Will Israel attack Iran within the next three months?

No way, that's anti-Semitic conspiracy theory
15% (15 votes)
Definitely, and the US will immediately jump into the fray on Israel's side
36% (36 votes)
Yes, but the US won't back Tel Aviv up
17% (17 votes)
No, the Obama administration will rein Israel in
31% (31 votes)
Total votes: 99


I don't know if Israel will attack Iran in the next three months or not but they will certainly attack Iran sooner or later and apparently sooner is better as far as the U.S. is concerned. To hear the saber rattling that is going on now, one can expect Israel(America's lap dog in the Middle East)to attack as soon as politically possible. America's administration will justify this attack(and our logistical support of it) by declaring Iran a nuclear threat. President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton are hard at work now, laying the groundwork for this attack and our support of it by those very means. It could easily be true that this attack is being held at bay due to the three American hikers now being held in an Iranian prison. It would be bad press if these three young individuals should happen to lose their lives due to a mis-guided Israeli/American missile. The death of three innocent, young American citizens would be far more relevant than the death of however many innocent young Iranian citizens. Of course, should such an unfortunate event become unavoidable the U.S. and Israel could easily enough claim that they were murdered by the Iranian government or that they "committed suicide" in their cell. Common tactics.

Iran has been of strategic importance to interested parties in the U.S. for a long time. A choice piece of real estate for a variety of possible reasons. This is how Saddam Hussein came to power and why. His mission, implied if not openly expressed was to conquer Iran and bring it under our control. We armed Saddam's regime. Biological weapons? We provided them and then conveniently condemned him for using them, albeit, against a target that we did not designate. So Saddam failed to give us Iran. Now if we could have let Saddam have Kuwait the way that we let Israel have the occupied territories things might have gone differently. However, Great Britain owned oil wells there and so such was not to be. Perhaps we will have better "luck" with the Israelis.

Yes, Israel will attack Iran, that would seem inevitable. Within the next three months? Maybe three, maybe two, maybe four but as soon as it is politically feasible, which is to say, as soon as all of the justifications are in place. As soon as the American press has done it's job and sufficiently frightened the American people.

America prides itself on always having the support of its people, no matter how Machiavellian the means of obtaining it.

Bruce DeLaney


Why would the U.S. need Israel to attack Iran if they're already tearing it apart from the inside?


How do you perceive that they are doing that? You mean all the protesters are CIA agents? Spare us. We shot that jive down a long time ago.

The west ...

... can tear Iran apart just by existing. How you gonna keep the kids in burqas (sp?) once they've seen Paris? Whatever the CIA is doing, if anything, would not help things. "Nothing to kill or die for, no religion too ..."

probably not

Maybe an air strike if they think the refining operation needs slapping down but I doubt it. Given Iran's internal state an attack would be a gift to the regime.

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put down a second vote for this answer.

know why I havent seen

know why I havent seen a global research exit poll worth my vote so far? they're all closed questions,
with the answers already mostly formulated in the questions. do I have to believe in an anti-semetic conspiracy to think Israel wont attack Iran? this is silliness, get a better question writer!

Your headline is a sentence fragment

You can feel free to add a comment for further elucidation, but next time please clean up your spelling and grammar. That said, you obviously didn't understand the question, or you would have asked "do I have to believe in an anti-semetic [sic] conspiracy to think Israel will attack Iran?" And what do we have to do with the wacky Global Research?