Mexico's destabilization: our readers write
Our June issue featured the stories "The 'Colombianization' of Chihuahua" and "Mexico's Resurgent Guerillas," both from Frontera NorteSur. They noted escalating narco-war violence throughout Mexico, growing talk of military intervention in Washington, and the re-emergence of a guerilla insurgency in the impoverished southern mountains. Our June Exit Poll was: "Is Mexico on the brink of a new Revolution, 100 years after the last one? Will this one also mean nearly a decade of anarchy? Will it be anarchy in the good sense or the bad sense, or (as last time) both?" Much to our chagrin, we received only one response:
From Kim Alphandary in San Diego:
New revolution - NO. The "people" (poor and downtrodden) are doing what they can to survive -- basic survival is their dream. As for the middle class, only after Plan Mexico has been in place for ten years or more, only then might we see revolution, but i doubt it. For those who capitalism has failed -- the Gang have arisen. Gangs are full supporters of capitalist doctrine and totally enmeshed within the system. What do I know, things change fast.
Q: Will this one also mean nearly a decade of anarchy? Will it be anarchy in the good sense or the bad sense, or (as last time) both?
Anarchy - YES. Violent actors will continue unabated, military, police and gangs forever. If the U.S. decides to declare Mexico a failed state, and then to follow up with their plans for a surge, that is going to be some kind of an ultra-bizarre war, who do we send, our green-card-brothers, our Chicanos? or our more trusted non-Latins? This will cause an unprecedented escalation in violence on both sides of the border, perhaps becoming the "North American War", U.S./Mexico at war, Mexican Civil War, U.S.-american Civil War. Canada will figure in this story too, I lack imagination here.
World War 4 Report replies: Thank you, Kim. Glad somebody is paying attention. As for the rest of you (or is there a "rest of you"?): Do we really only have one reader?
See our new feature on Mexico's narco war, and our May Exit Poll results. Please answer our new Exit Poll.
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