WW4 Report

New coalition bridges Iraq war, climate change

From No War, No Warming:

Fight Climate Change, Not Wars for Oil!
It’s time to bridge the divide between the peace movement and the climate action movement. For far too long, our groups have been working on one or the other of these issues, but now is the time to acknowledge the ways in which these issues are linked and the need for people throughout the world to take action to end both war and climate change!

Iraq: teachers strike in Sadr City

From the Iraq Freedom Congress, March 6:

Iraq Freedom Congress supports the Teachers Strike in Althawra (Sadr City)
A strike by education staff of more than 21 high schools that began last week continues into its second week. School staff, concerned about safety, wages and inflation, have raised their demands to the Ministry of Education.

Iraq: civil resistance Safety Force averts terror attack

From the Iraq Freedom Congress, March 6:

The Safety Force Save Tens of Innocent Lives in Baghdad
The IFC Safety Force discovered that a car parked in Babalsharqi region in the middle of Baghdad was rigged for detonation and was to be blown up in the morning when people arrived for work and shopping.

Military families oppose Pelosi plan

From Military Families Speak Out, March 8:

Military Families Oppose House Democratic Leadership Plan for Iraq
MFSO Says Pelosi Plan Condemns at Least 1,500 Troops to Death

Washington D.C. — Military Families Speak Out (MFSO), an organization of over 3,200 military families who are opposed to the war in Iraq, expressed dismay and outrage at the plan unveiled by House Democrats today that would delay the withdrawal of U.S. combat troops until the fall of 2008.

Senegal: million pilgrims honor Sufi saint

From Reuters, March 8:

More than a million Muslim pilgrims packed Senegal's remote northeastern city of Touba on Thursday as members of the powerful Mouride brotherhood flocked to "Africa's Mecca" from across the world.

Niger: Tuareg revolt back on?

Niger's military reports killing at least five "armed bandits" in a remote Saharan region still largely outside state control more than 10 years after the end of a rebellion by desert nomads. A defense ministry statement said soldiers seized three vehicles, automatic rifles, munitions and a rocket-propelled grenade launcher in the March 1 clashes near Ouraren in Arlit province, 1,280 kilometers northeast of the capital Niamey. Military sources said that armed men also attacked two public buses, injuring two passengers and robbing others that day on the road between the main regional towns of Arlit and Agadez. "Search operations" are said to be underway.

Saudi Arabia: woman sentenced to 90 lashes for getting raped

OK, Fox News may be touting this story for bad, Islamophobic reasons. One of the ironies of our times is that jingoistic propagandists like Fox are bashing US allies like Saudi Arabia, while "progressives" in the West are lining up with reactionary political Islam—even if it means cutting slack for US client states. Are we the only ones who feel like we're through the looking glass here? March 6:

"Ghost detainees" from secret CIA gulag to Gitmo tribunals

From the Center for Constitutional Rights via Buzzflash, March 6:

US to Put 14 Ghost Detainees From CIA Black Sites Before Sham Tribunals at Guantanamo

Today the Center for Constitutional Rights issued a statement in response to the news that CCR's client, Majid Khan, one of the 14 so-called high value detainees at Guantánamo who were kept in secret CIA prisons and tortured before being transferred to Guantánamo in September 2006, would be brought before the Combatant Status Review Tribunal despite having been denied access to counsel:

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