In an unprecedented move, striking lawyers from across Tunisia rallied in front of court buildings in Tunis on May 16, effectively bringing all proceedings to a halt. The unified action comes in response to what legal professionals are describing as a dangerous escalation by the government targeting their community. The Tunisia Lawyers Council called [7] for a nationwide strike after police conducted a raid on the headquarters of Tunisia's bar association and arrested Sonia Dahmani, a prominent attorney and critic of the government. The Tunisian General Labor Union (UGTT) joined [8] other civil society organizations in lending their support to the striking lawyers.
Dahmani was arrested over sarcastic remarks she had made on a local television program. She was charged with distributing false information and disrupting public order under Article 24 of Decree 54 [11], a Tunisian national law that purports to combat disseminating "fake news" and rumors on media and the internet.
Dahmani was taking refuge on the Bar Association premises when hooded men stormed [12] the building and took her away on May 11. That same evening, authorities arrested [13] television and radio presenter Borhen Bssais and columnist Mourad Zeghidi under Article 24. These arrests come amid an increasing crackdown [14] by the Tunisian government on dissidents and critics using provisions of Decree 54.
International organizations, including Human Rights Watch, have expressed concern [15] over the use of Article 24, which provides for the fining and imprisonment of up to five years to curb dissent, and have called it a violation of Article 3 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights [16], which guarantees the right to life, liberty and security of the person.
From Jurist [9], May 16; Jurist [17], May 13. Used with permission.