NYC Indymedia Hall of Flame
A typical comments exchange from NYC Indymedia:
BOORISH Orthodox Crusade
Mar 22, 2011 02:45PM EDT
.... http://Your zionist, pro-Jewish leanings fooled no-one.
Your program was smarmy and faked sincere feelings for tre peace, boring and self-indulgent. You always seemd to support aggressions against Arabs from time to time...even your title with the word CRUSADE in it? Wise? Or a self-inside-joke? Why not MOORISH ORTHODOX HOLOCAUST? Or JIHAD? Or--well you get the point.good riddance.
Mar 22, 2011 10:31PM EDT
Bill Weinberg http://Every time I post on Indymedia the responses include at least one textbook case in anti-Semitism. Mr. "good riddance" doesn't even try to hide it, refreshingly. I have never uttered a syllable of defense for Zionism or "aggressions against Arabs." But is there any reason I shouldn't be "pro-Jewish"? Of course I'm pro-Jewish. Forgot to use your code word there for a minute, didn't you?
The name Moorish Orthodox Radio Crusade was not invented by me but by the show's founder Peter Lamborn Wilson, and was intended as a satire of the various "Christian Radio Crusades" out there. Not an inside joke, but clear political satire. So no, I certainly don't get your "point."
Mar 22, 2011 11:56PM EDT
.... http://Please, Bill...
If I said pro-Christian or false smear of ant- whatever.BUT--just mention the word JEWISH...and BOY OH BOY....FREE SPEECH gets shut down by the BIG BAD BILL!
What a joke.
ps AMY GOODMAN (also JEWISH) also does NOT show up to WBAI studios yet YOU do NOT condemn HER?
ur a fraud dude.
Amy isn't a quack
Mar 23, 2011 12:57AM EDT
Bill Weinberg http://One red herring down.
I fail to understand why you would use "pro-Muslim" as a disparaging remark. Nothing wrong with that. But you clearly used "pro-Jewish" as an insult, and implied I was trying to "fool" people.
Two red herrings down.
Nobody called for your censorship.
Third red herring down.
I will note however, that Indymedia would never tolerate this kind of ethnic taunting if it were directed at any other ethnicity.
Wrong again Bill.
Mar 23, 2011 01:54AM EDT
.... http://Bill, I didn't say the 'pro-Muslim' was a disparaging remark.
But I notice how you leave 'pro-Christian' out.I'd listen to ur show from time to time. Always slamming certain anti-war groups.
Btw-AMY GOODMAN is a SOROS corporaate, zionist shill who simply re-hashes YESTERDAYS news and interviews the ususal suspects. Chomsky, etc.
And INDYMEDIA constantly allows remarks insulting gays, women, Muslims (written by some of the most vile zionists).
And--Perhaps YOU dont like Null cause he's a WHITE MALE? (Perhaps Christian)?
What's wrong with NULL being successful?ALL your un-truths, lies and red-herrings have been exposed AGAIN.
That's exactly my point
Mar 23, 2011 02:10AM EDT
Bill Weinberg http://For you"pro-Jewish" is an insult; "pro-Muslim" and "pro-Christian" are not.
Bill is caught on the glue-trap!
Mar 23, 2011 01:46PM EDT
.... http://Haha!
If you're so proud of the title or ur OLD show mocking 'Christian' shows...and you are supposed to be against all religions - then WHY WOULD you be 'pro-Jewish'?
It's an observation NOT an insult.
It's YOU however who seem to LIKE the fact that Muslim nations are being attacked (you attack anti-war groups) for the protection of israel.The point is - YOU are comfortable endorsing US military actions against Muslim nations: Iran and LIBYA and make a mockery of everything Christian- yet support the Jewish / zionist spin.
you're a fraud- who's finnaly been exposed.
DEBATE continues
Mar 23, 2011 03:07PM EDT
.... http://Since religions are for the weak-minded Bill and are a creation of humankind Bill, then WHY do you support the Taxpayer and Congress funded terrorist state of ISRAEL which has been created due to a BIBLICAL command ?
So, BILL-- do you call for the terror state of ISRAEL to be de-funded, dismantled and de-weaponized?
Mar 23, 2011 03:23PM EDT
Bill Weinberg http://The name pokes fun not at Christianity, but Christian FUNDAMENTALISM. The show always opposed fundamentalism of all stripes.
And I utterly reject the reductionist view that "Jewish" just refers to religion. I am a Jewish atheist, and there are plenty of us.
As an anarchist, I would like to see all states dismantled.
Yes, I know arguing with the anonymous on Indymedia is a glue trap. I'm a sucker, what can I say?
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