the US are the two biggest military aid providers to Nepal. While the US Congress has passed a law making military aid to Nepal dependent on the army cooperating with the National Human Rights Commission, India is yet to take any such step. Clashes continued last week, leaving several dead in the eastern Ilam district, BBC reports. The war has claimed 10,000 lives since it began in 1995.

Deja Vu in Spain: Basques v. Fascists

It has hardly made international headlines, but there has been a wave of bombings at Spanish resorts by ETA in recent months--not claiming any lives, but causing several injuries and wreaking some property damage. Now the Basque regional government is pushing an autonomy plan that stops just barely short of full independence in a bid to appease the separatists. Catalonia, following the Pais Vasco's lead, is also pressing for near-independence. In reaction, the Franco-nostalgists are coming out of the woodwork...

Pakistan guerillas hit pipeline

Baluchi guerillas shut down Pakistan's top gas field with rocket attacks on the pipeline. Why is nobody paying attention?

ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - Supplies from Pakistan's main gas field have been fully restored, officials said on Saturday 11 days after a bloody attack by militant tribesmen seeking greater autonomy forced the field to be shut down.

Next: Free Baluchistan?

If it hits the fan in Pakistan, Bush's victory in neighboring Afghanistan could be a Pyrric one... From AP:

QUETTA, Pakistan - Three rockets fired by unidentified assailants
landed in a residential area of this deeply conservative southwestern
Pakistani city, but no one was injured, police said Saturday.

Iran behind Pakistan guerillas?

Nobody's paying much attention, but Pakistan is on the brink of civil war. Taliban-types have taken power in much of the Northwest Tribal Areas along the Afghan border, while tribespeople in Baluchistan--also along the Afghan border, to the southwest--have launched an insurgency and apparently want to secede. US-Pakistani attempts to hunt down Osama and al-Qaeda elements believed to be hiding in the border region have only inflamed the situation. Now comes a claim that Iran is aiding the Baluch insurgency. Seems unlikely, given the depth of the Shi'ite-Sunni divide (a source of much bloodshed in Pakistan), but it could sure make convenient propaganda for Bush's new campaign against Iran...

Is al-Qaeda Just a Bush Bogeyman? (Well, no...)

Robert Scheer's hyperventilating latest is getting much circulation in cyberspace (see below). A typical sample:

"cabal of Machiavellian neoconservatives"

New Haven to US: Out of Iraq!!

The New Haven (CT) Board of Alderman voted to ask the US to end its occupation of Iraq and bring the troops home. This was the culmination of a lot of hard work involving hundreds of peace activists which was spearheaded by the Green party's Alderwomen Joyce Chen. As Alan Brison put it, "An amazing thing about the vote was the racial breakdown. Among minorities on the board the vote was 16-0 in favor, with 3 absences. Among white, mostly "liberals", the vote was 4-3 with 4 either absent or not voting." This is one of few cities in the US to pass such a resolution. Please consider working with others to expand these efforts. Also write letters to editor on such topics. [From Mazin Qumsiyeh. To subscribe to Mazin's list, send an email to sympa@lists.riseup.net?subject=subscribe%20mazin.qumsiyeh]

SAVE JAYYOUS: Palestinian village being ethnically cleansed

Jayyous, a town of 3,400 in the West Bank, is being cleansed quickly through illegal Israeli settlement expansion, funded indirectly with US tax dollars. The Rhode Island Qalqilya Alliance has background information, and says what you can do to take action.

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