Daily Report

Iraq: USMC didn't "support the troops"

Now why is it? When the question is posed (as it always is) in terms of supporting the war, it is absolutely mandatory that we all "support the troops." If Congress doesn't endlessly fund the military adventure, it is accused of betraying the troops. Those of us who want to bring the troops home, out of Iraq's killing fields and back to their loved ones, are by some twisted logic accused of "betraying the troops." Military websites like AmericaSupportsYou.mil urge citizens to do sacrifice-free things like send e-messages of encouragement to the troops—which then allows us to feel good about supporting a policy that keeps the troops in a situation where they are getting shot at and blown up by IEDs. But the people who are actually in a position of responsibility for getting the troops what they need to beat the odds of getting killed or maimed are allowed to totally screw over the troops. From AP, Feb. 17:

Mexico broaches oil privatization —almost

On Feb. 13, Mexico's El Economista reported that the Mexican Senate's Energy Commission, led by Juan Bueno Torio of President Felipe Calderón's conservative National Action Party (PAN), has called for a "special program of private investment" for Pemex, the state oil monopoly. While Bueno Torio emphasized "Pemex will not be privatized," he said new investments were needed to meet Mexico's growing energy demands.

Narcos, not guerillas behind Mexico City blast

A lunchtime blast that killed one and injured two on Chapultepec Ave. in the Roma district near Mexico City's tony Zona Rosa Feb. 15 was the work of narco gangs and not leftist guerillas, authorities say. Federal District police say the bomb contained C4 explosive of the type used by the Mexican military. They also note that the blast came two days after Federal District police uncovered an "arsenal" in the nearby Portales district and arrested nine men they said were linked to the Sinaloa Cartel. The bomb went off some 150 meters from the headquarters of the Federal District Public Security Secretariat (SSP-DF), which authorities say was the intended target. (La Jornada, El Universal, Milenio, Feb. 16)

India: Delhi threatens air-strikes after coordinated Naxalite attacks

New Delhi has rushed a high-level team of senior Home Ministry officials to eastern Orissa state after some 600 Naxalite guerillas carried out simultaneous raids on several police stations in Nayagarh district late Feb. 15, killing 15 and looting large quantities of arms and ammunition. The dead included a village paramilitary guard, a civilian and 13 police. Ten more were injured. Orissa police are now combing the Kupari forests, where the guerillas fled. Andhra Pradesh police and paramilitary forces have also joined the hunt. The security forces are backed up by helicopter gunships, with Delhi saying air strikes are being considered if Naxalite strongholds can be located. (The Hindu, The Statesman, Feb. 16)

Nigeria: cross-dressers face sharia court

First polygamous lesbians—now cross-dressers. From the BBC, Feb. 15:

The trial of 18 men accused of dressing up as women has started in a Sharia court in northern Nigeria.

Pakistan: Sufis make NYT op-ed page

A guardedly optimistic op-ed, "In Pakistan, Islam Needs Democracy," appears in the Feb. 16 New York Times by one Waleed Ziad of the Truman National Security Project, a think-tank that "unites Americans who believe equally in strong liberal values, and the need for strong national security." It is a source of both interest and frustration that this exponent of pro-military, pro-globalist wonkdom favorably cites the Sufis:

Barack Obama pawn in intra-elite paleo-neocon wars?

We've noted that Zbigniew Brzezinski is one of the primary exponents of the policy-elite backlash against the neocons, and his emergence as an adviser for Barack Obama says much about the coalition that is coming together behind the Obamarama. The original ideological whiz-kid of the (yes, really) Trilateral Commission and Jimmy Carter's National Security Advisor, Zbiggy represents the "pragmatist" wing of the ruling elites. Rival Hillary Clinton has also got "pragmatists" in her camp, and Obama is also attempting to woo the neocons. But the basic division seems pretty clear. From "Behind Clinton and Obama" by Stephen Zunes in Foreign Policy in Focus, Feb. 4 (emphasis added):

Ron Paul: right-wing wackjob

We've noted ourselves that Ron Paul is the only Republican candidate that talks a good line on the Iraq war. But it is really disturbing to see anti-war folks line up behind him uncritically. Nico Pitney notes the phenomenon—without comment—on Huffington Post. Why, but why, is word not getting around of his sinister ultra-right connections? While too many "radicals" are taking his noxious bait, leave it to the liberals at The New Republic to call the rascal out. Their James Kirchick last month wrote a profile appropriately entitled "Angry White Man," in which he perused back issues of Paul's monthly newsletter, published under various names—Ron Paul's Freedom Report, Ron Paul Political Report, The Ron Paul Survival Report—since 1978, two years after he was first elected to Congress. Kirchick presents selections of ugly racist garbage that have appeared in its pages over the years. Excerpts:

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