Daily Report
Jihadis attack Saudi cops in Jidda
From Reuters, Dec. 8:
Gunmen killed two security officers when they opened fire on a guard post outside a prison in Jidda, the Interior Ministry said. Residents said terror suspects were believed to be held at the prison. Al Arabiya television quoted a security official as saying that two suspects were arrested after a car chase. The kingdom said last week that it had detained 136 suspected militants, including a would-be suicide bomber. Prince Nayef bin Abdul Aziz, the interior minister, said Monday that the militants, who included foreigners, were planning a series of suicide bombings and assassinations.
From NYC's The Villager, Dec. 6-12:
Drunk driver on Hudson Park bike path mows down cyclist
In a city where speeding cars and trucks rule the road and bicyclists ride at their own risk, the Hudson River Park bike path would seem to offer one of the safest places to cycle.
Yemen: gunman attacks US embassy
Pretty much dumb luck that they gunned this guy down before he hit anyone, which is why this isn't in the headlines. Perhaps blowback from Yemen's embroilment in the joint US-Ethiopia proxy war in Somalia? From SomaliNet, Dec. 6:
A gunman opened fire outside the U.S. Embassy early Tuesday, but was shot by Yemeni security guards and arrested before anyone else was wounded, an Interior Ministry official reported.
Oaxaca protest leader arrested in Mexico City
From Copley News Service via the San Diego Union-Tribune, Dec. 6:
MEXICO CITY – The leader of the six-month protest in Oaxaca state was arrested late Monday in Mexico City, just hours before he planned to meet with top officials in President Felipe Calderón's government in hopes of negotiating a peaceful solution.
"Eerie calm" in Oaxaca following repression wave
Under threat of an imminent invasion of the campus by Mexican federal police and Oaxaca state law enforcement, activists representing the Popular People's Assembly of Oaxaca (APPO) formally turned over control of Radio Universidad Nov. 30 to the state university rector Francisco Martinez Neri. The rector announced at a press conference that none of the station's equioment was damaged or missing. (Noticias de Oaxaca, Nov. 30) The following morning, the university, which had been APPO's principal stronghold, re-opened its doors to regular classes. El Universal reported that "for the first time in over five months, this state capital awoke with no barricades in sight," and an "eerie calm" reigned over the city. (El Universal, Dec. 1)
Oaxaca: Brad Will's accused killers released
Sarah Ferguson writes for the Village Voice, Dec. 1:
The two Oaxacan town officials accused of gunning down Indymedia journalist Brad Will were released from prison today after a state judge claimed there was a "fading of evidence" against them.
EZLN: global mobilization for Oaxaca, Dec. 22
From the Zapatista National Liberation Army (EZLN) General Command, Dec. 2:
To the people of Mexico:
To the people of the world:
Brothers and Sisters:
The attack that our brothers, the people of Oaxaca suffered and suffer cannot be ignored by those who fight for freedom, justice and democracy in all corners of the planet.
US backing Ethiopia's Somalia intervention?
Thousands of Somalis chanted anti-US slogans at an Islamist protest against a Washington-backed plan to send foreign peacekeepers to prop up the country's weak interim government Dec. 4. In a decrepit Mogadishu football stadium, Somalis shouted "Down with the USA!" as speakers accused the US and Ethiopia of planning to invade Somalia. (Reuters, Dec. 4) Meanwhile, an overview of reports from the region's press picked up by BBC Monitoring indicates this intervention may already be in the works.
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