Media coverage of Cochabamba climate summit: one reader writes

For the much of April, World War 4 Report editor Bill Weinberg was in Bolivia, covering the World People's Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of the Mother Earth in Cochabamba and related peasant and ecological struggles. Our May Exit Poll was: "Did you see or hear any media coverage of the Bolivia climate summit? Do you think the event was worthy of coverage?" We received one response:

From Lucie McAllister in New York City:

Only on WBAI, and channel 75 (CUNY)

World War 4 Report responds: Thank you, Lucie. But where are the rest of you? Does anyone actually read this website? We went deeply into debt to fund our first-hand Bolivia reportage, and we will be hosting a benefit on June 18 on New York's Lower East Side. Please be there if you can, and help spread the word. And if you found our Bolivia coverage worthwhile, please make a small donation!

Thank you.

See our last Exit Poll results, and our last post on the global climate crisis.