Daily Report

Colombia: jailed para leaders barred from politics

Colombia April 3 denied a request from jailed paramilitary leaders to campaign for candidates in local elections. Fourteen of about 60 para bosses jailed near Medellin sought permission to campaign in their cental and northern hometowns on behalf of gubernatorial and mayoral candidates in October's elections. "The president does not think it would be viable for them to leave jail," Colombian Peace Commissioner Luis Carlos Restrepo told local radio.

Iran to release UK sailors; oil prices drop

Oil prices fell from $68.38 to $66.93 hours after Iran decided to free 15 UK naval personnel it holds captive, easing fears that the international dispute could escalate and disrupt crude supplies. (Forbes, April 4) Meanwhile, it was revealed that Robert Levinson, a US citizen who mysteriously disappeared on a business trip in Iran last month, is a former FBI agent. (AP, April 5)

Iran: US backing Baluch rebels?

According to investigative reports by ABC, the CIA has carefully maintained ties and links with the Pakistan-based insurgent group Jundallah, a band of Baloch separatists fighting for an independent Balochestan, a region which straddles southeast Iran and southwest Pakistan. Iranian authorities accuse Jundallah for perpetrating numerous bombings and shootings in Iran's southeast in recent months. (Reuters via Madrid11.net, April 4)

China and Sudan reaffirm military ties

Cao Gangchuan, China's defence minister, pledged to maintain military ties with Sudan during the visit of Sudanese officials to Beijing. China has blocked efforts in the UN Security Council to dispatch peacekeepers to the violence-plagued western Sudanese region of Darfur, which has established important oil-links with China. (AlJazeera, April 3)

Kirkuk: insurgents kill workers

Eleven electricity plant workers were killed in an ambush as they drove to work in northern Iraq April 4. Police said gunmen stopped a vehicle carrying the workers near Hawija, about 70 kilometers southwest of Kirkuk, then sprayed it with gunfire. Seven of the workers died instantly; four others were fatally wounded. (Reuters via Zaman, Turkey, April 4)

Colombia seeks Israelis in paramilitary scandal

Interpol issued an international arrest warrant April 3 for three Israelis accused of training illegal paramilitary groups in Colombia. Yair Klein, Melnik Ferri and Tzedaka Abraham are being sought on charges of criminal conspiracy and instruction in terrorism, facing nearly 11 years in prison if convicted, an anonymous Colombian intelligence source said. The men are accused of helping set up training camps to instruct the private armies of drug lords Pablo Escobar and Gonzalo Rodriguez Gacha. These armies later morphed into Colombia's right-wing paramilitaries.

Israel planning Syria attack?

Haaretz, citing Israeli military sources, reported April 2 that the Israeli Defense Forces are preparing for the possibility of a Syrian attack on the Golan Heights that will start as a result of a "miscalculation" on the part of the Syrians. The Israelis supposedly fear that the Syrians fear Israel is planning to strike Syria and Lebanon simultaneous with US strikes on Iran. Prime Minister Ehud Olmert was reportedly appraised of the hair-trigger situation when he visited IDF forces in the North last week.

Somalia: Mogadishu evacuated; pirates besiege harbor

As Somali insurgents square off against Ethiopian and government troops in Somalia's capital city of Mogadishu, bands of pirates have been making life increasingly difficult for ships coming in and out of the city's harbour. An Indian cargo vessel was hijacked April 2, and a UAE-registered ship narrowly managed escape as it pulled into the sea April 4. (Madrid11.net, April 4)

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