UK settles with Gitmo detainees over torture allegations

The UK government on Nov. 16 announced a settlement with 16 Guantánamo Bay detainees over allegations of torture. Details of the settlement agreement, which are legally bound to a confidentiality agreement, have not been released, although at least seven detainees are expected to receive compensation, with at least one receiving over one million pounds. In return, the 16 detainees—12 of whom had filed suit and four of whom were planning to—agreed to drop a lawsuit against MI5 and M16, Britain's domestic and overseas intelligence agencies, respectively. Although many of the detainees receiving settlement are British citizens, some are not and may be offered asylum as part of the settlement. At least one is still detained in Guantánamo Bay.

From Jurist, Nov. 16. Used with permission.

See our last posts on detainment scandals and the United Kingdom.

Not sure what to say

Well, I almost don't know what to say about this. If they were innocent that is one thing but, do we give people money who have intentions on harming people? I am somewhat confused.

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Ever hear of "innocent untill proven guilty"?

Excuse you! None of those guys have been convicted of anything.