Daily Report

Did US firm sell Egypt cyber-snoop tech?

A US company apparently sold Egypt technology to monitor Internet and mobile phone traffic—now being used by the regime to crack down on communications as protests erupt across the country. Boeing-owned, California-based Narus sold Telecom Egypt, the state-run Internet service provider, "real-time traffic intelligence" equipment, more commonly known as Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) technology. DPI is content-filtering technology that allows network managers to inspect, track and target content from Internet users and mobile phones as it passes through Web routers.

Tunisia: new cabinet instated, protests continue

Tunisia's interim regime followed through on its pledge to replace the cabinet of ousted president Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali Jan. 28, sacking the ministers of defense, interior and exterior. The changes were announced by Prime Minister Mohamed Ghannouchi—himself a target of resignation demands by protesters who continue to take to the streets.

Over 1,000 detained in Egypt amid widespread protests

More than 1,000 protesters have been detained in Egypt as demonstrations against the 30-year reign of President Hosni Mubarak entered their third day on Jan. 27. Protests were held Cairo, as well as the port city of Suez, and are reportedly spreading across the country. In Suez, police resorted the use of rubber-coated bullets, water cannons and teargas, after protesters burnt down a police post. On Jan. 25, Egypt's Ministry of Interior announced it would no longer tolerate the protests, which have resulted in several deaths. Meanwhile, Nobel Peace Prize winner and Egyptian opposition leader Mohamed ElBaradei has expressed his willingness to lead a transitional government. Elbaradei, who previously led the UN's International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), said he is planning to return to Egypt to join the protests.

Oaxaca meets the new boss —or does it?

The new governor of Mexico's conflicted Oaxaca state, Gabino Cué Monteagudo, was sworn in last month after winning on the ticket of United for Peace and Progress Coalition, made up of all the state's major opposition parties (PAN, PRD, PT and Convergencia). But much of the state bureaucracy remains loyal to the long-entrenched machine of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI). Upon taking office, Cué says he found the bureaucracy crippled by years of endemic corruption. "There were no computers," he said. "We found that the staff payroll didn't match who actually was working... The bank statements were out of balance. The state automotive fleet was in terrible shape." Cué also faces local conflicts in 47 of the state's 570 municipalities, where local elections were annulled because of irregularities. (Miami Herald, Jan. 26)

Pentagon moves ahead with Colombian bases plan

US military agencies in September 2010 signed contracts for construction at Tolemaida, Larandia and Málaga bases in Colombia worth nearly $5 million, according to documents obtained by the anti-war group Fellowship of Reconciliation. US military contracts for Tolemaida in the fiscal year ending Sept. 30 were larger than the last four years combined.

Yemen protesters on Code Pink

Thousands again took to the streets of Sana'a Jan. 27, calling for the resignation of President Ali Abdullah Saleh. "It's over Saleh, your time is up!" chanted a crowd of students, rattling the gates of Sana'a University. The protests are organized by an opposition coalition, including the Islamist party Islah, as well as the Socialist and Nasserite parties. Emphasizing a commitment to nonviolence, the protesters have adopted pink as their color, but warned that they will escalate to "red" to press their demands if necessary. (The Guardian, The Lede, Jan. 27)

Tunisia: interim regime makes cabinet changes, issues Ben Ali warrant

Tunisia's Justice Minister Lazhar Karoui Chebbi announced Jan. 25 that the National Unity Government has issued an international arrest warrant for ousted president Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali and his family. The transitional government also announced that a new cabinet is to be named this week, as well as new governors and ambassadors. Protesters continue to mobilize in the capital to demand the resignation of former members of Ben Ali's regime.

Egypt: police, protesters clash for second day

Egyptian police and protesters clashed in Cairo's city center and in the port city of Suez on Jan. 26, the second day of anti-government rallies. The Interior Ministry had banned all protests, and security officials said at least 500 were arrested around the country. In the capital, where demonstrators declared a "day of anger" to demand the resignation of Hosni Mubarak, police used tear gas and protesters responded with hurled stones. One protester and one police officer are reported killed in Cairo street fighting. In Suez, three protesters were reported killed in a police baton charge the previous day. (Middle East Online, YNet, Jan. 26)

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