Dear WW4 REPORT Readers:
The upcoming anniversary of the September 11 attacks will mark five years that WORLD WAR 4 REPORT has been publishing. We don't know about you, but we think we are needed more than ever.
This will mark a fifth year of permanent war, and a fifth consecutive year of the dumbing down of discourse and reportage—in both the mainstream and "alternative" media. Our reason for being is to resist both war and stupidity, and these are fundamentally unified missions: as George Orwell noted, "the present political chaos is connected with the decay of language, and one can probably bring about some improvement by starting at the verbal end."
We're doing our best. Our monthly e-zine tries to bring you real journalism that encourages readers to think, rather than the opinion pieces so in vogue now that tell the reader what to think. Our daily weblog follows both the mainstream and alternative media with a critical eye for distortion, propaganda and inaccuracy, as well as bringing you under-reported stories from the foreign press. We endeavor to cover corners of the planet overlooked by the media spotlight—not just Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine, but Chiapas, Colombia, Paraguay, Nepal, Xinkiang, Algeria, Mauritania. And instead of just bashing Bush (which is so easy as to be practically superfluous), we try to find anti-militarist, autonomist allies to support in the countries under imperialist assault, especially among indigenous and land-rooted peoples.
We ask our readers to give something once a year. If you "get" what we do, and did not give in our winter fundraiser, please give something today. Once again, we are offering a premium. Hot off the press (thanks to our friends at Autumn Leaves Books in Ithaca, NY) is our new pamphlet—Iraq's Civil Resistance Speaks: Interviews with the Secular Left Opposition, Pt. 2. A sequel to the pamphlet we offered last time, it features our interviews with Houzan Mahmoud and Samir Adil of the Iraq Freedom Congress. Once again, we are offering copies to the first ten people to donate ten dollars or more.
So, please find your category (honestly) on our handy chart, and send something TODAY.
Minors, indigent and prisoners: FREE
Students, fixed-income and unemployed: $5
Working class Jane/Joe: $10
Professionals with health insurance: $25
Trust-fund rads: $50
Upwardly-mobile liberals: $75
Already-have-it-all liberals: $100
Just plain rich liberals: $200
Filthy rich liberals: $400
Confused Republicans who like us because we're "anti-government": $500
Mike Ruppert: $1,000
Barbara Streisand: $2,000
Woody Harrelson: $5,000
George Clooney: $10,000
Paul McCartney: $20,000
Teresa Heinz Kerry: $50,000
George Soros: $100,000
Send checks to:
89 Fifth Ave. #172
Brooklyn NY 11217
Please make checks payable to WORLD WAR 4 REPORT.
Or donate by credit card: [1]
Thank you for your support. We can't do it without you—really.
Bill Weinberg
July 1, 2006