Protester halts border wall construction in El Paso

A lone protester at El Paso's Rio Bosque Wetlands Park temporarily halted construction of the US government's border fence Dec. 17, before being arrested by the Texas Rangers. Judy Ackerman, a local Sierra Club activist and founding member of Friends of the Rio Bosque, was one of about 25 who gathered to protest at the construction site. Alone, she donned a work helmet and blocked construction equipment for eight hours. The Border Patrol reportedly called in the Rangers for the arrest. "I am going to stay here until they leave me alone or they arrest me because I believe that the construction of this wall should stop completely," she told supporters. "The river is life; the wall is death." She may face federal charges. (El Diario, Ciudad Juárez; El Paso Times, Bobby Byrd blog, El Paso, Dec. 17)

See our last post on the struggle for the border.

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