Daily Report

Peru: Sendero Luminoso take Camisea workers hostage

Presumed guerillas of the Sendero Luminoso (Shining Path) movement seized a work camp of the Camisea Consortium April 9 at Kepashiato community, La Convención province, Cuzco region, holding captive the 30 workers there. Several hours later, all but seven were released—sent walking towards the Kepashiato village center, where the National Police established a command post after the hostage-taking. The seven remaining are employees of the Skanska and Coga construction companies, which are contracted by the consortium. National Police say they believe the armed men are Sendero militants who entered La Convención Valley from the Apurímac-Ene River Valley (VRAE), a pocket of jungle just over a mountain range to the northwest where a surviving Sendero column is active. (WSJ, Reuters, La Republica, RPP,Terra Peru, April 9)

Mexico: study blames NAFTA in obesity epidemic

A study published in the March issue of the International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health finds that the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) may be partly responsible for the sharp increase in obesity among Mexicans since the accord took effect in January 1994. Entitled "Exporting Obesity: US farm and trade policy and the transformation of the Mexican consumer food environment," the study indicates that by opening Mexico up to investment and food imports from the US, NAFTA altered Mexicans' eating habits in a way that has affected their health.

Argentina: Menem to be tried for AMIA bombing coverup

Unidentified Argentine judicial sources reported on March 30 that federal judge Ariel Lijo has ordered former president Carlos Saúl Menem (1989-1999) to stand trial on charges that during his presidency he impeded the initial investigation into a July 1994 bombing of the Argentine Jewish Mutual Association (AMIA) building in Buenos Aires. The judge in charge of the original investigation, Juan José Galeano, is also to stand trial, along with former intelligence service directors Hugo Anzorreguy and Juan Carlos Anchezar, and two commanders of the federal police.

Chile: carabinero shot after raid on Mapuche village

A sergeant in Chile's carabineros militarized police force, Hugo Albornoz, died in a hospital in Temuco, the capital of the southern region of Araucanía, the evening of April 2; he had been shot in the neck by unknown attackers earlier in the day. Sgt. Albornoz was part of a large group of police agents from the carabineros Special Operations Group (GOPE) that had searched through homes of indigenous Mapuche that morning in the village of Wente Winkul Mapu in Ercilla commune, Araucanía, for evidence about an October 2011 attack on the Centenario estate, the property of Juan de Dios Fuentes.

Haiti: Did a Dominican contractor give millions to Martelly?

Several construction companies controlled by Dominican senator Félix Bautista have paid a total of more than $2.5 million to Haitian president Michel Martelly ("Sweet Micky") since 2010, according to a March 31 television report by Dominican investigative reporter Nuria Piera. At least two of the companies were awarded major contracts by the Haitian government for rebuilding in Haiti following the January 2010 earthquake: Hadom S.A., which won a $33 million contract to construct a new building for the Parliament, and Roffy S.A., which is getting $174 million for a housing project in the capital's Fort National section. (The ceremony to mark the start of the Fort National project last year was called off because of protests by area residents who demanded greater transparency.)

FARC denies being weakened, rejects "terrorist" label

Colombia's FARC guerillas responded to reports that they have been weakened, and asserted that the rebels' "struggle for a socialist Colombia" is legitimized by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In a video recorded on March 24 and published on YouTube two days later, FARC commander Luciano Marín Arango AKA "Iván Márquez" said "there exists no end to the guerrilla as propagandized by the pawns of the trans-nationalization of the economy of Colombia. What does exist is an intense political and military confrontation and a growing mobilization of the social sectors." The guerrilla leader rejected the FARC's international label as terrorist organization, claiming that "the revolutionary violence, the rebellion against unjust and tyrannic regimes is an irrevocable universal right."

Peru: oil industry blamed in mass dolphin die-off

An estimated 3,000 dead dolphins have washed up on the coast of northern Peru so far this year—an average of 30 per day, and the mysterious die-off shows no sign of slowing. The mass wash-ups were first reported by the Association of Artisanal Fishers in Puerto Eten, Lambayeque. In the past days, over 480 carcasses have washed up in the Chaparrí Ecological Reserve. Carlos Yaipen of the Organization for Conservation of Aquatic Animals (ORCA) says he believes use of "marine bubble" technology in offshore oil exploration is responsible. "The oil companies use different frequencies of acoustic waves and the effects produced by these bubbles are not plainly visible, but they generate effects later in the animals," he told Peru21 newspaper. "That can cause death by acoustic impact, not only in dolphins, but also in marine seals and whales."

Peru: Cajamarca militarized on eve of regional strike

Troops have been mobilized to Peru's northern Andean region of Cajamarca ahead of an announced resumption of the civil strike there in opposition to the Conga gold mining project. Especially militarized are the outlying provinces of Celendín and Hualgayoc, where the project is slated, with some 1,000 National Police agents and 500 army troops having occupied strategic positions in the town centers. While the Cajamarca regional government is strongly backing the protest call, the provincial governments seem to be cooperating with the security forces. In Celendín, provincial authorities have made a sports arena available to the troops as a staging ground, according to Milton Sánchez of the local civil coalition, the Celendina Inter-institutional Platform. An unused jail in Hualgayoc's provincial capital Bambamarca has been similarly opened, according to Edy Benavides, leader of the Hualgayoc Defense Front. Both groups issued statements protesting the troop presence. Stressing the peaceful nature of the struggle, Benavides said, "We do not accept the militarization in our zone, because it has no justifiable reason."

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