Mubarak flees Egypt; "revolution has succeeded"

In a brief and somber surprise televised address Feb. 11, Vice President Omar Suleiman said: "My fellow citizens. In this difficult time that the country is going through, President Mohamed Hosni Mubarak has decided to relieve himself of his position as president and the supreme military council has taken control of the state's affairs. May God protect us." Crowds in Cairo's Tahrir Square erupted into loud cheers, chanting "Egypt is free, Egypt is free!" (ABC, AFP, Feb. 11)

The secretary general of the ruling National Democratic Party also resigned his position and the party. Hossam Badrawi said that Egypt needs new parties now that Hosni Mubarak has resigned after 30 years of rule. Mubarak only appointed Badrawi on Feb. 5 after purging unpopular figures, including secretary general Safwat el-Sherif, in a failed attempt to appease protestors. Badrawi was a member of the upper house of Egypt's parliament, known as the Shura Council. Badrawi reportedly said that the revolution had succeeded. (AHN, Feb. 11)

See our last post on Egypt.

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