US aggression against Iran: one reader writes

Terrifying reports are mounting of imminent US aggression against Iran, and we have been hearing for months ominous rumblings that Israel will actually strike first. Our March issue featured an interview with Bina Darabzand, a leader of Iran's embattled left opposition which rejects both the Ahmadinejad regime and US aggression. Our March Exit Poll was: "Will the US or Israel bomb Iran first? (Or is it all going to blow over?)" To our disappointment, we received only one response:

From The Great Goldberg, somewhere in cyberspace:


WW4 REPORT responds: We sure hope so. And thanks, we need it.

See our last Exit Poll results.

Late-breaking response

From Robbie Liben in Missoula, Montana:

I think the US will. It's not really in Israel's interest to do so at this point in time. And, I think the operations leading to American bombing of Iran have already begun. There are credible reports of covert incursions into Iran already. And, I think Iran's recent seizure of 15 British sailors is the first step in the current Gulf of Tonkin incident. The US (and possibly Britain too) appear to be doing everything they can to provoke a conflict with Iran so they can solemnly say they've been attacked and must respond appropriately.

The Iran gambit could be a

The Iran gambit could be a cover for a partial invasion-occupation of the geographic region of Iran where in the words of the U.S. Department of Energy the "vast majority of Iran's crude oil reserves are located," that is, "in giant onshore fields in the southwestern Khuzestan region near the Iraqi border." Contrary to popular myth, this would not entail going "all the way to Tehran," as a saying attributed to the Neoconservatives has it, but only as far as the greatest concentration of Iran's proven oil reserves extend, where southeastern Iraq borders Khuzestan. See "Iran," U.S. Energy Information Administration, January, 2006, p. 2. As this same report adds, "in September 2005, several bombs were detonated near oil wells in Khuzestan, raising concerns about unrest amongst ethnic Arabs in the region"

Yes, we have noted...

...the Khuzestan angle. The Khuzestan Arabs seem to have good reason to be angry, and we can be sure the CIA is doing everything possilbe to enflame the situation.