Dear readers:

After a three-month hiatus while I was on assignment in South America, World War 4 Report is resuming publication. Response to our Exit Poll asking the readers to weigh in on the value of our project, and whether it should continue, was strongly favorable. And we finally did reach our $2,000 annual fund-raising goal last month. These are encouraging signs.

We will endeavor to stay on a monthly schedule through the winter, while I am working on several projects, including Petro-Imperialism: the Overstretched American Empire and the Struggle for the Planet's Oil. All those who pledged $25 or more this past year will be receiving a copy.

We will not be having another formal fund drive for six months at least. However, anyone who wishes to encourage us can feel free to make a donation. We are asking all our readers to pitch in to spread the word about World War 4 Report—e.g., by forwarding the mailing for the current issue to those who you think would value our work. Or by giving us a link on your own website.

The Daily Report, which was active only sporadically while I was in Peru, is now being updated each day. Please bookmark it, and feel free to leave comments. Criticism, kudos, corrections and/or annotations are always welcome.

Thank you, shukran and gracias,

Bill Weinberg

Editor, World War 4 Report

Send checks payable to World War 4 Report to:

World War 4 Report
121 Fifth Ave. #172
Brooklyn NY 11217

Or donate by credit card:

Write us at:

feedback (a) classic.countervortex.org