Bill Weinberg

Afghan war widening

The US may soon be facing a counterinsurgency quagmire in Afghanistan as well as Iraq soon, even if the former still fails to grab headlines. Largely because the US has been more effective at grooming proxies to do the fighting, and dying--but US troops are dying too:

Forces surround rebel hide-out in Afghanistan

KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — Afghan and U.S.-led coalition forces surrounded a rebel hide-out in southern Afghanistan on Thursday, and the number of insurgents killed from three days of fighting rose to 102, the defense ministry said.

Who is behind Lebanon violence?

The continuing violence in Lebanon seems to be forcing the situation there to a head:

June 24, 2005
Lebanon's anti-Syrian coalition urges president to resign

Lebanon's anti-Syrian coalition on Thursday accused President Emile Lahoud of being responsible for a series of political assassinations and urged him to resign.

"The gathering affirms ... that the president is providing protection for the existing system and is responsible for all its practices," said a statement by the coalition, which makes up the majority in parliament. "The president's departure would be a main path to law and justice," it added.

Social Security shared data with FBI

With Congress considering new privacy-eroding measures in Patriot Act (and making the law permanent), and similar measures being weighed by the Homeland Security Department, comes this disturbing news. This did make the front page of the NY Times today, albeit below the fold. A good thing this came to light, even if years after the fact. But what's scary is that this is going on without even token approval of Congress. As lawmakers debate the Patriot Act, the bureaucracy bends the rules without even asking permission...

Cop dead in Philly biotech protest

A very unfortunate turn of events at the protests against the biotech industry confab that just concluded in Philadelphia, organized under the banner Biodevastation to Biojustice. This June 21 account from Philly's KYW News Radio:

A Philadelphia police officer involved with a scuffle with protesters outside the Convention Center has died of an apparent heart attack. Officer Paris Williams, 52, a 19-year veteran of the force, was among many Civil Affairs officers monitoring the protest outside the "BIO 2005" conference at the Convention Center.

Zapatistas speak on "Red Alert"

The EZLN has issued a new communique clarifying somewhat the "red alert" announced two days ago. This English translation from the website of the Zapatista Front, civil counterpart of the armed organization, states that the alert is a "precautionary measure" taken as the Zapatista Army holds a "consulta", or consultation meeting with its base communities. The communique remains cryptic on what new strategies are being considered in the consulta.

Chiapas: "antecedents" to Red Alert

The Fray Bartolomé de Las Casas Human Rights Center in Chiapas (Centro FrayBa) offers this June 21 list of "antecedents" to the "red alert" declared by the Zapatista Army two days ago:

1.- Military movements:

For the past two months we have registered movements of the Mexican army, in what constitutes the greatest military movement since the retreat from the seven
positions demanded by the EZLN in 2001:

- El Calvario (early May), in Perla Canyon, influence zone of the paramilitary Revolutionary Anti-zapatista Movement, today identified with the new name Organization for the Defense of Campesino and Indigenous Rights (OPDDIC).

Iran gets "Gary Powers" affair?

Here's an ominous one. We bet this won't be the last we hear of this news item. Where the hell is "Southwestern Asia" and why the secrecy about the location of the crash? Doesn't the secrecy combined with the unsubtle geographic hint pretty much make clear that it is Iran--where the US has admitted to using spy planes?

Propaganda system scores victory: Durbin apologizes for stating the obvious on Gitmo

This one is truly pathetic. Last week Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) quoted from an FBI agent's memo describing detainees at Guantanamo Bay as being chained to the floor without food or water in extreme temperatures. "If I read this to you and did not tell you that it was an FBI agent describing what Americans had done to prisoners in their control, you would most certainly believe this must have been done by Nazis, Soviets in their gulags or some mad regime--Pol Pot or others--that had no concern for human beings," he said. (AP, June 22)

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