Daily Report

Mexico: 230,000 are displaced by the "drug war"

Some 115,000 Mexicans fled their homes last year because of drug-related crime, according to a report released on March 23 by the Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC). The Geneva-based group, which was established by the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) in 1998 at the United Nations' request, estimated that the total number of people displaced by drug violence in Mexico since 2007 has reached about 230,000. Some 35,000 people have died in fighting among drug gangs and between the gangs and the authorities in the four years since President Felipe Calderón Hinojosa militarized the fight against drug traffickers shortly after taking office in December 2006.

Saudi Arabia: women angered as regime extends vote ban

Activists for women's rights in Saudi Arabia decried the regime's decision March 28 to keep a voting ban in place at a time when Arab governments are taking steps to avert pro-democracy uprisings. The announcement came from the head of the electoral committee charged with preparing for next month's municipal polls. "We are not ready for the participation of women in these municipal elections," said Abdulrahman al-Dahmash, while renewing pledges that authorities will allow women to take part "in the next ballot." The Saudi monarchy announced last week that it is to hold municipal elections for only the second time, kicking off on April 23 from region to region. The March 28 announcement is "an outrageous mistake that the kingdom is committing. It's just repeating the same mistake of 2005," said Hatoon al-Fassi, a history lecturer at King Saud University in Riyadh.

Plutonium leaking from Fukushima reactor: officials

Plutonium has been found in soil at various points in and around Japan's stricken Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear complex, officials of the Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO) admitted March 28. TEPCO vice president Sakae Muto told journalists at the company's latest briefing that test results showing the plutonium came from samples taken last week—while of course insisting that the contamination poses no threat to the public. The plutonium presumably comes from partially-melted MOX fuel from reactor Number 3. (Reuters, DC Bureau, March 28)

Libya: rebels surge west again, pledge oil exports "within days"

Libyan rebels are reported March 28 to be advancing on Moammar Qaddafi's heartland of Sirte after seizing the eastern coastal towns of Ras Lanuf, Brega, Uqayla and Bin Jawad. The rebels re-captured the ports of Ajdabiya and Brega on March 26. The rebels, on the verge of losing their eastern stronghold city of Benghazi before Allied air-strikes began on March 19, have turned the tide and pushed westwards towards Tripoli. (BBC News, Middle East Online, March 27)

Lawmaker proposes halt to US military action in Libya

US Representative Justin Amash (R-MI) on March 25 announced legislation requiring an immediate halt to military action in Libya until Congress authorizes its resumption. The Restoring Essential Constitutional Constraints for Libyan Action Involving the Military (RECLAIM) Act cites Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution while declaring that President Barack Obama must obtain authorization before any further military action is conducted. Amash explained the legislation:

Israel orders evacuation for Tubas-area Bedouin

Evacuation and demolition orders were handed out to a Bedouin family east of Tubas on March 27, local officials told Ma'an News Agency. The orders come amid concern from UNRWA officials who noted a near two-fold increase in home demolitions during the first two months of 2011. Nabil Mustafa Daraghmeh, the head of a Bedouin family in the Ein Al-Hilwa area outside of Tubas in the northern West Bank, was served papers demanding he and his family evacuate their tent home and move their herds elsewhere. Palestinian security officials said several Israeli military patrol cars arrived in the area to serve the papers, which gave Daraghmeh one day to leave the area.

West Bank: Beit Ummar to be fenced in from south

For a third day in a row, Israeli forces appeared in large numbers around the southern West Bank town of Beit Ummar March 28, installing road gates and fence posts in a move residents fear will close them in and stifle the population center. Local activist Mohammad Ayyad Awad told Ma'an News Agency that the installation of the infrastructure is impeding freedom of movement in the town, saying residents with cars were not permitted entry and exit for most of the day. Awwad said the installations were part of Israeli military preparations to fence the town in, and prevent residents from accessing the surrounding areas.

Fukushima: Unit 2 evacuated due to elevated radiation

Sharply elevated radiation at the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear complex on March 27 forced an emergency evacuation of of the Number 2 unit. The concerns began when a worker attempting to measure radiation levels of water puddles there saw the reading on his dosimeter jump beyond 1 sievert per hour, the highest reading. Michiaki Furukawa, a nuclear chemist and board member of the Citizens’ Nuclear Information Center, a Tokyo watchdog group, said exposure to 1 sievert of radiation would induce nausea and vomiting, while levels between 3 to 5 sieverts an hour could be lethal. Yukio Edano, the Japanese government’s top spokesman, told a press briefing that it appeared the radioactive puddles had developed when the No. 2 unit’s fuel rods were exposed to air but that "we don’t at this time believe they are melting. We’re confident that we are able to keep them cool." (NYT, March 28)

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