What is your position on the election in Iran?

I fully support the rightfully elected government of Ahmadinejad.
0% (0 votes)
All power to the people! I am with the protesters.
57% (4 votes)
It is wrong to pick a side. American Imperialism is the real enemy.
43% (3 votes)
Total votes: 7

Change Iran's regime & destroy its illegal nukes.

Now's a good time to work in whatever ways are most productive toward regime change in Islamo-fascist Iran. In its fanaticism this regime has achieved almost universal pariah-hood, even w/ many reactionary clerics in Iran, and probably elsewhere.

THIS time the people PROBABLY WOULD "welcome in the streets w/ flowers," altho the "boots on the ground" option for the Usa is almost unthinkable.

What IS thinkable is the bombing of Iran's illegal nuclear weapons facilities: surely Iran must now be thinking of Israel's destruction of nuclear weapons facilities in Iraq and Syria.

The world needs to keep reminding itself of the price of appeasing fascism in Munich.

You better free your mind instead

Let's see, how many different ways are you full of beans? Let's count.

1. Why is "regime change" in Iran the responsibility of anyone other than the Iranian people?

2. Do you really think the US would be welcomed as liberator for more than five minutes?

3. Whatever good will the US may have among certain disaffected sectors in Iran you would squander by bombing their nuclear facilities—releasing radioactive contamination onto the very people you say want to "liberate."

4. Until you can demonstrate that Iran is developing nuclear weapons, there is nothing "illegal" about the nuclear facilities. For better or worse, all nations are guaranteed the right to peaceful nuclear development under the NPT.

5. I wouldn't be too promiscuous with the Hitler analogy. A lot of people think the hyper-interventionist neocons are the new Nazis.

Thanks to...

...our comrades at The Socialist WebZine for the wording of this poll.