Chiapas: 18 sentenced in Acteal massacre

A Mexican federal judge in Chiapas sentenced 18 Tzotzil Maya men to 26 years in prison Aug. 28 on homicide and weapons charges for having participated in the massacre of 45 unarmed Tzotzils at the hamlet of Acteal on Dec. 22, 1997. They were also ordered to pay a total of 800,000 pesos (approx. $800) in damages. Of 87 followers of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) detained in Chenalhó municipality in the aftermath of the massacre, 79 remain imprisoned. The longest sentence, 40 years, was brought against Alfredo Hernández Ruiz. (La Jornada, Sept. 2)

See our last posts on the Mexico and Chiapas, and the Acteal massacre.

Damages the Tzotzil Maya men are to pay for Acteal massacre

Could you please clarify the damages amount. If the Tzotzil Maya men have been ordered to pay Eight hundred thousand Mexican pesos, I think this is approximately Eighty thousand US dollars. Perhaps a few zeros were left out in the article...or being from Australia, I don't understand commas in currency. Thank you

Correct, $80,000

We regret the error. Math is not my strong suit.