Daily Report
Iraq: Kurdish secular writer under threat
A petition, dated Feb. 9:
To: Kurdish Authorities
Campaign to defend the life and safety of Marywan Halabjaye
Defend this secular writer against the threats of Islamists in Iraqi Kurdistan!
Marywan Halabjaye is secular Kurdish write who recently published a Book entitled Sex, Sharia and Women in the History of Islam. In this book he discussed the status of women in Islam and according to the text of the Quran. The book has received an overwhelming response from the secular, progressive masses of Kurdistan.
"Defend the right to blasphemy"
Sent by Mahmood Ketabchi, an exiled follower of the Worker Communist Party of Iran now living in New Jersey and active in support work for workers' and women's movements in Iran and Iraq. Emphasis added.
Defend Freedom of Press—and the Right to Blasphemy
by Mahmood Ketabchi
February 9, 2006
The publication of cartoons of Muhammad by several European newspapers has given the political Islamists an opportunity to launch a brutal international assault against freedom of press and the right to blasphemy. Islamist demonstrators attacked and burned a few European embassies, launched sectarian attacks on people from other religions, and threatened the lives of European citizens. In the streets of London, they called for murder and beheading of the cartoonists and anyone who insults Islam and threatened a special 9/11 massacre for Europeans. It went so far that a demonstrator in front of the Danish Embassy in London wore suicide bomber's gear. The US and European governments declared their regrets over the cartoons and apologized to the Islamists. Even the Pope, representing the Catholic establishment, pitched in his two cents condemning the cartoon, maybe out of fear that someone might draw caricatures of the church's collusion with pedophilic Catholic priests raping little children. The apologies only added more fuel to the Islamist's rage and outcry, for they saw it as justification for their actions.
Violence escalates in cartoon imbroglio
Violence continues to grow throughout the Muslim world in protests against the anti-Islamic cartoons published in Denmark. In Nairobi, police opened fire as hundreds of protesters advanced on the Danish ambassador's residence, leaving one injured. Another was killed and four more injured in an apparent accident involving the ambulance taking the wounded protester away. (AP, Feb. 10) A German journalist from ARD Radio was also reportedly assaulted by protesters in Nairobi, and had his car windows smashed as he tried to leave the scene. (Expatica, Feb. 10)
Israel assassinates 13 in one week
The Palestinian press is raising the possibility that Israel may be trying to provoke a response with a recent large spate of "targeted killings." From the International Middle East Media Center, Feb. 10:
Ongoing Israeli Assassinations by Missile said to be 'Baiting' Palestinian militants
While the Israeli government refuses all contact with the future democratically elected Palestinian government, it has returned to its policy of assassination, targeting alleged Palestinian terrorists without trial or formal accusations, killing 13 this week in aerial missile attacks.
Ashura violence in Pakistan, Afghanistan
From AP, Feb. 9:
A suicide bomber struck Thursday in Pakistan on the holiest festival for Shiite Muslims, triggering a riot that left a provincial town in flames and at least 27 people dead and more than 50 wounded.
NYC: Bill Weinberg to speak on Iraq's civil resistance
On Tuesday, February 14, at 7:30 PM, the Libertarian Book Club's Anarchist Forum will present Bill Weinberg, host of the WBAI program "The Moorish Orthodox Radio Crusade" and creator of the World War 4 Report website, where important but seldom-seen news from around the world can be found. Weinberg will provide a detailed picture of the almost never-discussed secular left opposition in Iraq. These are the Iraqis that oppose the U.S. occupation, the torture state it protects, and the jihadi insurgents alike. He will discuss how we can lend solidarity to the trade unions, women’s rights groups, and community organizations under siege in Iraq. He will also be reporting back on the recent conference in Tokyo in solidarity with the Iraqi Freedom Congress, and showing a new DVD on the organization's work.
Propaganda and the cartoon controversy, Pt. 2
An informative and insightful, if somewhat problematic, commentary from Egypt's Al-Ahram Weekly. Anjali Kamat argues that the cartoons are not merely "offensive" but propagandistic, and that leaving racism out of the simplistic "free speech/Islamic intolerance" equation is to miss the critical point:
UK: Iraqi feminists for free speech
A statement, apparently not yet posted elsewhere on the Web, from the UK branch of the Organization of Women's Freedom in Iraq (OWFI) and allied groups:
Civilised humanity must take a stand in defence of freedom of expression, against Islamists and racists
The recent controversy over some caricatures of Mohammed gave the Islamists an opportunity to wage a hysterical protest internationally. In many cases, this took a violent form and was clearly aimed at silencing those who dared to even portray Mohammed. In these demonstrations - across the world and in London, the very heart of Europe - many of the banners on show were emblazoned with shameful slogans. These included - "Those who insult Islam must be beheaded" and "Freedom go to hell" plus various other fatwas and threats against cartoonists and others who have the temerity to "insult" Islam.
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