Feds seal off Siskiyou National Forest protest zone

Authorities at Oregon's Siskiyou National Forest have closed public access to an area where protesters have been blocking loggers from felling trees in an old growth forest reserve partially damaged by fire. Protesters have been trying to prevent a crew from going to work on the Fiddler timber sale in a remote area bordering the Kalmiopsis Wilderness since a federal court injunction was lifted March 7. Eleven people were arrested March 7 and 11 more last week.

Protesters want to stop any logging before rulings are made in two federal lawsuits challenging the logging. "I don't know what else to do to stop this destruction to our forests, so I'm going to sit down in front of the trucks again," said Joan Norman, 72, of Cave Junction. (AP, March 14, from the Siskiyou Project website)