Four years after World Court ruling, no retreat on "Apartheid Wall"

<em />West Bank wall still defies World CourtWest Bank wall still defies World CourtFour years after the ruling of the International Court of Justice at The Hague was handed down, Israel's West Bank "separation barrier"—derided by critics as the "apartheid wall"—has not been moved or dismantled in any of the sections that were held to be in breach international law, the Israeli human rights group B'Tselem said in a press release July 9. B'Tselem reiterated its call for the Israeli government to dismantle every section of the barrier that penetrates the West Bank, cancel the travel permits regime that is part of the barrier project, and compensate the Palestinians who were harmed as a result of the barrier's construction.

In the intervening years, Israel's High Court has continued to issue rulings delineating the sections of the barrier that are in contravention of international law. These sections are currently: around the settlement Alfe Menashe, nullified Sept. 15, 2005; on the village lands of Azzun Atma and An Nabi Elyas, nullified June 15, 2006; and the section by Bil'in, nullified on Sept. 6, 2007. The residents of Bil'in recently received the Israeli army's proposed changed route.

As of May 2008, 409 kilometers of the barrier, 57% of the planned route, have been built; 66 kilometers (9%) are under construction; construction on the remaining 248 kilometers (34%) has not begun. Upon completion of the barrier, 11.9% of the West Bank (including East Jerusalem), will lie west of the barrier or be surrounded completely or partially by the barrier. The areas annexed by the route of the wall are home to 498,000 Palestinians (222,500 in East Jerusalem) living in 92 towns and villages. The planned barrier route also annexes 60 Israeli settlements (including 12 in East Jerusalem), with a total population of 381,000.

B'Tselem states: "The state of Israel has the right and duty to protect its citizens and residents from terrorist attacks. However, if it wants to build a physical barrier between it and the West Bank, according to the courts, it must be built along the Green Line or inside its territory." (Ma'an News Agency, July 9)

See our last posts on Israel and the West Bank.

I think you're mistaken

"In the intervening years, the World Court has continued to issue rulings delineating the sections of the barrier that are in contravention of international law."

-- The decisions you refer to after that were made by the Israeli High Court, and ignored by the IDF. The World Court ruled four years about that about 90% of the wall, wherever its built in occupied territory, rather than on Israeli territory, to be illegal.

Arab Ramadin, which brought a petition against the wall route at the settlement Alfe Menashe to the Israeli High Court, initially got a favorable ruling from the court. The court then screwed Alfe Menashe in a further decision, leaving it within the settlement.

But matters have gotten even worse for Arab Ramadin, the Israeli army recently issued orders to vacate the entire village; where the villagers can go, the army doesn't say.

Thanks, good catch

I made the correction.

More on the fate of Arab Ramadin


Its good to have a wall to keep terroists from killing people.

It doesn't keep rockets out

if no wall the terrorist will come and then the Idf will be forced to kill many Arabs to protect the population of Israel.

The will need to kill them any ways becouse of their suicide wish by using rockets on Israili civilian populations

This will seal there fate and it wont be nice

war is never nice

Britian lost the east coast to the U.S.

Mexico lost Texas

That is just the way it goes

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