Daily Report
Afghanistan: rocket attack on schoolyard kills 7 kids
The Taliban denies it. So who did do it? AP, April 12:
ASADABAD, Afghanistan — A rocket exploded Tuesday in a schoolyard in eastern Afghanistan, killing seven students and wounding 34 other people in an attack possibly aimed at a nearby U.S. military base, officials said.
Iran could have a-bomb in 16 days ...or ten years
From Bloomberg, April 12:
Iran Could Produce Nuclear Bomb in 16 Days, U.S. Says
Iran, defying United Nations Security Council demands to halt its nuclear program, may be capable of making a nuclear bomb within 16 days, a U.S. State Department official said.
Anarchists protest "V for Vendetta"
We have received the following from a group calling itself A for Anarchy:
V for Vendetta
A for Action!!!!
4/17: International A for Anarchy Action Day!
While V for Vendetta has been playing for a few weeks in the US, its only just premiered in Spain and a range of other for countries. The time is now here to ramp up this effort! We're calling for creating actions worldwide to educate moviegoers on the promise of anarchy and to take a parting shot at the corporations behind the film V for Vendetta film for eviscerating the anarchist politics of the original V for Vendetta graphic novel.
World War II conscientious objector buried with honors
From AP, April 4:
CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. - The only conscientious objector to receive a Medal of Honor in World War II has been buried at a national cemetery with a 21-gun salute, although he refused to carry a weapon while serving as an Army medic.
UK: trial starts in Iraq conscientious objector case
From the Jurist, April 11:
A medical officer in the UK's Royal Air Force has pleaded not guilty to charges that he failed to comply with a legal order for refusing to return to Iraq for a third tour of duty. Flight Lieutenant Malcolm Kendall-Smith, who has dual British and New Zealand citizenship, refused to go back to Iraq because he felt Britain's participation in the war was illegal since Iraq had not attacked the UK or one of its allies. Judge Advocate Jack Bayliss is presiding over Kendall-Smith's court-martial, which began Tuesday, and ruled that the doctor should face trial for the five charges against him because the orders were lawful.
Nazis planned Holocaust for Palestine: historians
Note the last line asserting that the release of the findings at this time is coincidental. Could be, but it certainly serves an important propaganda function as Bush prepares to play Churchill to Ahmadinejad's Hitler. From Reuters, April 7:
BERLIN — Nazi Germany planned to expand the extermination of Jews beyond the borders of Europe and into British-controlled Palestine during World War Two, two German historians say.
Israeli Women's Action to 'Stop the Bombing of Gaza'
Press release from the Israeli Coalition of Women for Peace:
Israeli Women's Action in Tel Aviv to 'Stop the Bombing of Gaza'
April 11Today at 18:00 the Coalition of Women for Peace will be washing their hands in blood in an action demanding that bombings stop in Gaza. They will walk from Hassan Beck Mosque along Yarkon Street towards the embassies.
The Coalition of Women for Peace has issued this statement, "In Passover we celebrate freedom while in Gaza - the largest prison in the world, Israel is shedding blood. In the past week the Israeli occupation army attacked brutally Palestinian residents of Gaza, killing and wounding dozens."
Bush plans bombardment of Moon
This is just about the most insidious thing the Bush boys are doing—because while plans to bomb Iran at least spark headlines and outrage, plans to bomb the Moon languish in the back pages of the newspapers, and even many "progressives" see it as harmless "science." Recall, this is the same administration which is vigorously suppressing science at NASA, when it comes to the mounting evidence of global warming that would upset Bush's pals in the oil biz. Similarly, this supposed pursuit of "science" is also soley about advancing corporate power—to the final frontier. After Earth is destroyed, there is still the Moon and eight other planets to chew up and spit out. It would be an absolute disaster if water is found on the Moon. The anti-war forces must adopt this as an urgent issue. U.S. IMPERIALISM HANDS OFF THE MOON! From AP, April 10:
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