We Lurch Resolutely into the Future...
Dear Readers:
We are depending on the success of our winter fund drive to pay for our long-awaited redesign, which we hope will be a more general reboot of World War 4 Report. Our total now stands at $1,225, which is not bad for a start. But we really need to raise $5,000 to meet the costs of the redesign and to get us through the winter. That means we currently have $3,775 to go. Can we depend on you, readers?
So far, we have received a few but very generous donations. We would rather receive just asmall donation—from each of our thousands of readers. So, if you are reading this: If not you, who? And if not now, when?
We also asked in last month's Exit Poll if World War 4 Report is still relevant ten years after its launch in the immediate wake of the 9-11 disaster. We've heard from around 15 readers. We think we have more than 15 readers. Do you appreciate out work? Please let us know. Do you not appreciate out work? Please let us know too.
We are now grappling with another question. We explain in our Mission Statement what we mean by "World War 4." But we are considering changing our name when we do our make-over, to something that reflects the post-GWOT era that we are hopefully entering. The "Global War on Terrorism" obviously still continues, even if Obama has dropped that particular nomenclature. But perhaps it will no longer be the paradigmatic conflict on the planet, as popular revolutionary movements gain ground from Tahrir Square to Wall Street. Let us know if you support a name-change, and if you have any suggestions for the new one.
Please ensure that we will be around to document, criticize and incite in the new world situation now in the making.
We need your support, and your feedback.
Thank you, shukran and gracias,
Bill Weinberg
Send checks payable to World War 4 Report to:
World War 4 Report
121 Fifth Ave. #172
Brooklyn, NY 11217
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Write us at:
feedback (a) classic.countervortex.org
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